Chapter 10 Shura
The rain stopped and the sun shone into Rogue Town, illuminating the buildings at the naval base.

"Bakana, where did Lin Xiao go last night?" In the room, Da Siqi asked with red eyes.

Bakana frowned, she didn't know, but he always felt that something was going to happen today.

At this moment, accompanied by a loud bang, the whole town seemed to be boiling, and the residents fled frantically.

The siren in the town rang for a long time, and Dashiqi and Bakana quickly packed their clothes and rushed out.

"The base actually..."

Looking from the street, there was a knife mark five or six meters long on the surface of the naval base!The residents of the small town ran away covering their heads, apparently they had never seen such a scene.

In the central square, hundreds of sailors surrounded a young man with blood-red eyes. The sailors all showed expressions of disbelief, because this young man was Lin Xiao, who had shined in the selection of the navy.

"Hehe, are you all the murderers who killed Master?" Lin Xiao suddenly sneered.

Suddenly, a fiery breath erupted from Lin Xiao's body.

"Not good! Quickly retreat!"

The black flames were like a wave, drowning the nearby navy in an instant. Dozens of marines were covered in flames, and fell powerlessly to the ground. After struggling a few times, they stopped moving.

"You beast!"

At this moment, a burly middle-aged man waved his fist and rushed towards Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao remembered him as the tester in the strength test area last time.

"Die the animal!"

The fist was approaching, but Lin Xiao easily took it with one hand.

"You also have a wife and children." Lin Xiao asked suddenly.

The middle-aged man swallowed for a moment, staring at Lin Xiao with eyes full of tears.

"How will your family feel when they lose you?"


Suddenly, the middle-aged man's fist turned black, and then, the black quickly spread to his whole body.

The middle-aged man staggered away from Lin Xiao, knelt down, and knocked his head hard on the ground.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" the middle-aged man kept shouting.

In an instant, black flames appeared on the surface of the middle-aged man's body, turning into a burning man, and slowly fell down.

"With such a deep sin hidden in your heart, what right do you have to live?" Lin Xiao sneered.

"Lieutenant Kaski!" the marines yelled.

"Revenge for Lieutenant Commander Kaski!"

With a roar, hundreds of marines rushed towards Lin Xiao, desperate.

"Let you see real blood, Guiche!"

The navy arrived in an instant, and Lin Xiao also drew his sword suddenly.

In just an instant, the dozen or so pirates at the front were the first to bear the brunt, their throats were sealed with a knife, and blood was scattered all over the ground.

"Death to me!"

A navy suddenly inserted a knife into Lin Xiao's back, but it passed through as if it was inserted into the air, and then he lost consciousness.

"One-sword style. Daju cuts together!"

In an instant, a huge blood-colored full moon appeared around Lin Xiao, and those sailors who were close were directly cut off in the middle, and they were bloody immediately.

"Black Purgatory!"

In the blink of an eye, heat waves were churning around Lin Xiao, and the black flames were like the waves of the sea, impacting most of the navy.

One by one, the navy fell to the ground trembling, not even having a chance to howl.

The remaining dozens of marines looked at Lin Xiao in fear, their hands trembling constantly, and some even peed their pants in fright.

"Lin Xiao! What are you doing!"

Lin Xiao turned around, looked at Da Siqi who was full of disbelief, and smiled coldly.

"The play is over, Miss Da Siqi!" Lin Xiao said lightly.

"I've been...what have you been! What do you think of me!" Da Siqi said with tears streaming down her face.

Bakana stared at Lin Xiao quietly, and slowly walked in front of him.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Bakana asked coldly.

Lin Xiaoxie smiled charmingly, and put her hand on Bakana's shoulder.

"Miss Bakana, you claim to be very lucky, do you think you will die today?" Lin Xiao said suddenly.

Bakana's face was covered with cold sweat, she couldn't guess, really couldn't guess.

"Lin Xiao, all of this is not true, right? You and me and Dad, we can hide." Da Siqi smiled with tears.

Lin Xiao turned around and continued walking towards the naval base, because the man hadn't come out yet.

"Lin Xiao!" Da Siqi shouted.

At this moment, a puff of smoke filled the square, Lin Xiao sneered, it seemed that the guy wasn't at the base just now, but he finally arrived.

In the smog, Smoker came out, his bloodshot eyes widened, and he tightly held Qianshou in his hand.

"Why, tell me!" roared Smoker.

"Why? Have you ever seen someone who likes to kill say why when they kill?"

Smoker clenched his weapon and walked towards Lin Xiao step by step.

"I will judge you!"

After the words fell, Smoker turned into smoke soaring into the sky and rushed towards Lin Xiao, but it was very stupid for Lin Xiao to do so.

Just as Misty was approaching Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao punched Misty directly with his fist. Immediately, Misty turned into a human shape and hit a pillar not far away.

"This is... I didn't expect you to reach this level!" Smoker said unwillingly, coughing up blood.

Lin Xiao didn't answer, and slowly walked towards Smoker with a knife.

Suddenly, Da Siqi stood in front of him.

"Step aside!"


Lin Xiao walked in front of Da Siqi coldly and slapped her.

"You... you hit me." Da Siqi cried.

"You said that you can do anything for me and Dad, even if you suffer the cruelest punishment in the world, didn't you?"

Lin Xiao smiled, stroked Da Siqi's long hair, and brought her head to his mouth.

"Da Siqi, you have to remember that without strength, everything is empty talk. I hate people without strength the most, and you are." Lin Xiao said lightly.

Da Siqi raised her head suddenly, looked at Lin Xiao strangely and said, "I will defeat you."

"Hahaha! Then, will Miss Dashiqi cry and run back to sue her father before defeating me? Said that Lin Xiao became a murderous maniac." Lin Xiao joked.

"No! I won't return to my hometown and resign from my post until the moment I defeat you." Da Siqi said firmly with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, you're finally looking good."

Suddenly, Lin Xiao patted Da Siqi's neck lightly, and Da Siqi fainted immediately.

"Bakana, take her away."

With Da Siqi behind her back, Bakana gave Lin Xiao a weird look and left quickly.

Lin Xiao turned around, looked at Smoker coldly and said, "Now, you have to pay the debt for what you did."


The sword in Lin Xiao's hand suddenly made a buzzing sound and kept trembling.

"Heavy swordsmanship, one heavy slash!"

(End of this chapter)

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