Chapter 575 Inspirational as a vase ([-])
"Speaking of eating this barbecue, I remembered what happened in the area of ​​Baliao recently. I said beauty, you are not planning to go there, are you?" Ye Qingyang ate the barbecue, and suddenly thought of something.

Nalan Tingxue had been eavesdropping on their conversation with her ears pricked up, but she didn't realize that he was talking to her after listening to his words.

"Ah, are you asking me?" Looking up, a group of people looked at her with burning eyes, Ting Xue thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

"What's your name, great beauty? You don't seem to like it when I call you little sister. There are several girls here, but you didn't respond when I called you great beauty." Ye Qingyang stared with aggrieved expression.

Nalan Tingxue: "..." She really didn't mean it.

"You can call me Liuli!"

Ye Qingyang immediately smiled, and said: "So your name is Liuli, Liuli Liuli sounds really nice, what do you think of what I just said about Baliao?"

Nalan Tingxue looked at him fixedly, she didn't know anything about what she could look at.

What is this Baliao, please explain!
The two stared at each other for a while, and Liuli's innocent and blank expression clearly expressed her meaning.

Ye Qingyang looked at her for a while, and said quietly, "Little Liuli, you don't even know what Baliao is, do you?"

Why did he think what he said might be the truth?

"Baliao... um, is it a barbecue restaurant?" Tingxue said with some uncertainty.

Just now she seemed to vaguely hear him talking about barbecue, the area in Baliao or something, if it has something to do with barbecue, what is it if it is not a barbecue shop?
Ye Qingyang: "..."

Ye Tianming: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Damn, there are actually people hanging around in the chaotic forest, and they don't even know about Baliao.

Ye Qingyang patted his forehead with one hand, and looked at her sincerely, "Xiao Liuli, tell me seriously, do you really think Baliao is a barbecue restaurant?"

Listening to Xue and seeing their reactions, she knew that she might have guessed wrong.

She blinked her eyes, and cautiously asked for confirmation, " it the bandit village? Who is more powerful than Shanying Village?"

His Highness Zi Yan silently rolled his eyes, it's shameful to pretend to be stupid.

After breaking the seal, it can be regarded as seeing through, Tingxue still has the coldness and reticence of the past, and it is easy to tease Jun Lihen, and this pretending to be stupid is also accurate.

Ye Tianming sat aside with a strong sense of presence, his eyes fell on Liu Li in front of him, and he didn't know that his eyes were softer than ever before.

"Bandit Village!! It's even compared to Shanying Village!! My God, where did you come from, Xiao Liuli? I'm really going to be scared to death by you." Ye Qingyang clutched his chest, feeling that he couldn't be frightened. shallow.

Ting Xue shrugged, "Well, I really don't know, so just tell me."

Everyone is silent, everyone can see that you don't know.

Ye Qingyang explained: "This Baliao is a special feature in the chaotic forest. It is not very far away from here. There are people from all over the Baliao. Every half a year, Baliao will hold a feast of competitions. The contents of each are different, and the rewards for the final victors are also different."

"There will be a competition in the next few days, so everyone around the chaotic forest rushed to the Baliao area."

Hearing this, Nalan Tingxue took a look at the barbecue in his hand, thinking it couldn't be such a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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