Chapter 339 First Village ([-])
"You still have a son in the first village?" Liu Baiyun glanced at Liu Tong and the two next to her again, and suddenly her expression relaxed, and she laughed instead.

"I see, you guys are just talking nonsense. Why do you have a son in the first village and know my elder brother Cong Yuan? I have never heard of a child with a mother or not in the first village, let alone you. Rong."

Seemingly convinced of this fact, the expression on her face became more and more complacent, and all the things she was worried about seemed unnecessary.

She said how could this two people who are on good terms with Liu Tong sister and brother know Brother Cong Yuan? He must have heard about her from Liu Tong, so he deliberately said it to anger her.

Tingxue was convinced by the woman in front of her. A woman who talked to herself like this without any explanation from them, and directly explained to herself, was really commendable.

"Anyway, it's not far from the first village, let's go together?" Nalan Tingxue said calmly.

Liu Baiyun sneered: "Okay, let's go together, do you think I will believe your nonsense? The first village is as familiar to me as home. You want to lie to me, dreaming!"


A group of people came down from upstairs, and the entire lobby was overcrowded. Some people in Jiangping City heard the news, and almost all of them came here to watch the excitement.

The most beautiful woman in the world!This is not something you can usually see.

Not to mention that there is still a girl who is said to be more beautiful than that Miss Liu's, it would be a big loss not to come and see it at this time.

"Brother, did you really see that Miss Liu family?"

"That's natural. Not only did the Miss Liu family see it, but I also saw that purple-robed girl."

"The purple-robed girl is really as rumored, with a detached temperament, and the beauty of the country?"

"That's natural, that kind of beauty can't be expressed in words, it's just... If you have a chance to see it later, I guarantee you can see it straight."

The whole lobby was noisy, and everyone looked upstairs from time to time, and they finally saw someone through their long-awaited eyes.

Liu Baiyun and her little maid walked in the front, walking down the stairs gracefully, with a smile on her face, quite a few deliberate gestures.

"Look, it's the second young lady of the Liu family. She really deserves to be the most beautiful woman in the world. She's so beautiful."

"That's right, it's really beautiful. No wonder Neng Neng and the young master of the first villa fall in love with each other. If it were me, I would be fascinated too."

Listening to people's discussions, Liu Baiyun's self-confidence, which had just been hit, rose again. She raised her head slightly, raised her chin slightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became even brighter.

Suddenly, the entire lobby fell silent!
All of them were suddenly dumbfounded, and the stunned fell silent.

Liu Baiyun thought she had gone downstairs and shocked everyone, but when she looked up, she found that no one was looking at her at all, and everyone in the lobby looked past her to the back.

Her face froze immediately, and she turned her head to look at the stairs.

The purple-robed woman covered the lower half of her face with a face towel, casually raised her eyes and glanced at the crowd, proudly and lazily, walked downstairs calmly.

She obviously didn't expose her entire face, but the small half that was exposed outside was already amazing. She didn't give people a smiling face and gentle eyes, but it just made people feel that the goddess was so noble that the common people like them shouldn't get close.

Following the pace of the purple-robed woman, the originally densely packed lobby suddenly pushed aside one by one, creating a spacious passage for the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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