Chapter 34


There are two more thin figures in the soldier training ground, namely Nami and Lusha.

At this moment, they are training desperately, even more desperately than the soldiers around them.

Nami put down the dumbbell in her hand, looked at Lusha who was practicing boxing, and sighed.

"Lusha, I always feel that brother Lin Xiao's task this time is not as simple as he said, what do you think?" Nami worried.

Lusha's eyes showed firmness, and she kept waving her fists, sweating profusely.

"I don't know! I just want Lin Xiao to see a different us when he comes back, so Nami, don't think too much about it."

As she said that, Lusha's fist became faster, constantly hitting the stake in front of him.

Nami nodded, she didn't want to lose to Lusha who was younger than herself.


Iron Wall Island, to say that it is a huge island, might as well say that it is a huge lump of iron.

It is said that Iron Wall Island was indeed a piece of irregular iron a long time ago, but after someone moved here, they began to polish the island, and finally through the unremitting efforts of more and more people, this piece of iron finally became A scenic line on the great route.

Looking from a distance, Lin Xiao saw that the edge of the huge island was black, it should be made of iron, the island was square, and there was a towering iron pillar at each of the four corners, with no end in sight, I heard it was a memory Only after the city lord of the city appeared.

"It's finally here. I must leave as soon as possible after completing my mission. My voyage has just begun."

Approaching the island, Lin Xiaocai discovered that this city of memories is much more prosperous than he imagined, with dense high-rise buildings and crowds, like a miniature country.

"I can't imagine that the person who can manage a city into such prosperity is actually a vicious pirate."

Lin Xiao knows that the prosperity is just an appearance, and under this huge city, there are still evil trades such as the slave trade hidden!
"The slave market is not in a hurry. I must first find out whether the reward of the competition is a devil fruit. If so, I need to find out the whereabouts of another fruit."

When the ship finally arrived at the port, Lin Xiao dropped the anchor and jumped off the ship.

"There are so many people, and some of them are not easy to mess with." Lin Xiao looked around and secretly thought.

At this moment, a hearty voice came.

"Hello, my name is Freire, are you also here to participate in the competition?"

Lin Xiao turned around and saw a young man wearing a fiery red coat and a fiery red sword on his waist smiling at him.

"That's right, my name is Lin Xiao. By the way, the No.1 prize this time is a devil fruit?" Lin Xiao tentatively asked.

Confusion appeared on the young man's handsome face, and he shook his head.

"No, the No.2 prize is the devil fruit."

Lin Xiao looked at him in surprise, No.2?What reward will No.1 have?
"I want to know the reward of No. 1, I will tell you secretly, No. 1 can become the apprentice of the city lord!" the young man whispered.

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he had no chance of becoming the champion.

After waving his hands, Lin Xiao walked towards the gate of the City of Memory.

At this time, a person wearing a black cloak slowly came behind the young man.

"Captain, why did you take the initiative to strike up a conversation with this young man? He doesn't have much to show for it." The man in black asked in a low voice.

Freire smiled slightly, turned around and patted the man in black on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Hei, look at that guy's knife, it's of extraordinary quality, it's a monster knife!"

"so what?"

Freire looked at the man in black with hatred, and said: "I feel the blood of that knife. Since this young man can control this knife, he will definitely not be an idler. Meet him in the game!"

The man in black suddenly realized that he was still too tender compared to the captain.

At this moment, a burly figure stepped into the island. The figure's legs were extremely long, and he looked ordinary but had an arrogant smile. He was a long-legged man!

"Yo! Yixiu Randi, you came quite early!" Freire smiled at the long-legged man.

Yixiu Randi smiled disdainfully, and said arrogantly: "The Sword of the Wild Lion came earlier, but the fruit and No. 1 don't go to whoever comes, but rely on strength!"

As he said that, he kicked into the air, making bursts of wind-breaking roars, full of strength!
Freire smiled helplessly, but he didn't care, turned around and walked towards the gate of the City of Memory.

Everyone who comes here knows that when they step through this gate, the memory that is dormant in the back of their mind will be a little less.

However, none of these people regretted it, because even they themselves could not remember the lost memories, and this deal was worth it.

Lin Xiao was walking on the road, seeing that many people walked through the gate safe and sound, so he felt relieved.

"I really don't know if it's my childhood memories on Earth or in this world that disappeared." Lin Xiao thought suddenly.

The entrance door is very large, and the decoration is also very prosperous. It looks like a European-style building in Lin Xiao's previous life, which looks noble and grand.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao took out the mini phone bug in his pocket, which was given to him by the masked man before.

"Why did you die? Then who will receive the bonus after I complete the mission?" Lin Xiao thought in confusion.

Sighing, Lin Xiao continued on his way, looking back at the ships in the port from time to time, and found that his ship was really shabby compared to other ships.

"By the way, which sea are you from?" Frere's voice suddenly came.

Freire caught up at some point and asked with a smile.

"Donghai! What about you?"

"I'm from Xihai. Now that I think about it, my hometown is better." Freire sighed.

Lin Xiao also nodded approvingly. He still misses the days when he lived with Master and Da Siqi even more.

"I think you are also a swordsman, how about a competition if you have time?" Freire suggested.

Lin Xiao took a look at him and saw that he was really extraordinary, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, but I'm afraid that after passing through the door in front, I will forget you."

Freire was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"I said, you really know how to joke, this kind of thing has never happened before." Freire laughed.

"I'm just talking, but, do you know why Chris did this?"

Freire looked pensive. To be honest, he had thought about this question a long time ago, but he didn't find the answer.

However, one thing is for sure, this approach is definitely of great benefit to Kleiss!
"Let's not discuss this for now, by the way, are you a pirate?"

After the words fell, Lin Xiao nodded.

"Um, that's really strange. I don't think Mr. Lin Xiao has a pirate flag on your ship." Freire said puzzled.

Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly. He felt that his schedule was too hasty and he didn't have time to think about it.

In an instant, the gate was in front of him. Lin Xiao took a deep breath and stepped over. Freire didn't seem to care and walked leisurely.

"I said Lin Xiao, you are very nervous!" Freire laughed.

At this moment, Lin Xiao squatted down trembling all over, covering his chest with his hands, widening his bloodshot eyes, heaving violently.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Freire immediately squatted down, patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, and observed his situation.

"Hey... Hey, are you okay?" Freire panicked, he had never encountered such a situation.

Suddenly, the man in black flashed in front of Freire with a gloomy expression.

"Let's go, captain, this boy is being targeted by Kles."

Lin Xiao's expression changed violently, crying for a while, laughing for a while, and growling in his mouth. Then, he knelt down slowly and hit the ground hard with his forehead.

"Have you... been tricked?"

(End of this chapter)

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