Ghost Hand Poison Doctor: God of War Mad Emperor Sheng Chongfei

Chapter 582 Listening to Snow Calling Brother

Chapter 582 Listening to Snow Calling Brother ([-])
"Let's go, find a place to live first, and I'll take you to the test site when you're settled." Ye Tianming patted her on the head and said something doting.

"Ah, brother, you take her there?" His elder brother was never interested in such things, and he never went to see them before.

"Liuli is here for the first time, and I will accompany her."

Ye Tianming's words shocked everyone, and the way he looked at Nalan Tingxue was a little unusual.

Along the way, they all knew that the captain was very kind to Liuli, and they felt that it was normal for such a beautiful woman to be valued.

Anyway, their captain is also a man.

But their captain never went to the Baliao competition ground, and now the captain took the initiative to go because of this woman.

This... Could it be that their captain really fell in love with Liuli?
Ye Qingyang was confused, his expression changed again and again, what if his elder brother really fell in love with Xiao Liuli?
Until he found a place to live, his whole head was still wandering about this matter.

"Hey, brother Qingyang, you've been looking at me with such resentful eyes all the way, what do you want to say?" Nalan Tingxue put down the teacup in her hand and looked up helplessly.

Ye Qingyang was startled, "What did you call me just now?"

Why is it that Xiao Liuli doesn't dislike Brother Qingyang's words when he said them out of his mouth?

He was actually a little secretly happy...Damn it, how could he be like this, he clearly said that the title of elder brother was reserved for younger sisters.

But it feels really good to be called brother by Xiao Liuli!
Ye Tianming's face darkened immediately, and he looked at her with burning eyes.

Xiao Yao's eyes lit up on one side, and she tugged at Qingxue's sleeve, "Did you hear that, this woman has already begun to get so carried away that she calls her brother, she probably doesn't know our captain's taboo at all."

Everyone in the team knows this taboo, but they won't say it casually.

Nalan was also taken aback when she heard Xue, she just said it casually when she was teasing, and at this moment, she also realized that she seemed to be called something she shouldn't be called.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I accidentally slipped my tongue." He immediately apologized.

People don't allow people to call you brother. Although she didn't mean it, she still needs an apology.

Ye Qingyang scratched his head, "It's okay!"

Then he lowered his head to eat, with a cold expression on his face.

In fact, there were all kinds of roars in his heart, and he actually felt unhappy!When he heard that cliché... he actually felt very uncomfortable.

Could it be that Xiao Liuli called someone "brother" too many times, that's why she said it fluently!
Which guy is it that Xiao Liuli called her brother every day? Thinking about it this way, why is he so envious and jealous!
Ye Tianming's eyes sank, his aura was icy cold and frightening.


Everyone who had a meal had different thoughts, and Nalan Tingxue didn't expect that her casual sentence would change the atmosphere of the whole team, and she was also a little embarrassed.

After dinner, she thought about saying goodbye and leaving. Anyway, Baliao had also arrived, and they had already arrived at their destination after walking together.

But before she could speak, Ye Tianming had already got up, "Let's go, I'll take you to the test site."

"Ah... oh yes."

The two left one after another, leaving the rest of the team looking at each other.

The little demon said: "Vice-captain, don't blame her Liuli, she must have called the wrong man unintentionally, she must have called other men too much brother, so she called him so frivolously."

"To shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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