Chapter 6 Changes
Lin Xiao returned to the accommodation with Da Siqi in his arms, and it was already noon.

"Brother, I'm so hungry." Da Siqi panted delicately on the bed.

Lin Xiao turned around and gave a strange laugh, it seemed that it would be impossible to treat her.

"Huh? Da Siqi, how did you become this color?" Lin Xiao pretended to be surprised.

"Huh? What...color?"

Da Siqi knew Lin Xiao's ability, so she panicked for a while.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be such a person." Lin Xiao said sadly, clutching his chest.

"Lin Xiao, you...then what should I do." Da Siqi was about to burst into tears.

Lin Xiao sat on the bed and looked at her carefully.

"No, it's normal in the morning, Da Siqi, think about whether you have done something bad or lied."

"Bad thing? No, absolutely nothing!" Da Siqi said firmly.

"What about lying?" Lin Xiao asked eagerly.

Da Siqi looked thoughtful, as if thinking of something, then shook his head again.

"If calling your brother counts, that's it." Da Siqi smiled wryly.

"That's right! That's it! If you don't remove it as soon as possible, your sanity will probably be swallowed by evil!" Lin Xiao said excitedly.

"Then...then how to get rid of it, please help me."

Da Siqi shook Lin Xiao, asking for help.

"Ahem, it's very simple, as long as you break the previous lie, for example, do something that doesn't match the lie." Lin Xiao said with a blushing face.

Da Siqi seemed to realize something, her little face was flushed.

"First of all, you have to close your eyes. Hurry up, or it will be too late." Lin Xiao urged.

Da Siqi followed Lin Xiao's words and closed her eyes. Sure enough, as she expected, Lin Xiao kissed her suddenly and kept asking for it.

"Damn it, he must be lying to me." Da Siqi thought in a daze.

After a while, I saw Da Siqi squinting at Lin Xiao, with a small mouth full of anger.

"Well, I'm going to buy something delicious."

Lin Xiao said in embarrassment, then slipped out.

"This guy, I really can't do anything with him, but he wants to kiss me in this way." Da Siqi thought amusedly.

On the street, Lin Xiao stopped at a grilled chicken restaurant, because there were a lot of people queuing up here, so the taste must be good.

Touching the few Berries left in his pocket, Lin Xiao decided to go out and catch a few pirates in a few days to get a reward. If the navy didn't accept the reward, he would have a reward anyway.

Just when Lin Xiao was in a daze, he suddenly felt someone patting his shoulder, not someone he was familiar with.

Lin Xiao looked back, only saw a pair of huge breasts, then raised his head slightly, and found that it was Bakana.

"Uh, Miss Bakana, hello."

"Hi, I didn't expect to meet you here." Bakana smiled.

Lin Xiao smiled politely, then turned his head, he felt as if this woman was following him.

"Does Mr. Lin Xiao also like the roast chicken here?"

Bakana's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Is that so, I think there are quite a lot of people here." Lin Xiao said without looking back.

Finally it was Lin Xiao's turn. Seeing the golden grilled chicken, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Guest, it's already packed. It's two thousand Berries in total." The boss handed the roast chicken to Lin Xiaodao.

However, Lin Xiao's half-stretched hand stopped in the air, motionless.


Lin Xiao heard Bakana behind him laughing.

"Boss, it's too expensive." Lin Xiao gritted his teeth and said.

"Expensive? My customers have never complained about the price? Because it's worth the price!" the boss said confidently.

"haha, really?"

Lin Xiao's eyes rolled, and he was ready to rob.

At this moment, two slender fingers held a banknote and quickly handed it to the boss.

"Take another copy, and his money is on my head."

Listening to Bakana's crisp voice, Lin Xiao lowered his head, this time he was ashamed!

After a while, the long queue left.

"Well, thank you so much, come to my place for dinner today." Lin Xiao said politely.

"Okay! I also want to have an in-depth understanding with Mr. Lin Xiao!" Bakana said happily.

Lin Xiao's intestines are regretting now, I'm just being polite, there's no need to take it seriously!
Thinking of Da Siqi's sad look after he brought a beautiful woman home, Lin Xiao ran away.

However, due to too many people on the street, Lin Xiao couldn't speed up fast enough.

"Hehe! Mr. Lin Xiao is really in a hurry, is he afraid that the roast chicken will be cold?" Bakana followed Lin Xiao and smiled.

Lin Xiao found that it was impossible for him to get rid of her, so he slowed down.

"Bakana, why do you always pester me?" Lin Xiao suddenly turned around and said seriously.

Bakana was slightly taken aback: "It's very simple, follow the lucky people, and you will become lucky too."

"Uh, okay." Lin Xiao was really speechless for such an answer.

Finally, the moment came. Lin Xiao stood in front of the door, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Da Siqi's head stuck out. When she saw Bakana, she immediately retracted her head and closed the door with a bang.

Lin Xiao was messing around outside the door, he didn't expect Da Siqi to have such a big reaction.

"Wait a little longer, maybe it's not what you think." Bakana smiled strangely.


A few minutes later, the door finally opened. Lin Xiao stared dumbfounded at the changed Da Siqi, unable to calm down for a long time.

I saw Da Siqi tightly tied her hair behind her head, combed her hair neatly, and she also changed into casual clothes, changed the frame of the glasses into red, and showed a natural smile on her face.

"Is this still her?" Lin Xiao was shocked.

At this moment, Da Siqi looks intellectual and beautiful, and anyone will be attracted by her.

"Miss Bakana is here, I've been waiting for a long time, come in quickly." Da Siqi smiled slightly.

"Thank you Miss Dashiqi."

With that said, Bakana stepped in, and Lin Xiao also followed behind her with a guilty conscience.

However, just as he walked to the door, Lin Xiao suddenly felt a pain in his waist.

Turning his head, he saw Da Siqi twisting the flesh around his waist with a half-smile, until Lin Xiao showed a begging expression.

Entering the room, Da Siqi enthusiastically served Bakana tea and water, and also had a close conversation with her, and the two laughed sweetly from time to time.

But this laughter made Lin Xiao shudder, because the questions and answers of the two of them were basically wrong.

"Where is Miss Bakana's hometown?"

"Hehe! The scenery of the East China Sea is quite nice!"


"What is the relationship between Miss Dashiqi and Mr. Lin Xiao?"

"Hehe! What I remember most is when I was 12 years old, Lin Xiao rescued me from the hands of the bad guys."


Enduring the conversation between the two of them, Lin Xiao walked to the window sill helplessly, looking at the bustling scene on the street.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao saw Asibah's figure, and beside it stood a burly navy man. Lin Xiao guessed that this might be his uncle.

"If I find out about any changes, you will definitely die a miserable death!"

Lin Xiao turned around, took the roast chicken on the table, and gnawed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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