Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 297 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 24

Chapter 297 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 24
Hearing that her friend had already called Qiao Sheng her man, Gu Fanyin couldn't laugh or cry instantly.

The eight characters have not been written yet.

She and Qiao Sheng just added WeChat a few days ago, and everyone said, why do they seem to be talking about getting married?
During the next meal, the first sister didn't speak again, and everyone didn't take the initiative to bring the topic to her. Everyone chatted about the interesting things that happened during the live broadcast or video shooting, and played games, as if It's like the first sister doesn't exist at all.

The first sister is used to the way that no matter where she appears, everyone's eyes are on her. Now, she has suddenly become an invisible person, which is more difficult for her to accept than Qiao Sheng's falling in love with Gu Fanyin.

But the more so, the more she wanted to stay.

If she leaves, it's a real loss.

While Gu Fanyin and her friends were playing the game, they discussed it more than once. Does the first sister really not feel embarrassed?Why does everyone want to avoid her so obviously, but she still stays here?
Is it just to disgust them?

However, seeing the obviously not very good-looking face of the first sister, they didn't feel sick at all, but felt very comfortable.

Do not live by committing sins.

In the process of playing the game, Gu Fanyin didn't know if it was because she took too much advantage from the first sister, she always lost to everyone when playing games.

At the beginning, Gu Fanyin directly accepted the punishment for drinking.

But then there will be one cup after another, no matter how many people there are, they may not be able to bear it.

Without saying a word, Qiao Sheng poured the wine from Gu Fanyin's cup into his own after Gu Fanyin lost, and drank it down in one gulp.

Everyone was visibly taken aback.

The person concerned didn't realize it until everyone started booing wildly, saying that it would take two drinks for someone else to drink.

Gu Fanyin blushed as she watched Qiao Sheng pour herself another glass, and drank it down in one gulp.

"I... I'll do it." Gu Fanyin said.

"Hey, don't!" Gu Fanyin's friend immediately stopped Gu Fanyin and said, "Isn't it only natural for your man to drink for you!? There is no such thing as a man who asks a woman to drink while a man is around. It's up to you!"

Gu Fanyin knew that her friend was joking, and she was afraid that Qiao Sheng would take it seriously, so she quickly explained: "Don't listen to her nonsense, she is joking!"

She and Qiao Sheng are not together yet.

Gu Fanyin was afraid that Qiao Sheng would scare her away when she heard her friend talk about Gu Fanyin's man.

But she didn't expect that after Qiao Sheng heard her words, he didn't know if he was really drunk or wanted to express his feelings while drinking, so he immediately said: "She's right. Men shouldn't let own woman to drink."

As soon as Qiao Sheng said this, everyone started booing wildly.

They almost vomited from drinking, and the two of them even sprinkled dog food.

"No, no! If you spill dog food, you will be responsible!"

"How are you responsible?" Qiao Sheng saw that Gu Fanyin had not separated from him, and this time he was really on top.

"We must have a cup of wine!" Qiao Sheng's friend yelled: "Let the dog food come more violently!"

Qiao Sheng was stunned when he heard this.

Let's have a drink...

He immediately turned his head to look at Gu Fanyin.

Gu Fanyin was sitting there right now, looking up at him with a light in her eyes.

'The way she looks at you, you can tell at a glance that she is interested in you! '

The words of Qiao Sheng's friend immediately came to Qiao Sheng's mind.


She should also like him, right?

(End of this chapter)

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