Fundamentals of Catching Immortals

Chapter 13 The auntie bird

Chapter 13

"Daoist! Daoist!"

It was just dawn, and the morning mist had not yet been cleared away by the light, a series of anxious shouts dragged Axu out of his dark sleep.

She opened her eyes and looked around in a daze, only to realize that this was not her own cabin.After a while, she remembered where she was from. She moved her hands and feet and found that she could move freely.

A Xu turned his head to look, and saw He Shiyi was already standing by the door at some point, stretching out his hand to open the door.

Outside the door, there are four or five villagers, the leader of which is the short-tempered Tie Zhu who is less than 20 years old.

"It's not good, Daoist! Last night..." Tie Zhu suddenly became dumb, and his eyes fell on the bed in the room.

A Xu was sitting on the edge of the bed with bare feet, with a face that was about to wake up, he was propping up the bed with one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other.


Tie Zhu's mouth was wide open, and his eyes were wide open as he watched A Xu slowly get off the bed. The villagers around him also had the same expression, and they were all shocked beyond measure. That nun is amazing.

"What happened last night?" A Xu woke up in a panic, walked to the door, and opened his mouth to ask.

"Ah..." Only then did Tie Zhu regain his thoughts, remembering the reason why he and several neighbors hurriedly searched for it.His face was ugly, and he continued: "Last night, sister-in-law Liu's youngest son was lost!"

Lost a baby again? !

A Xu's eyes widened in vain, and he was fully awake at this moment.She stretched out her hand to grab Tie Zhu's wrist, and opened her mouth to ask, "I lost my baby again? How did this happen..." Angry and remorseful, she raised her hand and slammed herself on the head, blaming herself, "Last night I shouldn't be sleeping, oops! I planned to watch the movement in the village, why did I fall asleep!"

Axu walked back and forth twice in the same place, and grabbed the iron pillar again anxiously: "Go, take me to have a look!"

A group of people immediately surrounded Ah Xu and led her outside.A Xu took two steps, then suddenly stopped and turned to look at He Shiyi who was still standing in the room: "A He, why don't you go!"


Furious and anxious, Ah Xu stomped his foot and pointed at He Shiyi's nose and said, "I blamed you for bullying me last night, otherwise I would not have fallen asleep! I am half responsible and you are half responsible. Don't expect to stay out of it." .Hurry up and come with me!"

All the villagers heard these words in their ears and tainted them in their hearts.It's just that he is in a hurry now, and he doesn't care to think about the beauty in it, so he just dodges to see He Shiyi.

He Shiyi heard the words, but didn't refute anything, so he followed.

A group of people came to Liu's house, and before they opened the fence gate, they saw loud weeping coming from the house, and the yard was full of villagers, all of them headed into the house with panic and heartache on their faces voila.

"The two priests are here, hurry up and give way!"

Tie Zhu pushed away the crowd and let A Xu and He Shiyi enter the courtyard.Everyone turned their eyes to the two and watched them enter the house.

In the room, a young woman less than 30 years old was sitting on the ground with a small dress in her arms and crying loudly. A man was squatting beside her, his head was hanging down and he was choking. The young woman, who was very similar in sex, was also shaking and wiping away her tears.

"My maomao, my son! Where have you been! Don't be naughty, come back quickly! Mother's heart, mother's son..."

Seeing the woman holding the little clothes and crying heart-rendingly, Ah Xu's nose felt sour and his eyes turned red.She stepped forward and squatted down, holding back and holding back the choked sobs welling up in her throat.

"Auntie, I will help you find your son." A Xu sniffled, stood up and looked around with fists clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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