Chapter 217 Challenge the Forbidden Area ([-])

What is most difficult for an alchemist to control is the control over the nature of the medicine and the control over the flame.

Anyone who wants to become an alchemist knows how important the control of flames is in alchemy, and the more ordinary flames are easier to control, the higher the level of flames, the more wild and unruly they are.

The purple divine fire is at the level of divine fire, so far they have never heard of anyone who can control the divine fire freely, and they have only heard of the condensed flame.

But today, the dark purple long whip in Nalan Tingxue's left hand was burning with terrifying heat, and she had clearly told everyone how far she had controlled the Purple Spirit Holy Flame.

His Highness Ziyan shrank most of his body and sat on the sidelines. There was a vacuum around it, and no one dared to get close to this legendary divine fire spirit beast.

His Highness scratched the hair at the corner of his mouth, squinted at those stunned Nalan family children, hummed twice, and grinned coquettishly.

"These ignorant guys, Tingxue has the top-level purple spiritual power, and he has already signed a natal contract with His Highness. It is only a matter of time before he wants to control the Purple Spirit Holy Fire. There is nothing to make a fuss about."

That day in Prince Xian's mansion, Tingxue did have the control of the flame, but the Nalan family didn't know that she was able to use the purple fire to such an extent.

A girl who can control Shenhuo freely, as long as she has some alchemy talent, then becoming a Shenhuo alchemist is a sure thing.

The Great Elder's eyes became even more enthusiastic: "This girl must stay in my Nalan family. She is 14 years old. She is only 14 years old now! She will definitely bring infinite benefits to my Nalan family in the future."

Nalan Xianglei, who had just rushed back from the outside after getting the news, heard the words of the Great Elder as soon as he arrived.

"It's solidified into a whip, and it can be manipulated freely?!"

At this moment, he also understood why the Great Elder said that he was able to control the Purple Divine Fire like his own hands and feet. Any family would flock to such talent and ability.

"Patriarch, you should understand what I mean. After Nalan Tingxue took over the family, no one should mention the past. It is the right way to cultivate and win over with all one's strength. How much does one more divine fire alchemist mean to the future of our Nalan family?" Important, I don't need to remind you of this."

The great elder didn't even turn his mouth, his tone was inherently cold and tough, even facing Nalan Xianglei, the patriarch, he didn't back down in the slightest.

Nalan Xianglei's expression changed slightly, and he lowered his voice: "Grand Elder, Tianling Palace probably already knows about Yu Fei, Nalan will not let Xue stay!"

As soon as the word Tianlingdian came out, even the Great Elder couldn't help frowning, with fear and thought in his eyes.

"Even if we keep this girl, I'm afraid her heart won't be toward the family. In my opinion, it's better to take advantage of her not yet grown up..."

Nalan Xianglei's voice was so low that only he and the First Elder could hear him. He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but the meaning was already obvious.

He raised his eyes and looked into the training ground. At this time, Nalan Tingxue, who was facing the three blue-level spiritual power experts with his own strength, had a fierce murderous intent in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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