Chapter 67 Lilith

On the highest floor, Lin Xiao sat crookedly on a chair, looking indifferently at a group of civilians kneeling on the ground.

"Is this all your water?" Lin Xiao asked, pointing to more than a dozen buckets of water on the ground.

"Most people are dead, indeed there are only so many." The civilians smiled wryly.

Lin Xiao glanced at Lusha and motioned her to put the water into the space. Seeing this, Lusha hurried forward and started to put it in.

When the five barrels were loaded, Lusha looked up at Lin Xiao, as if asking, but she was stared at, pouted, and she started to pretend again.

Seeing the disappearing buckets of water, people's hearts hang in their throats, for fear that all the water will be taken away by them.

When the tenth barrel was filled, Lin Xiao finally called to stop.

"Okay, I won't think about saving you or not." Lin Xiao said suddenly.

After the words fell, the civilians raised their heads with astonishment on their faces. They originally thought that Lin Xiao would agree to the request after collecting their water, but they didn't expect...

Seeing the unbelievable expressions of these people, Lin Xiao snorted coldly and said: "I don't like you people because you are too weak and blindly ask others to save you. I think it's better to review yourself first."


"I will find Nicholas and defeat that pretender. Just pray that he might be killed by me."

After speaking, Lin Xiao and the others hastened to leave the building.


Afraid of being attacked by undead soldiers like before, Lin Xiao directly asked a city, Prado.

This is the most prosperous city except the capital, and the people are quite rich. Outsiders are allowed to enter, but people from other cities in this country are strictly resisted. I don't know why.

When Lin Xiao and others arrived in this city, it was already dusk. On the way, they also encountered the people of this country, and they all turned into wild beasts and buried their bodies in the wild.

Lin Xiao and the others looked at the city. Although it was far from the so-called brilliance of the lights, it was still bright and bright, giving warmth to outsiders.

The city gate is carved from huge stones, and there are two soldiers holding handles under the gate.

"Outsiders? Can come here."

The soldiers of the two lives let Lin Xiao into the city after muttering a few words, because they didn't believe that Lin Xiao would have the guts to make trouble here, because...

"It's really strange, the soldiers guarding the gate are normal people." Lin Xiao frowned.

"Did Nicholas allow it? Or was it set up by someone else?" Nicole Robin wondered.

There were a lot of people in the city. Lin Xiao observed their necks and found that there were marks on them. He couldn't help but feel a little strange, because this city allowed outsiders to enter, although few people would come.

When the people in the city saw Lin Xiao and others, although a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, it quickly disappeared without any hostility.

"I can feel that there is a very powerful presence in the city, and I suspect it is one of the so-called four generals!" Lin Xiao said suddenly.

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't help but look at the simple but imposing wooden building in the city.


I don't know whose belly came to protest, Lin Xiao glanced back, blushing and walked towards a hotel that looked the most luxurious, and everyone had no choice but to follow?

The hotel is beautifully decorated and looks golden from the outside.


Before entering the hotel, the two plates fell to the door with a bang, mixed with yelling and cursing, which startled Lin Xiao.

"Are you sure you want Miss Ben to eat this kind of thing? Have you forgotten that I am the daughter of Nicholas, the most delicate person in the whole of Abrud!"

Lin Xiao followed the voice and almost went blind for a while.

Not far away, a 20-year-old girl was yelling at a man in a suit and leather shoes with a big belly.

The woman was dressed in a glittering golden coat, with all kinds of gorgeous rings on her left hand, and at least three gold necklaces hanging around her neck.

However, it is rare for a woman to have firm skin, long hair coiled up, and a beautiful appearance. This kind of bold and unrestrained decoration can't find any sense of disobedience on her body, and you will even think it fits well.

"Miss Lilith, I'm really sorry!" The potbellied man kept apologizing.

But looking at the woman's angry expression, one can tell that this matter may not be over yet.


The woman glanced at Lin Xiao and noticed everyone in Lin Xiao, and couldn't help but walk up to him curiously.

"You are outsiders, how courageous you are!" the woman said strangely.

Lin Xiao was so uncomfortable being shaken by the glittering jewels all over her body, she wished she could go up and snatch them immediately.

"As a pirate, is it necessary to be afraid so much?" Lin Xiao said lightly.

The woman laughed, nodded, and then looked at the people behind Lin Xiao, her face suddenly changed.

"You are the captain, you are really incompetent!" The woman suddenly showed indignation.

"Ah?" Lin Xiao stared at him fiercely, thinking to himself that he spent a lot of energy to help these guys train, is he still incompetent?

The woman walked up to Robin, Nami and Lusha, pinched their clothes with disgusted eyes, and finally looked at Lin Xiao with contempt.

"Do you know what is most important to a woman, especially a beautiful woman?" the woman asked suddenly.

Feeling the contempt in her eyes, Lin Xiao almost pulled out his knife angrily, but made no reply with a cold snort.

"It's jewelry, idiot!" the woman shouted excitedly.

The surrounding customers all looked here when they heard the voice, wondering who made this guy angry again.

Lin Xiao stared at him coldly, and said sarcastically, "No matter how beautiful you are, what's the use of dressing up delicately? Do you know what I saw along the way? Starving people, people who want to kill us There are even people who eat people!"


"My lord princess, your dirty spirit... As a princess, you only care about your own extravagant life and don't feel the sufferings of your own people. You are still ugly!"

Although Lin Xiao is not the kind of person who is considerate to others, he can still speak out this kind of truth.

The woman's chest heaved violently, and the tears in her eyes were soaring, Lin Xiao was taken aback.

"You shameless bastard! Don't compare Miss Ben with those humble bastards!"

With a roar, the woman rushed out and knocked Lin Xiao aside.

"That... that, it's her fault, isn't it?" Lin Xiao said in a daze.

Robin and the others nodded helplessly. In fact, it was difficult for them to judge. After all, both of them seemed to be a little too aggressive.

Next, a few people finished their meal under the strange eyes of almost the whole restaurant.


Navy Headquarters.

Warring States held a dismissed combat order, his face turned purple with anger.

"Why doesn't a country like that allow us to arrest the king?" Warring States roared.

Taking a deep breath, Sengoku glared at Garp.

"Is the undead warrior you said true?" Warring States asked.

Garp put down the senbei in his hand, and said with a smile: "Who knows, the navy hasn't been there for decades, and ghosts don't bother to go to such places."

Zhan Guo sighed, he had actually sent a few soldiers to investigate briefly, and he knew the tragedy there.

When Garp saw the embarrassment of the Warring States Period, his original depression because of his grandson going out to sea as a pirate was swept away.

"Don't be angry, I think you may be very interested in one thing, which is the news that just came in, about the whereabouts of Nicole Robin."

Zhan Guo turned his head abruptly, a complicated light flashed in his eyes.

"Pass the message to the World Government!"

(End of this chapter)

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