Ghost Hand Poison Doctor: God of War Mad Emperor Sheng Chongfei

Chapter 596 Sister Control Attribute Explosion

Chapter 596 The Outbreak of Sister Control Attributes ([-])
Fighting and causing trouble are very common in Baliao.

Everyone was familiar with this situation, and no one stood up to say anything, but watched the excitement with great interest.

It was a one-on-six unfair fight, and it was a little girl against six big men.

From everyone's point of view, this is clearly a bullying fight, especially when the contrast between the two sides is so obvious.

"This masked girl is probably going to be miserable."

"Why don't you go up to the hero and save the beauty. Although this girl is wearing a veil, she should be a great beauty judging by her figure and skin."

"Beauty? Are you kidding me? If the beauty is here, she still wears a veil?"

"People can't keep a low profile!"

A group of people around watched the excitement, but no one went up to help.

They all felt that the purple-clothed girl was masked to participate in the competition. If she was really good-looking, she would definitely show it. This appearance is a bonus item in the competition in Baliao.

That's not the case with the girl Hong Jiu'er, there are not a few people who give red cloth strips just because of her appearance.

Nalan Tingxue looked at the few people rushing up, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his cold and stern aura suddenly rose.

The black long whip in his hand seemed to have eyes, and he was able to deal with every troublemaker flexibly.

Hang and beat!

At first, everyone looked at the decision, but after a while, they were all dumbfounded.

The girl didn't even move her steps, and with a long black whip, she crushed the six big men and beat them screaming.

As expected, it is indeed a one-sided picture.

But the direction of this fall is not at all what they thought.

"Hey, stop hitting, ouch!"

"I'll go, why is this woman so powerful."

"Whoever says that she has no cultivation base, whoever says that I will cut off my head and use it as a bench for her."

The six big men were originally here to find fault, but it's a pity that they didn't even have a purple rank, so they came to deliver food.

The long whip wraps around a person's ankle and throws him out.

Repeatedly, the six ragged men were finally thrown out by her with a whip, lying on the ground and howling, each of them had clearly visible whip wounds.

When Ye Tianming arrived, he saw such a scene.

Nalan Tingxue stood in the middle with a slight smile, playing with a whip in her hand, and the ground was covered with wounded people in tattered clothes.

"What's going on?" Ye Tianming stepped forward and asked in a cold voice.

Hearing the movements of Xuexue's hands, she turned her head to meet the cold eyes of her new acquainted elder brother, and pursed her lips. She actually wanted to be a good sister for a while longer.

At that moment, she put away her whip, ran up to him, raised her head and said, "Brother, I'm grilling meat here. They see that I'm a weak woman, and I'm so pretty, and I'm evil, and they want to plot against me! There are so many of them. Man, it's so vicious."

The six people lying on the ground felt the pain in their bodies: "..."

Weak woman, beautiful, scheming, vicious!

This woman changed her face too quickly, they are obviously the ones lying here now!

Ye Tianming's eyes sank, he stretched out his hand and pulled the woman behind him, took a few steps forward, and stepped on the back of someone's hand, "My sister is beautiful?"

There was a frightening cold breath, and the guy whose hand was stepped on trembled, "It's beautiful...beautiful."

He didn't see anything with his face covered!
Stumbling under his feet, Ye Tianming continued to ask, "Planting something wrong?"

"Ah! No, no..."

(End of this chapter)

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