Fundamentals of Catching Immortals

Chapter 85 Dream Cloud Creek

Chapter 85 Dream Cloud Stream ([-])
As soon as A Xu asked about Weng Village, the old man waved his hands again and again, and said anxiously, "Little girl, don't go to Weng Village, Weng Village is haunted by ghosts! Don't go, don't go."

"Haunted?" A Xu opened his eyes wide, tilted his head and asked, "How about haunted?"

"A lot of people have died. Once you go in, you won't be able to get out! Little girl, you have to listen to the old man, don't go!"

Seeing the uncle getting anxious, A Xu quickly waved his hands: "We're not going to Weng Village, we're just looking for Yunxi, sir, don't worry."

After getting the guarantee, the uncle gradually calmed down his shortness of breath.He pointed in a direction, and then repeatedly reminded Axu to avoid Wengcun.

Axu thanked the uncle, and went back to He Shiyi's side.

"Ahe, that old man said that Yunxi is in that direction, let's go and have a look?"

He Shishi knew in his heart that this little monster, A Xu, would never die without seeing Huang He. Even if someone told her that Yunxi Village was long gone, she would have to see it with her own eyes to believe it.He lowered his head to look at Axu's feet covered in mud, flicked his fingers lightly, and the mud on Axu's feet disappeared in an instant.

Axu apologized to He Shiyi with a hippie smile, then he was familiar with the way and grabbed He Shiyi's sleeve, and pulled him to the direction pointed by the old man Jiangcai while humming a song.

"Master General Cai said that Weng Village is haunted by ghosts." As Xu walked, he said, "Ahe, you passed by Weng Village before. Are there ghosts there?"

Crane Eleven shook his head.It was nearly 100 years ago when he passed Weng Village.

Ah Xu is a good boy, the old man is like her master, she always listens to what the old man says.

"Strange...don't worry, just point out where Weng Village is, and let's just walk around."

Hearing what He Shiyi said, he pointed in the direction of Weng Village. As expected, Axu was obedient, and walked around the direction He Shili pointed while searching for Yunxi.

It was getting dark, and just when Ah Xu thought he would not find Yunxi Village again this day, and was about to find a place with a leeward wind to sleep, he saw a faint light not far away.

Axu squinted her eyes and saw a village vaguely. She raised her head and asked He Shiyi hesitantly, "Ahe, is that Weng Village?"

Crane Eleven shook his head.

Axu's eyes lit up immediately: "Then it must be Yunxi Village, let's go and have a look!"

Along the creek, Axu took He Shiyi to the village.Ah Qing slept for a whole day, and now she felt a little hungry, so she poked her head out of Ah Xu's lapel: "Ah Xu, where are we? Huh? It's dark?"

Axu lowered her head happily and said to Ah Qing: "It's Yunxi, look!"

Ah Qing shook her head and followed Ah Xu's fingers, also grinning: "Is there a village? Isn't there meat to eat? Oh, that's great, I'm so tired after driving all day, hurry to the village to rest! "

Ah Xu was too lazy to complain about Ah Qing, his heart was filled with excitement, he stepped on the stones protruding from the water in the Yunxi River, and walked towards the entrance of the village.When she arrived at the entrance of the village, she looked up, and she saw the words "Yunxi Village" written on the archway made of wood.


He Shishi stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the village with his eyes slightly squinted, A Xu was really excited, he had already run a hundred feet away, He Shishi had no choice but to follow.

The village is very lively, and every house is open. Walking along the stone and brick path in the village, Axu can almost smell the aroma of dinner on the tables of various people's homes.

A woman was sitting on the threshold of her house, with a bamboo basket on her knees. There was a layer of edamame in the small basket, and she was peeling the edamame in the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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