Chapter 549 Who Is That Woman (Part Three)

"I said brother, where have you been all this time? Why did you appear here? You and the king went to the Yuanling world, but only one person came back in the end. Now you are here alone. You will not do it secretly. What's the matter?"

Thirteen looked him up and down, very puzzled to see Xingjian here.

"I didn't go back, of course it was the king's order." Xing Jian said helplessly.

Although he knew about these things, the king must have forgotten, but he still wanted to protect Miss Xue well.

The seal of blockade, although it is unknown who made the seals on the two of them, but the two implicated are destined to be entangled together.

"The king's order? How could it be? After the king came back, he asked about your whereabouts many times, but none of us knew."

Thirteen showed doubts on his face. If it was really the king's order, how could he have asked many times.

"This matter is more complicated. What the king asked me to do is to protect that girl."

Xingjian pointed in the direction of Nalan Tingxue. He had seen how much the king loved Miss Tingxue and how special her existence was.

Thirteen was shocked, "You mean the one in the purple dress?"

"Yes, the one in the purple dress." Xing Jian paused, "Now she is still with Miss Shangguan, I dare not show up at will."

Shangguan Mingyue knew his identity, if he knew that he was with Nalan Tingxue, then Miss Tingxue's identity would be exposed almost instantly.

This is also what he is worried about, so he has been more cautious in the past few days.

"Who the hell is she?"

The shock in Shisan's heart was almost uncontrollable.

He absolutely believed Xing Jian's words. The two had followed the king together since they were young, and they knew exactly what the other was like.

Besides, the behavior of the king on the second floor just now was unusual. The master who never pays attention to women has become interested in a woman who just glanced at her.

Just from his master's attitude, he felt that this woman was unusual.

"You just say, that one is called Liuli!" Xingjian looked towards the direction of the second floor, and said in a deep voice after a long while.

"Liu Li?"

"Yes, it's called Liuli. You can just reply to the king like this, and you don't need to mention me." Xingjian knew that if the king knew that he was here and lost all memories of Nalan Tingxue, he would definitely let him go back.

He can't disobey the king's order, but he can't disregard the order after amnesia.

The best thing is not to appear in front of him...

It's a pity that things backfired, and some things were not as he imagined.

Thirteen looked at his back with a strange expression, and his expression changed: "The king!"

Xingjian was terrified in his heart, turned around abruptly, met his icy eyes, his whole body trembled, and said quickly and respectfully: "Your Majesty!"

"Xingjian, why are you here?" Jun Lihen narrowed his eyes and looked at the subordinate in front of him.

He hadn't seen him for a while, and the thirteen and others didn't know where he went, and they didn't expect to see him in a small sunset city.

"My lord, my subordinate is..." Xing Jian hesitated.

He was about to cry from the bottom of his heart, how would he answer now?

He knows that the king has lost his memory now, but is it really good for him about Miss Tingxue?

He glanced at Nalan Tingxue's direction, and was so tangled up that he wanted to jump.

"You are with her, who is she?" Jun Lihen didn't miss his glance.

(End of this chapter)

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