Chapter 58 Broken
The blood-red sky covered the entire Santorini Island, and everyone looked up into the sky, feeling palpitations in their hearts, because it was still noon at this time, and there were only four or five hours before the legendary festival.

"I feel it, the big guy lying under this country seems to be about to move!" Zefa frowned.

However, the people of this country are smiling, because for them, this is the patron saint of their own country. Although they don't know why there are so many foreigners this time, they also guess that they are here to worship and protect God Izzy's.

"Lord Izzy, please bring more happiness to this country." Almost all the residents prayed like this.

In the room, only Lin Xiao and Boca were left. Except for Kunk, due to special reasons, Lin Xiao arranged for Sabo to lead the others, which was safer because this was no longer training.

"Porca, when we act together, we must not be merciful." Lin Xiao said.

Boka nodded, green light flashed in his eyes, like a beast.

"By the way, speaking of your ability, it should be an ancient species of animal, isn't it a dinosaur?" Lin Xiao asked suddenly.

"That's right, it's a horned dragon!"

Lin Xiao was relieved, thinking to himself that it's no wonder this guy treats grass like life. In his previous life, many ceratopsians were indeed herbivores.

What's more, the reason why Lin Xiao asked Boka to accompany him was because he felt his strength!Possesses extremely strong defense and impressive strength.

The endless blood light kept dancing in the sky, looking extremely strange and yaoyan, which made everyone's hearts sink, including those aborigines.

"Lord Izzy... what's wrong with you..." The people of this country were also puzzled.

On the mountain peak, Aina wore a black robe, looked at the blood-red sky, and smiled coldly.

"Scumbags and robbers who have forgotten the teachings of their ancestors, the text of history can be given to you, but you will have to pay the price with your life!" Aina said coldly.

At this moment, she has put on light makeup and lipstick, and she looks stunningly beautiful, but her eyes are cold.

"The ceremony will start soon, and I should go too."

With a laugh, Aina immediately stepped into the darkness.


Among the crowd, both Lin Xiao and Boka looked towards the sky with shock in their eyes.

"Does this kind of scene happen in every festival?" Lin Xiao couldn't help wondering.

"No, it's because the situation is special this time, are you afraid?"

The voice came suddenly, Lin Xiao turned around and found that Zefa was standing behind him, wearing sunglasses and smiling.

"Mr. Zefa, hello." For such a legendary figure, Lin Xiao felt that the minimum respect is still required.

Zefa looked at Lin Xiao strangely, and suddenly sneered.

"I said you are not a pirate? Why do you look awkward? Do you know what I was thinking just now?" Zefa laughed loudly.

"Thinking about how to arrest me, right?" Lin Xiao said lightly.

Zefa was taken aback for a moment, then snorted, and walked aside.

"He...he seems very strong." Poca seemed a little nervous.

Lin Xiao didn't answer, but just looked at the sky, he knew that the time was up.

The place where the ceremony is held is on a huge altar. This altar accounts for about one-tenth of the country, which is very huge!
The altar is surrounded by faint torches, which can only just illuminate the scene around the altar.

People stood under the altar, most of them were the people of the country. They closed their eyes and prayed silently in their hearts, looking extremely devout.

And King Rufus was sitting on the huge high platform on the edge of the altar, with anxiety in his eyes, because the ceremony was about to start, but Aina hadn't appeared yet.

Lin Xiao and others stood behind the crowd, observing the surroundings carefully, and Ace was also there.

"Ace, you met Sabo, right?" Lin Xiao asked suddenly, because he found that Ace's mood seemed to be high, and he was a little strangely excited.

"I see, I want to use this historical text in exchange for a way to restore memory!" Ace's eyes seemed to be filled with flames.

"Lin Xiao, although I have a lot of confusion, this kindness cannot be repaid in a few words." Ace looked at Lin Xiao and said seriously.

Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly, after all, it was just a very simple matter for him.

At this moment, Lin Xiao thought of a situation, that is, whether it is possible for his own healing ability to heal the serious injury to Sabo's head.

"I'm coming!"

Hearing a burst of cheers, a man wearing a strange face slowly walked towards the center of the altar, holding a strange bell in his hand, and it started to swing.

"It really is Aina, I seem to understand a little bit, Izzy may take orders from Aina, then..."

Lin Xiao thought of an extremely bad situation. Originally, when everyone was competing for historical texts, the surrounding civilians would definitely leave quickly when they saw this. However, if Aina controlled Izzy to attack wildly, Izzy was equivalent to a quarter of the entire country. The size of the body will definitely cause heavy casualties.


A roar came from Lin Xiao's mind, like words without language, and it seemed that he was not the only one who had this situation.

The eyes of the surrounding civilians showed confusion, because this buzzing sound also came from their minds, and they felt what the sound wanted to convey.

"What... what's going on? Is Lord Izzy telling us to leave again?" The crowd erupted in whispers.

The surrounding pirates couldn't help frowning when they saw this. They observed the civilians in the distance and felt that something was happening.

Lin Xiao raised his head and stared at Aina quietly, with complicated eyes.

"Why should I help you? What does the safety of the civilians here have to do with me? I seem to be a pirate, not a saint who saves the world!" Lin Xiao responded.

Lin Xiao responded with indifference, because this is not his job, and he doesn't want to meddle in this business. Sometimes it's okay to save a few people, but if he deliberately saves these civilians, where should he put his identity?
"I won't become like my master, but I will respect this belief." Lin Xiao thought to himself.

The crowd fell into panic, because this call became more and more popular, and they desperately wanted them to leave.

"Goddess! Is Lord Izzy telling us to leave? Why!" The people of the country shouted.

King Rufus' eyes were freezing cold, he guessed, guessed what Aina wanted to do.


The ground began to tremble, and the level became deeper and deeper, and soon the ground cracked open, and the crowd became more panicked.

Rufus fell from the high platform with a bang, fell to the ground and struggled in pain, thinking that Izzy was about to emerge from the ground, his heart was extremely cold.

"Aina! Are you really going to do this? You bastard!" Rufus got up and yelled at Ina.

Although Rufus's nature is not good, but seeing that Aina was about to call Izz out and kill him wantonly, he was still extremely cold.

The cracks on the ground became deeper and deeper, and the crowd fled in a hurry, and many people even fell into the cracks in a daze and disappeared.

"Lord Izzy, what did we do wrong? Treat us like this!" Everyone shouted in panic.

Aina stood on the altar in despair, trembling all over, with despair in her eyes, looking at the people who fell into the crack one by one, her tears poured down directly.

Aina really wanted Izzy to kill the pirate and the king, so she sent a message to let the people leave, and asked Lin Xiao to help evacuate, but...

"My lord Izzy... has lost contact with me..."

 I have been busy with exams for the past one or two days, and there will be more updates in the future... Believe me
(End of this chapter)

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