Chapter 228 Forbidden Land Inheritance ([-])

What's more, in the whole Nalan family and even the whole capital city, no one knows that she is now a student of the Alchemy Academy. Even though she has only studied for a short time, an alchemist is an unattainable and mysterious person to ordinary people.

For an alchemist, you need to know all kinds of herbal medicines and elixirs, and you also need to know some poisons.

Although Nalan Tingxue only had a little understanding of alchemy, but in terms of poison, she was definitely at the first level of her ancestors. At least she had mastered many poisons that they had never heard of.

Although the Nalan family is arrogant and proud, as a big family, she believes that they will not do such a stupid thing.

All eyes fell on Tingxue, looking at this 14-year-old girl with complicated expressions, they didn't know what kind of thoughts they should respond to.

The Nalan Tingxue in front of them is undoubtedly excellent, even beyond their expectations.

Being able to win three blue-level spiritual power experts by herself already shows her capital, and more importantly, she is only 14 years old.

Hate, disgust, contempt, tension, anticipation, irritability, impatience...

There were several elders of the family and Nalan Xianglei, the head of the family, but at this moment, various emotions were floating among them, and they didn't know what to think.

"Let's get started. As long as you can enter the forbidden area and come back alive, my Nalan family will only support you in whatever you do in the future."

The Great Elder's face was full of pride from the beginning to the end, he took a deep look at Nalan Tingxue, and he also had doubts in his heart, could she pass the approval of this Shimen?

Listening to Xue didn't say much, she just took a few steps forward, raised her left hand and placed it on the stone door, her hand felt warm and moist, not as cold as imagined.

"Will she succeed?" The second elder swallowed, lowered his voice and asked the people beside him.

The third elder next to the second elder also stared in the direction of Shimen: "I don't know, but the chances are not high. I think the first elder agreed because of this."

"Yes." The second elder nodded clearly.

Others may not know, but as the elders of Nalanzhu's family, they still know something about the forbidden area.

In the past family history, people who passed the test of Shimen were born with a high level of mental strength. People with low mental strength are almost impossible to be recognized by Shimen, let alone enter the forbidden area.

But although Nalan Tingxue was able to practice spiritual power, according to what they knew, she did not have any spiritual power during the test.

During the entrance examination of the Royal Academy, he didn't test his spiritual strength, and was directly pulled into the Dan Academy by Dean Yang because of the appearance of the purple magic fire.

Besides, even if they sent people to Xiang'an City to investigate later, they got the same answer.

Nalan Tingxue doesn't have any spiritual power!
Although I don't know how she contracted the divine fire spirit beast, and she has a way to cultivate spiritual power, but in terms of spiritual power, there is no mistake in testing since childhood.

They believed that Nalan Tingxue was [-]% inaccessible to this forbidden place!

Several elders looked at each other, and they were all nervous at first, but now they all relaxed.

That's right, what are they nervous about? It's impossible for Nalan Tingxue to get Shimen's approval.

The Second Elder smiled, and sighed a bit: "After all, she has no spirit...God!"

(End of this chapter)

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