Chapter 226 You are the most important
After dinner, Xiao Yunuan took the phone, saw Jiang Se sent her a message, and clicked in.

【Did your husband beat Lin Yifan? 】

She replied: no.

Jiang Se quickly messaged her back.

[When did Mr. Rong become so generous? 】

Her: The two of them didn't meet.

Jiang Se: No wonder.

After reading what Jiang Se replied to her, Xiao Yunuan put down her phone and turned on the TV, and Rong Yi watched it with her.

The two of them were eating melon seeds while watching, when she suddenly remembered about the hotel, looked sideways at the man beside her, and asked him, "Is Longquan Villa owned by the Rong family?"

"No." Rong Yi gave her the peeled melon seeds.

Xiao Yunuan took the twist and ate two grains into his mouth, and said with a strange expression: "We stayed in the hotel in the villa for the past two days, and the waiter said that we are friends of their young master, so they provided us with free meals. Neither Sister nor Sese know who their young master is."

Rong Yi froze all over, suddenly looked at her, and unconsciously raised his voice: "What did you say?"

His reaction was a bit big, Xiao Yunuan looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Rong Yi realized his gaffe, suppressed the shock on his face, and forced a smile: "It's nothing."

Xiao Yunuan blinked: "You still said it's nothing, you were so scary just now."

Rong Yi leaned over and took the teacup to cover up his strange emotions: "Didn't you say it? Let you stay away from the opposite sex, and you became friends with some young master without me knowing."

She looked wronged: "I don't know, I don't even know who their young master is. At first I thought it was you, but then I thought it was wrong. If it was really arranged by you, then they wouldn't say that I am them." The young master's friend is his wife."

Rong Yi unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup, lowered his eyes, pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

He seemed to be calm on the surface, but there was a storm in his heart.

Although the Liang family is in the jewelry business, they occasionally invest in some side businesses. The resort is the property of the Liang family.

Isn't their young master Liang Qingchi?

His hand holding the vacuum flask trembled slightly, and his mind was in a mess.

When Xiao Yunuan finished eating the melon seeds and took the fruit, he saw the man next to him in a daze.

He held the thermos cup in one hand and the lid in the other. The cup tilted, and the water in it poured out, and the accumulated water on the ground flowed under the coffee table like a thin thread.

Xiao Yunuan touched him: "What's wrong with you?"

Rong Yi came back to his senses, smiled at her, and screwed on the lid of the cup: "I'm thinking about a new project."

Xiao Yunuan said: "If you have something to do, go and do it, don't accompany me."

"You are the most important." Rong Yi put down the thermos and continued to peel her melon seeds.

Xiao Yunuan called Aunt Zhang and mopped up the water stains on the ground.

She was a little tired after playing for two days, so she went upstairs to take a shower at nine o'clock.

When she was drying her hair after taking a shower, Rong Yi came in from outside.

She tilted her head, and her hair was blowing on one side. Rong Yi didn't notice it at first, but when she turned off the hair dryer, Rong Yi saw the little red spot on her neck at a glance.

"what is this?"

Her skin was light and white, and the red dots were particularly noticeable.

It seems to be bitten by mosquitoes, but where do mosquitoes come from in winter?
Xiao Yunuan put away the hair dryer: "I'm allergic."

Rong Yi took a closer look, and then asked, "Is it itchy?"

"A little bit." She nodded.

It's fine if he doesn't ask, but when she asks, she feels itchy, she reaches out to scratch, but Rong Yi stops her.

(End of this chapter)

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