Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 53 I Want To Sleep When I See You 53

Chapter 53 I Want To Sleep When I See You 53
Come here, I must take some photos back.


A group of media reporters began to hold up their shooting equipment and frantically took pictures of the two who were giggling.

Of course, it is impossible for Gu Fanyin to refuse Yi Chen's marriage proposal.

After Yi Chen brought the proposal ring to Gu Fanyin's hands, both of them seemed to have forgotten that there were still a bunch of media reporters, and happily got into the car and left.

Media reporter:? ? ?

They all proposed in front of people, didn't they just want to stir up the heat?How could the two leave without saying anything?

The two of them played their cards too out of routine.

Ordinary business people also need to maintain enthusiasm for themselves and the brand. Occasionally, they will have a girlfriend in the entertainment industry, and they will show their faces and send out newsletters.

So, when Yi Chen appeared, the reporters thought that Yi Chen would cooperate with their interview.

Now it seems……

Where does Mr. Yi need to maintain his enthusiasm?
I'm afraid it's because too many people complained about the complicated relationship between him and Gu Fanyin on the Internet, so the boss came out to support Gu Fanyin.


The more I think about it, the more I feel envious.

Gu Fanyin is also very lucky.

The road to stardom is bright, and love has once again found such a well-known clean and self-sufficient boss.

Gu Fanyin and Yi Chen really just forgot about the existence of media reporters, otherwise, Gu Fanyin, as a person in the entertainment industry, would definitely accept an interview from the media.

"Don't worry, buy whoever writes it." Yi Chen was not at all worried that those media reporters would post random news, and said while driving.

Gu Fanyin: ...

She found that the domineering aura on Yi Chen's body was getting stronger and stronger.

"Okay." Gu Fanyin nodded amusedly, this kind of atmosphere is obviously not suitable for arguing with Yi Chen about whether to buy or not.

But Yi Chen observed the smile on Gu Fanyin's face through the rearview mirror.

The little assistant really said it well.

Women just like domineering men.

Yi Chen thought to himself, although those novels about domineering presidents are very childish and unintelligent, but...women really like this kind of man, so he still needs to learn.

One day, Gu Fanyin who accidentally opened the reading software on Yichen's mobile phone: ...

Her husband's brain is probably a little problem.

Gu Fanyin was originally worried about those media reporters writing scribbles, but when Gu Fanyin took out her mobile phone to check Weibo the next day, she realized that no one spammed her or hacked her.

As for what those media wrote...

[Life winner Gu Fanyin. 】

[Marry into a wealthy family, marry into love. 】

【Gu Fanyin may have really saved the Milky Way in her previous life. 】


Could it be that Yi Chen has already contacted them privately?
Gu Fanyin first read the comments on the Weibo posted by Yi Chen, then looked at the Weibo posted by Yi's Enterprise, and finally went to her own Weibo.

She looked through the comment area for a long time, but she didn't see a comment that blacked her out.

Under Yi Chen's comment section, many of her male fans were teasing him, saying that the feud of taking a wife is irreconcilable. Under the official blog of Yi Chen's enterprise, many young girls asked if they still lacked a second wife. Below her Weibo...

Everyone was basically unanimous in expressing their admiration for her.

looks beautiful.

Good luck.

Love is beautiful.

If you want money, you can have money, if you want sex, you can't even find a man.

Even, many people who had criticized Gu Fanyin in the past ran to her Weibo to apologize, asking if they could take advantage of her good luck after the apology, and give them a beautiful love.

Gu Fanyin couldn't laugh or cry at everyone's divine reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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