Chapter 233 Inheritance of the Forbidden Land ([-])

"Speaking of which, that Liuli didn't show up at all recently, could it be that he's been kicked out?" Someone suddenly changed the subject.

In this way, the surrounding people reacted.

Wasn't Liuli the same Liuli who caused a commotion in the city when the academy first started, tricked everyone into being accepted by the Dan Academy, but was kicked out by Dean Yang in the end?

In the following time, because Nalan Tingxue's gossip made too much noise, everyone's attention was drawn to it.

On the contrary, the existence of Liuli was ignored. Now when someone mentions it, everyone thinks of such a number one person.

"It's true, I haven't seen her for a long time."

"It is estimated that people look down on our martial arts academy. Baba wants to enter the alchemy academy and become an alchemist. Unfortunately, the alchemy academy doesn't want her at all."

"Hahaha it's possible, that guy looks withdrawn, he might have been fired long ago."

"I've been in the martial arts academy for so long, and I haven't seen that guy a few times. He's also a weirdo."

Nalan Zhiyuan laughed loudly, and said: "Maybe after Nalan Tingxue died, Dean Yang took pity on her and let her enter the alchemy courtyard. Ugly bastards are a good match."

"Master Nalan said yes!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's true, the two of them had a quarrel at the beginning of the academy, and it turned out that they were beyond their control."

There was an uproar in the Martial Arts Academy, and the rumor of Nalan Tingxue's death spread here. Within a few days, people from all the branches of the Royal Academy heard about it.

Qu Zhiman gritted his teeth and kicked over the chair: "It's all the rumors spread by that dandy of the Nalan family, he died, and his whole family died!"

The little raccoon nodded repeatedly on the side table, Tingxue is not dead, those guys are really bad.

Qu Hongwen on the side was full of worry: "But Tingxue has been in the forbidden area of ​​Nalan's family for more than a month. Why is there no news at all? Something really happened!"

"Brother, how can you say that, Miss Xue must be fine."

Qu Zhiman's eyes widened, and he stared at his brother angrily.

Tingxue will definitely have nothing to do, in her opinion, Tingxue is the smartest and most powerful woman in the world, a small forbidden area of ​​Nalan's family is nothing to worry about.

These are all rumors released by that bastard Nalan Zhiyuan, and now the whole college is full of rumors about Nalan Xue's death.

Situ Yawei, who had just arrived, knocked on the door and came in. They all laughed when they saw the young man coaxing his sister.

"Don't worry, although we can't enter the forbidden area of ​​Nalan's house, we can still get some information."

Situ Ruojin stepped forward, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it down.

Qu Zhiman's eyes lit up: "Brother Situ, do you know how Miss Tingxue is doing now?"

"We don't know what's going on inside the forbidden area, but we've heard some information about the forbidden area of ​​Nalan's family from my father." Situ Yawei approached and stroked Qu Zhiman's hair. This little girl is very smart and charming. People are distressed.

Qu Zhiman asked anxiously: "What news, tell me quickly?"

Qu Hongwen also looked over worried. He was also very worried. Up to now, he couldn't figure out why Tingxue had to go to Nalan's forbidden area.

(End of this chapter)

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