Fundamentals of Catching Immortals

Chapter 60 The Nightmare-Eating Tapir

Chapter 60 The Nightmare-Eating Tapir (21)

The fermented rice is neither hot nor cold, smooth and sweet in the mouth.After taking a sip, it slid down his throat and into his stomach before he could taste it carefully, and his stomach felt hot all of a sudden, so happy that Axu opened his mouth and took a second sip.

One sip, two sips, A Xu took one sip after another, the mouth was sweet but not greasy, the fragrance of the wine was accompanied by the smooth and tender wine, before she could drink it to her heart's content, the bottom of the bowl was empty.She licked her lips, handed the empty bowl to the old man, and smiled so that her eyes crescented into crescents: "Master, please add another bowl, not only the sweet soup, but also the fermented rice."

The uncle saw that A Xu was drinking happily, as if his craftsmanship had been affirmed, so he was also happy, and while reaching for the wine, he chatted with A Xu: "Little girl, are you an outsider?"

"Master, how do you know?" A Xu opened his eyes wide and blinked.

"People in our village don't dare to let go of their stomachs like you. If you brew these two bowls of wine, if you don't have enough food to fill your stomach, don't you want to be upset?"

Hearing this, Ah Xu subconsciously turned his head to look elsewhere. The surroundings were still bustling. There seemed to be more snacks on both sides of the street than Jiangcai. Many shops couldn’t sit in the doors, so they put the stalls on the street, and set up a huge oilcloth umbrella at the door. There are three or five small tables under the umbrella, and the guests sitting at the tables are all smiling, some are holding a few skewers of skewers in their hands, and some are holding a big bowl of noodles with fried sauce. Have a happy face.

It really is a lot to eat.

Ah Xu swallowed, feeling empty in her stomach, as if if she were given a whole cow now, she would be able to eat it without blinking.

"Little girl, why don't I make you a little less fermented rice, and the sweet soup is enough, so I won't charge you for this bowl, and it will save your stomach." Seeing A Xu's expression, the old man said cheerfully.

Axu waved his little hand: "No need! Don't worry, sir, don't think I'm small, I might eat it!"

That being the case, the old man who sold the wine didn't say anything anymore, so he filled a bowl for A Xu again, and handed the wine over happily.

A Xu took a big gulp of the wine, and after half the bowl went down, A Xu raised his head and let out a long sigh, licking his lower lip in satisfaction.

"Oh, sir," Ah Xu suddenly thought of something, and opened his mouth to ask, "What's the name of this place?"

"The little girl doesn't know? Our place is the Land of Paradise." The uncle said cheerfully.

A word startled Ah Xu, she almost jumped up, and said: "This is the Land of Paradise?! No wonder!"

"No wonder why?"

"We just plan to come here to buy some dry food, so we can eat on the road!" A Xu blurted out.

"You? You are the only one here. Who are you?"

A Xu opened his mouth, but before the words came out, he got stuck again.She tilted her head, looking at the word "wine niang" on the vertical banner beside the old man's wine brewing stall, her mind was once again in chaos.

"We...we, and...and..."

A Xu always felt that he had forgotten something, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't speak them out.Her mind seemed to be full of paste, and she struggled to move, but she tried harder to think, but the more she tried, the more confused she became.

"Hehe, little girl, don't worry about it! Go over there and have a look, the Leji Liangdong there is about to be ready!"

Sure enough, Ah Xu's thoughts were pulled back immediately: "Long Dong? What is Liang Dong?"

"Leji's special cold jelly, made of lotus root starch and tapioca flour into long strips, plated up and frozen with ice cubes, plated up and placed on a crystal plate, sprinkled with various fruit pulps and shredded coconut, served like crystals, Cool and sweet, many little girls like it."

As A Xuguang listened to this, he felt that the saliva in his mouth was going to be uncontrollable.She raised her head and gulped down the rice wine in the bowl, then took out two copper plates, put them in the small wooden box where the old man kept the money, and grinned at the old man: "I'm so hungry, old man, I Here we go!"

(End of this chapter)

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