Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 315 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 42

Chapter 315 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 42

If it was placed before the matchmaking with Qiao Sheng, she would definitely refuse without even thinking about it.

But after playing a few rounds with Qiao Sheng, Gu Fanyin watched her score soar, and silently felt that she was still of a certain standard.

Isn't that right, did you win every game?

Moreover, her head count is no longer the one with the least number of rounds!

"Okay." Gu Fanyin replied.

"Okay~" Qiao Sheng immediately said happily after hearing Gu Fanyin's response, "Then can I post a Weibo announcement first?"

"Yes." Gu Fanyin said.

Within a few seconds, Gu Fanyin's cell phone ding-dong.

Gu Fanyin turned on the notification on her mobile phone with a clear face.

Sure enough, it was Qiao Sheng's Weibo post.

[Tomorrow night there will be a double row of surprise characters!At eight o'clock tomorrow night, remember to come to the live broadcast room on time~]
After he posted this Weibo, many night owls immediately replied to him.

[Could it be another female anchor arranged by the website? ] someone asked.

Someone immediately replied to him, saying: [Surprise character!If it's really the female anchor arranged, Brother Sheng must have posted a promotional copy from a random website, and wouldn't post it on Weibo like this~]
Everyone began to guess who the surprise figure would be tomorrow night.

[It can't be Gu Fanyin, right? ] Finally, someone's eyes fell on Gu Fanyin.


Gu Fanyin clicked on those replies, and saw several people who used her photo as their avatar replied: [Our grandma can't play games! ]
Gu Fanyin: ...

It seems that she is a game idiot has long been known.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Fanyin looks forward to how surprised her fans will be when she appears in Qiao Sheng's live broadcast room tomorrow night.

For this reason, after Gu Fanyin woke up the next day, she took Qiao Sheng to practice hard during the day.

The more you practice, the stronger Gu Fanyin's self-confidence becomes.

In one game, she even won the mvp!

Eight O'clock.

Qiao Sheng started the live broadcast on time.

Because the trailer was released in the middle of the night, saying that there would be surprise characters, so many people who heard the news flooded into the live broadcast room at [-] o'clock.

Could it be some star?
Now other websites have events where anchors and celebrities rank together, and their Brother Sheng is also assigned a star partner by the website?

Qiao Sheng didn't talk nonsense. After saying hello to everyone, he said that he was playing the entertainment game today and not playing ranked, and then he pulled someone in.

It looks like a woman.

Could it be a female star?

"Open the microphone and say hello to everyone~" Qiao Sheng said.

Upon hearing the words, Gu Fanyin quickly turned on the microphone and said, "Hi everyone~"

Many CP fans of Qiao Sheng and Gu Fanyin immediately posted Gu Fanyin's name below.

[Madam doesn’t know how to play games? ] A fan asked.

"I just started playing recently, so I didn't play very well. Don't laugh at me later." Gu Fanyin replied with a smile.

[Ahhhh!Is it to play games for male theology? ]
[I'm sour first. ]
[I admire it!When will this fairy love be my turn! ]
Everyone thought that Gu Fanyin came to play games because of Qiao Sheng.

Gu Fanyin, who had said in the video that she had never played a game, suddenly played a game and didn't have to wash it.

The two definitely have tricks!
Maybe, it's already been hidden for a long time!

The CP fans all screamed like groundhogs.

Tonight is destined to be a carnival for cp fans.

The bullet screen was swiping up so fast that Gu Fanyin couldn't understand what everyone was saying.

(End of this chapter)

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