Chapter 53 Pirate Guerrillas

On the sea, more than a dozen huge warships surrounded Lin Xiao and his group, the Heavy Rain, and opened their gun ports together.

Lin Xiao jumped to the bow of the ship, staring coldly at the beautiful woman on the main ship opposite. The woman has long curly hair in sea blue and piercing eyes.

"Surround us without saying a word, have we offended you?" Lin Xiao asked lightly.

The woman carefully observed Lin Xiao's people, her face showing confusion.

"I've seen this ship before, it seems to be the pirate ship of the King Shichibukai Crocodile, why are you in it?" the woman asked suspiciously.

When the words fell, Lin Xiao's eyes were slightly flustered. He saw the words "eliminate pirates" written all over the hulls of the surrounding ships. If he answered incorrectly, he would definitely be besieged.

"My beautiful lady, are you affiliated with the navy?" Lin Xiao asked suddenly.

The woman thought for a moment, then nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Crocodile is our captain, and he has something important to tell us to do."

"Oh? Then what's your name?" The woman smiled.

Lin Xiao was taken aback, wondering why this guy asked his name, but it was obviously impossible for him to tell his real name, in case she had heard of him.

"Li Xiao! Yes, it's Li Xiao!" Lin Xiao said loudly confidently.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were spoken, the woman's face immediately became gloomy.

" cunning,!" the woman clutched a reward list tightly in her hand, and shouted in a daze.

Before everyone could react, countless shells rushed towards Lin Xiao and the others frantically in all directions with a bang.

"What to do, so many shells!" Nami panicked.

At this moment, Boka suddenly stood up and looked at the shells in the sky indifferently.

"Plug your ears first!" Polka reminded back.

I saw Boka took a deep breath, and then there was a violent cold light in his eyes.


The sudden violent roar seemed to shatter the sky, the surrounding sea water became choppy, the shells in the sky exploded directly, and even the deck cracked a crack.

The people around shrank on the ground and shivered, while the woman across from her frowned and quietly pulled out the knife at her waist.

Suddenly, Lusha pulled lightly in the air, held the knife, jumped into the door, and disappeared.

After so many days of training, Lin Xiao discovered that Lusha had a talent for practicing swords, so he threw the third generation of ghosts to her.

Lin Xiao turned his head abruptly and found that Lusha had disappeared. He secretly thought it was bad, because he only faintly revealed the identity of the woman opposite.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you." Lin Xiao stepped forward to apologize sincerely, trying to delay time.

The woman on the opposite side snorted, thrust the knife into her waist, and looked a little better.

"Come back with me to accept the trial, and reflect on your evil deeds in the city of advancement." The woman chuckled.

Lin Xiao nodded, with a serious expression on his face, but his heart was raised in his throat, because he saw that Lusha had opened the door and appeared behind the woman.

Lusha's eyes were sharp, and she pointed the knife at the woman's neck and slashed down.

"Huh? Little sister, aren't you on the opposite side?" The woman pinched the blade easily, turned her head and smiled.

Before he finished speaking, a peach-colored flame followed Guiche and suddenly entered Lusha's body.

Lin Xiao's eyes widened, and he clenched the knife at his waist, ready to fight.

I saw a faint red light emitting from the surface of Lusha's body, and then gradually became shorter in height, and finally fixed on the appearance of a one or two-year-old girl.

"Your name is Ai En, right? We are wrong about this matter. Leave this child to me." Lin Xiao gritted his teeth.

Ai En smiled slightly, slowly hugged the stunned Lusha, and stroked her cheek.

"According to the direction you are going, you probably want to go to Santorini." Ain asked suddenly.

"That's right, you too?"

Ai En nodded, showing helplessness.

"Ms. Z doesn't want the historical text and devil fruit to fall into the hands of the Tianlong people, so he wants our pirate guerrillas to get them before the world government."

Lin Xiao's face was relieved. He also knew that he was a strong man who had a deep suspicion of the navy and the world government, but he should not have left the navy yet.

"Miss Ain, I'm sorry, let's forget about today's matter." Lin Xiao sighed.

Hearing Lin Xiao's request, Ai En suddenly jumped up high, landed in front of Lin Xiao, handed Lusha to him, and then returned to the boat with a backflip.

"Ms. Z is not here today, so I will let you go." Ai En laughed.

After snapping her fingers, Lusha also returned to her original state.

"Goodbye, let's go."

Lin Xiao immediately started the boat, drove forward at the fastest speed, and ran away in despair.


"Poka, how did you know the route to Santorini?" Nicole Robin asked, looking at Poka.

Poka blushed slightly, and said: "I went there once in a daze, and found that the clouds above the line leading to Santorini are not moving."

Everyone raised their heads, looked at the sky curiously, and found that there was indeed an extremely long strip of cloud, which seemed to have not moved.

"Lin Xiao, I guess the water in Santorini is very deep. If you are not sure, just give up." Nicole Robin said with complicated eyes.

Lin Xiao shook his head, "You work hard for me, but I want to destroy my promise, which I can't do."


"Since you've come to the sea, don't be timid, otherwise what's the difference with those most trashy pirates?"

Nicole Robin sighed, as if she was not at peace.

Nami poked Lin Xiao, who was trying to put on an air of pride, and wanted to say something.

"what happened?"

"Well, Brother Lin Xiao hasn't forgotten about the treasure, right?" Nami said, blinking her eyes.

Lin Xiao touched his head and suddenly remembered.

"I haven't forgotten, don't worry, one day, we will stop worrying about money!" Lin Xiao promised.

Nami bowed her head in silence for a while, then suddenly pointed to Kunk who was playing with the bird.

"Did it become like Kunk?"


On the vast sea, a huge pirate ship is slowly driving.

Sitting in the cabin was a beautiful and mature woman, but she had a cigarette in her mouth, her eyes were indifferent, and her neck was longer than ordinary people. She should be a rare snake head.

"I didn't expect that there would be a historical text in such a far place, but it must be my mother!" the woman said lightly.

At this moment, a figure hurried in.

"Madam Ghost, through the internal report of the navy, the person you want to investigate has already got news." The figure said nervously.

Mrs. Ghost's indifferent eyes shone with a strange light, staring closely at the person who reported.

"Dead, right?" Mrs. Ghost said in a cold tone.

The figure was silent and didn't answer, just lowered its head and knelt on the ground trembling.

"I... I knew that that kind of person would definitely die very early, but he..."

The figure opened his mouth in disbelief, because he found Mrs. Ghost was shedding tears.

However, the next moment, he suddenly lost consciousness again.

 Just this today, more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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