Chapter 319 Preparing for Concealment ([-])

Nalan Tingxue frowned slightly seeing Jun Lihen's uprightness and lack of self-knowledge about his actions.

Ever since Xuanyuan Yinshu appeared that day, she always felt that this guy was weird, even the way Xingjian and Situ Yawei looked at her made her feel a little strange.

Especially that boy Yuan Shaoyang, with his narrow eyes and expression on his hippie smile, he was very cheap at first glance.

It's just that Situ Ruojin doesn't know why, but unlike others, he has a livid face, more like he is angry.

I don't know why these guys have such expressions, Tingxue feels like she has overlooked something?

In terms of emotions... It's not that Nalan Tingxue doesn't have that kind of cognition, it's just that she has such a face of a country girl, and subconsciously she hardly thinks about emotions. Due to the influence of the above, it has become the current situation of being confused.

"Xiao Liuli, who do you think that old fox is?"

Ting Xue was still deep in thought, Jun Lihen suddenly leaned forward, leaned on her shoulder, and asked with a low smile in her ear.

"Old fox? You mean the Great Elder? The Great Elder's whereabouts are still unknown, and the two people in Tianling Temple are also missing. I suspect that they may have left, and they may have returned to Tianling Hall. The Great Elder may also be with Tianling Hall. Related." Ting Xue frowned and replied.

Up to now, the Great Elder still has no news, which is what they care about.

However, Jun Lihen didn't ask this at all, he smiled evilly and moved a little closer, and pulled her hand with his big hand.

"What does the elder have nothing to do with me? I'm talking about that old fox who smiles hypocritically and looks like a dog. Who do you think he is?" Play in the palm of your hand.

"You mean the Seventh Prince?" Nalan heard Xue's eyes move, and turned to look at him.

"Old fox." Jun Lihen insisted on his rhetoric rather rascally, squeezed her palm, "Little girl, be careful to be deceived."

"will not!"

"Yes!" Jun Lihen was still smiling, but his eyes were slightly narrowed. The little girl of his family trusted that guy so much. It really was an old fox. Fortunately, he was still here.

Ting Xue withdrew her hand, narrowed her eyes almost into a slit, and squinted at him: "The Seventh Prince is very nice, as for you... you stopped me from asking Concubine Wan that day, I think you should know the old lady." Miss!"

Her body was a little stiff, and Jun Li hated being so close, she could clearly smell his body and feel the heat of his body.

This guy must know that young lady, the smell of makeup that day... should be from that young lady.

Jun Lihen smiled silently, the little girl in his family is still so sensitive, why is the little girl so slow to emotional matters.


He looked at the girl with a calm face and a stubborn back with a straight back, and said two words with a low smile.

"who is she?"

"Shangguan Mingyue, she has already left." Jun Lihen leaned forward again, resting his chin with one hand, "Little Liuli, what else do you want to know?"

Staring at her with deep eyes, Tingxue blinked, she always knew that Jun Lihen was very mysterious.

A Shangguan Mingyue who can forcibly create a purple-level realm, she knows without even thinking about it, just like him, mysterious and dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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