Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 333 Is the suzerain in love?The kind that don't die 13

Chapter 333 Is the suzerain in love?The kind that don't die 13
"This young master, this lady, do you want to stay at the inn?" Before Gu Fanyin and Jing Ziqing reached the entrance of the inn, the waiter from the inn came out to welcome them, and said to them with a smile.

Jing Ziqing's face instantly flushed red.

He-he-he actually said... Master and him are lovers!
"We don't, no..."

"En." Gu Fanyin nodded before Jing Ziqing finished speaking.

Jing Ziqing's expression froze instantly.

What did he hear?
The master didn't refute or explain, and just responded to the waiter's words?

Isn't that...

Acknowledging the relationship between the two of them?

Jing Ziqing remained dazed until the two of them chose a superior room and went in with their bags.

"Why do you..."

"Outside, just call me by my name." Gu Fanyin explained why she responded to the waiter's words just now, and said, "You said, only by integrating yourself into the environment can you experience this kind of happiness."

Jing Ziqing: ...

Then I didn't let you say that we are husband and wife.

Jing Ziqing looked at the only bed in the superior room, her temples protruding.

He discovered that after going down the mountain, Gu Fanyin became an existence who needed his protection and his guidance. She was not familiar with everything in the secular world.

It's like a baby who doesn't touch a trace of dust.

Made him want to take care of him.

Of course, it's more than that.

Jing Ziqing never thought that his master's smile could be so beautiful.

Just like the sun, it can dispel all darkness.

Even a candied haws can make her smile crookedly.

Jing Ziqing began to rack her brains to take Gu Fanyin to experience the beauty of the world, so that she could show more smiles.

Seeing her happy, his heart seemed to be filled.

The two used "husband and wife" as a disguise when traveling north and south. They would stay for two more days when they encountered beautiful scenery, play a few more times when they encountered interesting things, and would draw their swords to help when encountering injustice.

In a year's time, the relationship between the two grew faster than his years on the lonely peak.

The relationship between the two gradually shifted from the status of 'teacher and apprentice' to that of 'friend'.

For Jing Ziqing, Gu Fanyin is more like a close friend of his, who can share all the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys with him, and can go to the rivers and lakes together, sharing joys and sorrows.

Seeing that Jing Ziqing's attitude towards her became more and more natural, and the distance between the two became less and less obvious, Gu Fanyin was relieved.

She took Jing Ziqing as her apprentice so that she could have more opportunities to get in touch with him in a legitimate way, not to make Jing Ziqing respect her and give her a pension.

But who knows, after accepting Jing Ziqing as her apprentice, she seemed to recognize a "godson".

This will not work.

Gu Fanyin heard Jing Ziqing talk about things in the world, so she quickly proposed to come out and take a walk with him to get a taste of the customs of the world.

Now it seems……

The effect is good.

Her selfish goal was achieved.

He has unconsciously changed that strange 'respecting the old' attitude towards her.

Jing Ziqing really knew the change in his feelings for Gu Fanyin was when Gu Fanyin was confessed in the street, saying that he was willing to give Gu Fanyin all the family's belongings, and she had absolute power at home. When angry.

At that time, he was still thinking that he might be so angry because he saw Gu Fanyin being desecrated.

But he can't lie to himself...

He had thought in his heart that if it was him, he would not only be willing to give Gu Fanyin all his belongings, he would even give her his life, even if she was only willing to give him a look.

(End of this chapter)

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