Chapter 51 Eat people?

Navy Headquarters.

Zhan Guo sat on the chair, frowned, and quietly looked at the person standing in front of him.

"Huang Yuan, listen to the report from your subordinates, this time you let another person go, are you sure you want to work with this attitude in the future?" Zhan Guo said seriously.

Huang Yuan curled his lips, remained silent, and then walked out slowly.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo sighed and thought: "Are all the students taught by Zefa different?"


On a small island, there is a small town here.

Lin Xiao and others sat in a design shop, waiting quietly.

After a while, a trembling old man came out of the room, holding a blueprint in his hand.

"Sir, this is the pirate flag that the old man made according to your description, see if you are still satisfied?" The old man smiled.

After receiving the blueprint, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. The first thing he saw was a ferocious skull, followed by the black flames around it.

"This kind of momentum is not something that ordinary people can draw!" Lin Xiao exclaimed.

The old man smiled, not at all happy about Lin Xiao's compliment.

"The old man has designed the pirate flag for pirates all his life, and his skills are still rough. If you don't mind the guest, I will give you this flag." The old man smiled.

Lin Xiao thought about it, nodded, and prepared to thank him and leave.


The door was kicked open all of a sudden, and five or six strong men were grinning, dragging a piece of canvas in their hands, with vicious expressions on their faces.

"Bastard! No matter how you look at this flag, it doesn't look right. Are you kidding us?" the person who came in yelled.

The old man took a sip of tea and didn't seem to care.

Lin Xiao observed the patterns on the canvas curiously, and found that there was indeed a sense of stupidity and wretchedness, and when he thought of his own patterns, he couldn't help but become suspicious.

"You may be mistaken. Look at my flag, which was also designed by this old man." Lin Xiao explained.

After hearing this, several people couldn't help looking at the pattern in Lin Xiao's hand, and their eyes widened instantly.

"The Pirate Flag is one of the souls of a pirate group. I just designed it according to your own temperament and personality characteristics." The old man said suddenly.

After the words fell, everyone stared at the old man with disbelief on their faces. This way of completely ignoring the feelings of customers is too capricious.

"How did he live to be so big?" Everyone was puzzled.

The faces of those big men turned red with anger, and they drew out their knives and slashed directly on the counter.

"Hurry up...make ours like this kid!" The big man in the head shouted viciously.

Seeing the viciousness of this person, the old man showed a little panic in his eyes, and quickly turned his head to look into the house.

"Son, someone bullied your father!"

"Um, I... I didn't touch you..."

Lin Xiao, who was about to drive them away, frowned slightly, because he felt a violent breath in the house for a moment, but it disappeared quickly.


A beast-like roar suddenly came out of the room, which was extremely intimidating.

The brawny man who made trouble swallowed, then screamed in horror and ran out.

"This roar, could it be..." Nicole Robin was thoughtful.

The door of the room was opened, and a thin figure wearing slippers walked out slowly.

The figure is a man, about 27 or [-] years old, with short black hair, tall, but extremely thin, his eyes are a little loose, his face is covered with stubble, but he also looks very handsome.

"Son, someone bullied me again just now." The old man came to the man and said aggrievedly.

The man was silent, came to Lin Xiao's table, picked up the water bottle and poured it into his mouth, drinking gurglingly.

"This... This is the water that just boiled!" Nicole Robin couldn't help but reminded.

The man glanced at her lightly, smiled, then turned around and walked unsteadily towards the house.

Everyone looked at the man in amazement, their faces blank.

"Don't mind everyone, my son is like this, but he is a good boy." The old man hurriedly explained.

Everyone nodded hurriedly to show comfort.

Suddenly, the man turned his head, with a beast-like light in his eyes, which startled everyone.

"Father, I'm hungry. Hurry up and do that, or the whole town will suffer!" the man said out of breath, and licked his lips.

Seeing this, Nami and Lusha turned pale with fright, and hurriedly hid behind Lin Xiao.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and nodded slowly.

The man glanced at Lin Xiao and the others before entering the room, as if he was sleeping again.

Lin Xiao frowned tightly. He made up his mind and came to the old man.

"Are you really going to help the tyrant? See your son degenerate like this?" Lin Xiao persuaded.

The old man was confused after hearing this, and looked at Lin Xiao puzzled.

"If my guess is correct, your son is an animal-type fruit capable person, and he has the habit of cannibalism!" Lin Xiao said with sharp eyes.

After the words fell, the old man spit out the tea in his mouth with a puff and coughed continuously. Seeing this, Lin Xiao had no choice but to pat him on the back hard.

After a while, the old man regained his composure and showed a wry smile.

"Mr. Lin Xiao, if you have time, please help me with my work for a while." The old man asked suddenly.

"Um, well...well, it's the reward for the design."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiao turned his head and glared at Kunke and the others. Seeing this, everyone immediately came to the old man's side positively.


In the forest behind the town, except for Lin Xiao, everyone else was carrying a large basket and holding a sickle in their hands, desperately cutting the surrounding branches and grass.

"I didn't expect Polkadot to eat these." Lin Xiao said speechlessly.

The old man smiled helplessly, implying helplessness.

Lin Xiao suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Does Uncle Jon know Polkadot's ability?"

Jon stopped suddenly and shook his head.

"The child never said it, but he only knew that once because he was too hungry and I wasn't around, Boka ate up all the gardens of the residents of the town, and even ate a small piece of forest."

Having said that, Jon closed his eyes with a complex expression.

Lin Xiao thought carefully, with such a destructive fruit ability, Lin Xiao could only think in that direction.

At this moment, Nami and Lusha ran up to Lin Xiao with flushed faces and blinked their big eyes.

"Brother Lin Xiao, we are so tired."

Lin Xiao glanced at them, showing concern, then quickly came behind Nami and Lusha, and gently took down the basket full of grass.

Nami winked secretly at Lusha to show that her idea took effect.

"Come on, there are still a lot of empty baskets. You two are much more diligent than before. It's really good."

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xiao put the two empty baskets on the backs of Nami and Lusha. Regardless of their aggrieved expressions, he leaned against the tree and took a nap alone.

Nicole Robin was also sitting by the tree, reading a book quietly, and not far from her were many hands working at a fast speed.

Lin Xiao glanced at her, then looked at the hardworking Nami and Lusha, and couldn't help feeling sorry for them.

Nicole Robin was reading about the history of a dying country with relish, when suddenly, she felt someone pat her on the shoulder, and it was Lin Xiao.

"I'm tired……"

(End of this chapter)

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