Chapter 557 Jun Li Hates You, You Flower Picker ([-])

When Nalan Tingxue returned to Zhan's house, Qiuqiu and His Royal Highness Ziyan were obviously still excited. For such a thing as being able to beat someone, the two of them were completely excited.

She grabbed another book and read it alone in the room. After dinner, when she was about to sit down and continue reading, her steps towards the soft couch stopped.

There was a faint smell between her breaths, a smell she was very familiar with.

That guy is here to find her?

Tingxue hooked the corners of her lips, and smiled lightly, thinking of the time when she first met, she went on to the soft couch and sat down, opened the book and read it carefully.

She wants to see how long he will be the gentleman on the beam.

Half an hour passed, and the room was still silent, except for the sound of fingers turning the book.

An hour passed, still the same.

Jun Lihen's eyes sank, he couldn't hide his aura, as long as this woman's cultivation was not very bad, it was impossible for her not to notice that there was an extra person in the room.

She did it on purpose!
Flying down, the purple robe and black hair scattered down, and landed quietly.

Nalan Tingxue looked up at him, hooked the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Are you willing to come down?"

"You know me?" Jun Lihen narrowed his eyes, Xingjian followed her, how could she not know his identity.

Then why is she in such a posture now?
"You are the one who came to be the gentleman on Liangshang in my room, and you are the one who asked me if I knew you. It's strange, you don't know me, what are you doing here?" Ting Xue hooked the corners of her mouth, her tone was flat, "Could it be you Ready to be a flower picker?"

Jun Lihen frowned, his purple eyes staring straight at her.

The woman was wearing a lavender skirt, sitting lazily on the soft couch, holding a book with her hands raised, her sleeves slipped down to reveal a large white and delicate wrist, so slender that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

This woman... her eyebrows are so exquisite that no one can pick out any problems, as if any extra points are superfluous, and that lazy look on her face doesn't seem to take him into consideration at all.

Not to mention the fear and awe of other people, she is not afraid of him at all.

"Your face..." Jun Lihen frowned slightly.

Nalan Tingxue looked at him, his heart skipped a beat, he kept staring at her face, did he remember something?

"Your face looks like this!"

"My face doesn't look like this, so what should it look like? Could it be that the flower picker is dissatisfied with my delicate flower?" Tingxue raised her eyebrows, her tone was narrow, and she looked at him with a smile on her lips.

What Jun Lihen said was just a declarative sentence, when he was in the trading field, he only saw her profile and back, but didn't see the rest clearly.

As for why he came here to look for her, he himself was a little baffled.

Before he realized it, he had already arrived at Zhan's house and stared at her for an hour.

He became a little irritable in his heart, when would Jun Lihen do such a thing?
He actually stared at a woman on the beam for an hour!
And now, is this woman teasing him?
"Flower picker?" Jun Lihen narrowed his eyes dangerously, a chilling aura emanated from his whole body, and the atmosphere of the whole room seemed to change at this moment.

"Isn't it? The gentleman on the beam, the flower picker, came here with disheveled hair and loose robes, and I am as beautiful as a flower!"

(End of this chapter)

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