Chapter 61 Dragon Claw
Endless flames illuminated the edge, and two giant snakes danced recklessly in the city, constantly collapsing houses.

Most of the pirates with malicious intentions were buried under the mouth of the giant snake, and a very small number of civilians died unfortunately.

"There are still two giant snakes, what's the matter?" a revolutionary asked in confusion.

Freire frowned, because this completely contradicted the information that the Revolutionary Army had inquired about.

"Snake...frog...could it be..."

Freire suddenly thought of a situation, that is, Izzy had already been swallowed by these giant snakes.

Most of the crowd has already been evacuated, and now they are waiting for someone to kill these two giant snakes!

Freire sighed, and then he ran to the port at a high speed, he was afraid that something would happen there again.

The raging fire burned down many houses, and many civilians and pirates were mixed together, fleeing frantically.

On a very tall building, Sabo stood on a high place, seeing the severely damaged country, his heart sank slightly.

"I can't wait anymore." Sabo murmured.

Suddenly, Sabo slowly took off the glove on his right hand, revealing his slender fingers, and walked towards the giant snake.

In an instant, a majestic momentum filled the surroundings, overwhelming the fleeing people, but it was mainly aimed at those pirates who wanted to do bad things.

"This... who is this guy?" Many people who were running away stopped in shock.

Suddenly, a giant man with a height of six to seven meters gritted his teeth and made a bang bang sound as he walked on the road. He came to Sabo and stared at him coldly.

"Boy, you are very strong, but are you sure you want to block my way?" the giant man said coldly.

Sabo smiled faintly, watched the giant man ponder for a while, and soon showed a clear expression.

"Heavy Ripper Joosen, with a reward of [-] Berries, is not considered a coward. I didn't expect him to be so timid." Sabo shook his head and laughed.

The giant man was not angry after hearing this, he grinned, and then looked at his hands, his eyes showed scarlet light.

"I don't have any big ambitions, I just want to live, and I don't even want to fight for the historical text." The giant man stuck out his tongue and said strangely.

Sabo's face was gloomy, the joints of his right hand creaked, and the surrounding air seemed to be surging.

"So, killing people has become my only pleasure, especially tearing them in half!"

The giant man's scarlet eyes widened, and his hands stretched out in front of Sabo in the blink of an eye. What was strange was that his hands flashed a strange light.

"Tear it apart!"

Sabo's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly jumped up and disappeared.


The giant man's hands only tore off the afterimage of Sabo, but the air in the afterimage was twisted violently. With a bang, the ground in front of him was torn open with a huge crack of more than 100 meters, connecting more than a dozen A house was also torn in half!
Sabo flashed behind the giant man, frowning secretly.

"The fruit-tearing ability possesses such a huge destructive power. It seems that you can't let you do anything wrong in the future!" Sabo moved his fingers and said lightly.

The giant man turned around, turned his thick and long tongue around his face, and stared at Sabo coldly.

"A person who can say such a thing without blushing is either the Navy or the Revolutionary Army, but you must be the Revolutionary Army."

Sabo was silent, and he admitted what he said.

"Because the breath on your body is very similar to the guy I often tear apart!" The giant man laughed while clutching his chest.

"Is...really? So it was you, no wonder..." Sabo's chest heaved violently, and his eyes were slightly red.

The giant man stopped laughing, killing intent appeared in his eyes, and a strange light flashed in his hands again.

"Heavy tear!"

The hands are so fast that they seem to be able to tear the sky apart, and even the surrounding air is crackling, as if it is about to collapse!

"You are nothing more than a thin piece of paper in front of me!"

Sabo's ears were filled with the gigantic man's ridicule accompanied by rumbling tearing force.

The tearing force violently rushed towards the area where Sabo was standing, and this time the breath seemed to be even more terrifying than last time!

The terrifying power tore the ground about 200 meters in front of the house directly in half, and the smoke and dust filled the air. Even the two giant snakes in the distance stopped destroying and stared blankly.

The people around had fled in fright since the giant man's first attack, so there were only the two of them in this area at this time.

"It's hit, how many are there already?" the giant man turned around and suddenly thought.

"By the way, most people seem to be at the port, I'll go and see!"

The giant man's eyes glowed with excitement, tearing anyone apart was a kind of enjoyment for him.

However, just as he turned around, he suddenly felt someone pat him on the shoulder, and he couldn't help turning around and backing away abruptly, staring at the person standing in front of him with wide eyes.

"How... how is it possible, it was clearly hit!" Qiao Sen yelled in disbelief.

Sabo's right hand presents a peculiar claw shape at this time, like the sharp claw of a dragon in oriental mythology, and it turns completely black.

A drop of blood flowed from the sharp claws, making it look even more terrifying!
There was a terrifying coldness in Sabo's eyes, and he walked slowly towards Jon like this.

Qiao Sen swallowed his saliva. He is a bully and fears the tough. He possesses terrifying destructive power, but he will retreat unconsciously when he encounters an enemy he is not sure about.

"Do you want to run?"

In a blink of an eye, Sabo disappeared instantly. The giant man turned his head in horror and found Sabo standing behind him!

"Death to me!"

Qiao Sen didn't intend to run anymore, he vowed to tear this guy apart!

A tearing aura roared and rushed towards Sabo, looking at this terrifying aura, a smile appeared on the corner of Sabo's mouth.

A shocking thing happened. I saw Sabo's right hand was claw-shaped and armed with hardening. He reached out and collided with this violent tearing breath. Immediately, the surrounding land cracked and finally turned into tiny pieces. Fly ash, fluttering in the air.

At this moment, Sabo's sharp claws clenched violently, as if grasping the tearing force in his hands, which made Qiao Sen terrified.

"Go to hell, beast!"

Sabo jumped, grasping this force tightly in the air, and threw it at the two giant snakes watching the excitement!
Almost instantly, the two giant snakes were torn in half, rolled on the ground non-stop, and lost their movement after a while.

With his mouth wide open, Qiao Sen suddenly came to his senses and ran towards the port, trying to get rid of Sabo.

However, just after he ran for a few steps, he felt his neck being grabbed hard, and the pain was so painful that he was heart-piercing!

Unexpectedly, Sabo had already stood on Qiao Sen's shoulders at some point, and his terrifying claws clasped his neck.

"Please...please, let me go, I...I have a child." Qiao Sen said tremblingly.


Qiao Sen's head was directly wrung off by Sabo, and he fell to the ground and rolled, with his eyes open unwillingly.


The huge body crashed to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust, Sabo glanced at the corpse, and then walked towards the altar.

 I'm sorry, I just finished the exam yesterday, and I'm in a bad state. I wanted to write, but I couldn't write at all. I just came back to my senses this afternoon...

(End of this chapter)

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