Fundamentals of Catching Immortals

Chapter 76 The Nightmare-Eating Tapir

Chapter 76 The Nightmare-Eating Tapir (38)
Ah Gui didn't know the name of that mountain, and the boy named A Lan never mentioned it to her.Ah Gui has always only known to wait until the young man came to find her, and with a gadget he got somewhere, he chatted with her about the world with a smile.

"Which direction did he come from, do you remember?"

The leopard named Hongyu shook his head slightly again.

"It seems to be the place where the sun can't shine. Hongyu, let's go!"

The girl Agui rode on the red leopard and headed north with a refreshing fragrance like the wind.

Ruby ran, ran, ran from spring to winter, from warm to cold, until the greenery in the surrounding scenery gradually decreased, and snow white became common. The northernmost place in the world has finally arrived.

The highest mountain in the north is covered with snow all the year round, like a piece of ice that will never melt.Agui was born in a warm mountain forest since she was a child, her skin was blue and purple from the cold, but she looked up with a smile on her face.

"Hongyu, Ah Lan is on that mountain, right?"

Hongbao couldn't speak, and Hongbao looked at Agui silently.

"Hongyu, wait for me at the foot of the mountain, I'll go up to find Alan!"

Red Leopard was a little bit reluctant, always feeling a little worried.It tugged at the hem of Ah Gui's clothes, raised its head and stared at her with eyes as transparent as glass.

"Don't worry, after I find him, I'll come down the mountain to find you." Ah Gui still smiled gently, as if flowers were blooming in the warmth of spring, and seemed to melt the thick snow around her.Red Leopard followed for two steps, until seeing Ah Gui gently tiptoeing, he floated up.

The red leopard was lying in the snow, staring at the top of the mountain, from sunrise to sunset...

How long have you been waiting?

Red panthers can't count, and the snow here never melts.Snow fell on it again and again, and was shaken off by it again and again.In the end, it didn't bother to take care of it, and its body was crushed to the ground by the snow one after another.

Until, looking from a distance, in this pale and vast snow, the last bit of red that is as bright as the setting sun on the red leopard's body can no longer be seen.

Axu frowned and turned over.

He Shishi stood by the bed and stared at her, with his mouth puffed out, holding a piece of candy seriously.

Well, even if Crane Eleven gets up in the middle of the night to steal sweets, he must be cold.

In the dream, Ah Xu showed the same expression in the afternoon again.He Shiyi already understood, but if Axu showed such an expression, it meant that she was not in a good mood.

Could it be that she had another bad dream in the middle of the night?
He Shishi hesitated for a moment, then swallowed the sweets in his mouth.He lay beside Ah Xu, stretched out his fingers, and gently smoothed Ah Xu's frown.

Then, he closed his eyes, and a little spiritual light flashed from his fingertips, and then gradually merged into A Xu's eyebrows.

The red leopard suddenly heard some noises in her ears, she opened her eyes, looked up, and saw a bird landed on her front paws.

Her body was a little stiff, she didn't dare to move, and she was afraid of scaring the bird away.

She waited for too long, and the sound of the breeze was removed from her ears, and there was the sound of snowflakes falling.The bird seemed to awaken her almost frozen soul, and she stared at the bird, gradually warming up her body.

Agui, why hasn't she appeared yet?

Where is the mountain?
Is Alan there?

Could it be... Ah Gui forgot that there was a leopard waiting for her down the mountain?
This leopard was born all red just for her liking?
The red leopard was a little sad, but the little bird that came from nowhere seemed to feel the red leopard's sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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