Sword God Broken Kong

Chapter 138 The Truth

Chapter 138 The Truth
Just after Ji Tiancheng beheaded Bai Sheng with a single sword, his aura was in full swing. Therefore, the three masters of the Demon Cult who were targeted by him suddenly seemed to be targeted by a poisonous snake, and an unstoppable gust of blood gushed out from the soles of their feet. Another burst of cold air!

As the leader of the three of them, Bai Sheng naturally has a strong position in the Demon Cult, and the source of his position is naturally his status as a master of stellar qi.

But how did the three of them expect that Bai Sheng, a master of stellar energy, would die in Ji Tiancheng's hands for less than a shot of incense!This made them who were originally in an advantage suddenly become disadvantaged!

But fortunately, all three of them came up from the bottom, and they made the same reaction in an instant, that is, they retreated tens of meters suddenly, and were wary of Ji Tiancheng from a distance.

Ji Tiancheng didn't move forward hastily. He had beheaded the stellar qi master Bai Sheng before. Apart from Bai Sheng's underestimation of the enemy, there was also an element of luck.

If Bai Sheng hadn't wielded his sword in front of Ji Tiancheng like Guan Gong wielded a big sword, he probably wouldn't have been easily pierced by Ji Tiancheng's protective qi and killed.

So Ji Tiancheng didn't directly go forward to fight these three Demon Cult masters.

Using his strength to deal with three Demon Sect masters of the same level is naturally not a problem. After all, he has Qinglian Zhenqi in his body, so he has no fear of Demon Sect drama. Poison.

And now that he has crushed these three Demon Cult masters in terms of momentum, now he only needs to be vigilant against the dying counterattack of these three Demon Cult masters, and not to be injured by them.

And those three Demon Cult masters seemed to have sensed Ji Tiancheng's thoughts, they looked at each other, and they rushed out of the Green Bamboo Valley in unison, not caring about showing off at all, after all, if they die this time, what's the use of showing off?
Since you can't fight, you can only escape.

This was Ji Tiancheng's guess about the three of them, but the development of the matter was far beyond Ji Tiancheng's prediction.

These three Demon Cult masters did not escape as he imagined, but led Ji Tiancheng into a vast flat land with nearly a hundred ordinary warriors and a few true energy warriors.

In an instant, Ji Tiancheng's face became serious. If these people were from the Demon Sect, he might be in danger.

Looking around among the group of warriors, Ji Tiancheng was suddenly surprised to find a woman tied up under a tree with a terrified face, and three or four female warriors were watching beside the woman.

Ji Tiancheng changed his mind, and naturally knew that this woman was the daughter of Shen Qing, the shopkeeper of the Red Cloud Inn, so he specially scouted the terrain there, and took her away when the situation was not good.

"Come and kill him, he is Qinglian Sword Venerable Ji Tiancheng, as long as you kill him, all the secret books and treasures on him will be yours!"

After the three Demon Cult masters came to this group of people, they suddenly shouted at them.

The shouts containing true energy quickly spread among the group of warriors, instantly making the listless warriors boil like boiling water, with their eyes fixed on Ji Tiancheng's figure.

"and many more!"

Among the group of warriors, the most powerful true qi transformation master suddenly shouted, which made the whole warrior group calm down.

Then the middle-aged man, who seemed to be a head teacher, said to the three in a cold voice: "Didn't the three of you go to find helpers with Bai Sheng? Why are you the only ones here now?"

"We were looking for a helper, but how could we expect to meet this Qinglian sword master, and in the end not only Bai Sheng was lost in his hands, but the three of us were also chased to this point!"

"Hmph, are you still trying to hide it from me? My subordinates just heard from each other that the shopkeeper of the Red Cloud Inn told Qinglian Jianzun that he would let his daughter go to Qingbamboo Valley today, but didn't we agree to bring Qinglian Jianzun here tomorrow? Are you coming? Could it be that you guys led Sword Master Qinglian to Qingzhu Valley!"

Hearing these words, Ji Tiancheng thought secretly in his heart: "Could it be that they are not members of the Demon Cult? Otherwise, how could there be internal fighting?"

The Demon Cult never fights among themselves, just because the Demon Cult has a common Supreme—the Demon Lord!
If these people were members of the Demon Cult, they would never be fooled by Bai Sheng and these Demon Cult masters, because the Demon Lord of the Demon Cult has only one way to deal with this kind of infighting, and that is to kill!


The three of them looked at each other, and they were speechless for a while. After all, it was indeed the few of them who did it, and it was obvious that they had already investigated clearly. will believe.

"Headmaster Wu Qingsheng, don't talk about it, let's kill the three of them first, what I, Lu Buming, hate the most in my life is that these bastards want to play us while applauding, I really don't know what to do. "

Just as Wu Qingsheng was about to yell at these three people, a strong man with a fiery temper and a sledgehammer beside him said to him, and a murderous aura rose from his body as soon as the words fell!
"Brother Lu is right, kill these three thieves first, so that nothing will happen because of them in the end!"

The rest of the people also echoed, and the aura condensed on their bodies oppressed the three masters of the Demon Cult, making Ji Tiancheng feel amused.

At first, he thought that these three Demon Cult masters led him here to lure him into a trap, but it was only now that he discovered that the trap was real, but it was these three Demon Cult masters who fell into the trap first !

At this moment, these three people are also suffering and cannot tell. The reason why they don't fight with this group of decent fighters is that they are afraid of exposing the identity of the Demon Cult.

You must know that the status of the Devil's Cult in Jianghu is a role that everyone shouts and beats. If someone finds out their identity when they kill Ji Tiancheng in the end, they will probably accompany him in.

But they didn't expect that their identities hadn't been discovered by these decent fighters, and they were treated as thorns in the flesh because of this incident. It wasn't Ji Tiancheng who killed them first, but them.



How powerful is it for a group of fighters to attack together? Obviously, these three Demon Cult masters will not sit still. Seeing this situation, they immediately released their own zhenqi domains, and the poisonous zhenqi domains played a huge role at this time Power, but at the same time, the essence of the Demon Cult is also exposed!
"What! This is devil's poison! They are actually members of the devil's religion!"

Although a group of warriors were overthrown by the poisonous field, it was insignificant compared to the total number of these ordinary warriors.

Especially when these warriors learned that these people were members of the Demon Cult who caused chaos in the Jianghu, they charged forward fearlessly. Protecting those ordinary warriors from fatal injuries, they fought steadily, and the battle seemed to be at a stalemate.


If this continues, they will surely die. How can this make the three demon masters in the realm of true qi reconciled, especially if they die under such circumstances, they will be extremely aggrieved. After resisting another wave of offensives, they retreated quickly.

However, they seemed to have forgotten that there was another person behind them, and that was Ji Tiancheng. The three of them gritted their teeth and chose the latter among all warriors and Ji Tiancheng, intending to go directly to Ji Tiancheng. It's better to transfer the hatred of these people to Ji Tiancheng in this way.

Ji Tiancheng looked at the three Demon Cult masters running towards him, with a relaxed smile on his face. If he could let them run away under such circumstances, then his name as Sword Master would not be worthy of his name.

Although now he already knew that his name of sword master was a reputation that the Demon Cult deliberately planned to kill him to promote for him.

"Puff puff--"

There is no shadow of a sword, no moves like a cloud, only the extremely sharp sword aura.

Heart Sword, Will Sword, Qi Sword.Fused together in Ji Tiancheng's hand, with the addition of three layers of sword marks, his sword willpower was fully increased by [-]%. The sword energy from the Zangfeng sword in his hand pierced through the bodies of three Demon Cult masters one after another irresistibly.

The masters of the Devil's Cult who had jumped up into the air one by one with the lightness kung fu fell down like dumplings, and never got up again.

(End of this chapter)

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