Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 295 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 22

Chapter 295 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 22
Therefore, there is no option for whether it is suitable or not.

As long as Gu Fanyin felt that the two of them were inappropriate, he could immediately change it.

Although everything happened so suddenly, Qiao Sheng had already thought about it for a long time, especially after attending this annual meeting.

He was very sure how serious his feelings for Gu Fanyin were.

He no longer hesitated.

He wants her to be his girlfriend.

Those "holding hands and growing old together" that used to be sour for him have now become his expectations for the relationship between the two of them.


Everything has not started yet.

Qiao Sheng's friend was stunned when he heard Qiao Sheng's words, and then began to rub his arms violently, saying: "Fuck, it's so numb, Laozi has goosebumps all over his body!"

Qiao Sheng smiled and went to arrange everyone's seats.

Gu Fanyin was naturally sitting next to Qiao Sheng.

Now that Qiao Sheng is known to everyone in Sima Zhao's heart, he doesn't hide it anymore, he wants to pursue Gu Fanyin, and wants to be able to see Gu Fanyin all the time.

After everyone arrived, the first sister looked at Gu Fanyin and Qiao Sheng who were already seated, her eyes immediately dimmed.

She had a good impression of Qiao Sheng. After Qiao Sheng rejected her, she gradually sublimated into liking, but more of this liking was persistence.

She wanted Qiao Sheng to be placed under her pomegranate skirt.

But now, Gu Fanyin stepped in, took away her glory and made her face ashamed, she couldn't swallow this tone no matter what.

"Hello, can we change seats?" The first sister walked directly to the small anchor in the game area sitting opposite Gu Fanyin, and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, the little anchor was quite flattered. He didn't expect that a little-known little anchor like him would be able to talk to the first lady in the beauty department.

A little girl ran over to him and asked him if he could change the seat. He is a man, so it's hard to refuse him, right?

"Uh..." The little anchor glanced at Qiao Sheng and said without hesitation, "Okay."

Then, he stood up and went to the seat of the first sister.

The first sister thanked her with a smile, and then sat down in the position of the young anchor.

Many people at their table didn't know what happened between Gu Fanyin and the first sister. When they saw her sitting over, they were afraid of embarrassment, so they greeted her kindly and said a few words that she could strike up a conversation with. topic.

As for the expressions of Gu Fanyin, her friend, and Qiao Sheng, it's hard to describe.

None of them expected that the first sister could be so thick-skinned.

Qiao Sheng pissed her off during the rehearsal, and Gu Fanyin pissed off her sister today, and she even changed seats with someone with a smile on her face to sit at the same table with them.

What's the matter, want to disgust them?

"Yinyin, do you mind if I sit here?" After chatting with others, the first sister put her gaze on Gu Fanyin.

Hearing that the first sister called her 'Yin Yin' so affectionately, Gu Fanyin immediately trembled and poked her arm without hesitation.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see how much Gu Fanyin doesn't want to see the first sister.

And Gu Fanyin's friend wanted to hate the first sister for a long time, and when she heard her say that, she immediately said: "I know we might mind, why do you want to change places with others?"

The first sister's face froze, and then she smiled generously: "I think there may be some misunderstanding between Yinyin and I, I want to explain to her, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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