Sword God Broken Kong

Chapter 161 Hunting

Chapter 161 Hunting
The sun from the sky shines on this rather vast tribe. The youths in the tribe have already gone out to hunt, and the girls have also gone to the mountains early to collect medicinal materials.

Ji Tiancheng was sitting on a stone platform at this time, carefully cutting a four-foot-long wooden stick with a borrowed hard sharp knife.

When he fell into the cliff that day, the Zangfeng Sword naturally fell with him and disappeared.

In addition, his meridians were broken by [-]%, and it was difficult to use his true energy. Without the blessing of swordsmanship, he could only display the strength of internal energy flow at most.

This kind of strength, in the wilderness that has been fighting for many years, it is difficult to protect itself!
Maybe when a master with perfect internal energy comes, he can be easily eliminated.

And if he holds a long sword, his strength will at least double. At that time, even if he is not as strong as the real qi, ordinary internal qi masters can easily deal with it.

But let's not say that there is very little refined iron in the tribe, even if there is enough refined iron, in this wilderness, who would make a long sword that only people in Kyushu can use?
One inch is long and one inch is strong. The wild people live very close to nature, and even go a certain distance from the tribe, they will encounter ferocious beasts. In this environment, most of them use long spears.

As for the sword?
If it weren't for their contacts with Kyushu, I'm afraid they wouldn't know that there is such a weapon as the sword in the world!
Ji Tiancheng's making of wooden swords aroused some people's curiosity at first, and they gathered around him to watch, but then they all left.

Even if an iron sword is placed in front of them, they will melt the iron sword to make a long spear, let alone a wooden sword?

Ji Tiancheng was naturally happy about this, without the interference from outsiders, his sword-making speed was much faster.

By noon, a crude wooden sword had already been produced under Ji Tiancheng's hands.


When Ji Tiancheng became interested, he waved the wooden sword in his hand and performed a sword move. With light steps, his figure flickered and stopped on the open space in front of the tribe, like a flying fairy coming to the world.

At this time, the young men and the herb-picking girls in the tribe also returned from the outside. Seeing this scene, the girls cheered and praised repeatedly, but the young men didn't care.

Even if the wooden sword dances beautifully, so what if it is powerful?If you can't kill the enemy, then everything is false!

Seeing the contempt in the eyes of these young people, Ji Tiancheng didn't take it seriously.

He danced the sword casually, and the sword was light and floating. Although it was gorgeous, it was really powerless in essence.

The reason why he did this was just to get familiar with the sword moves and better control the wooden sword in his hand.

Ji Tiancheng didn't explain, but in the eyes of those young people, it was a sign of cowardice. They faintly began to stay away from Ji Tiancheng, and seeing that the girls in the tribe seemed to love Ji Tiancheng very much, they felt even worse.

If it wasn't because Ji Tiancheng was rescued by Ling Moduo, I'm afraid they would have the heart to drive Ji Tiancheng away.

No matter what, Ji Tiancheng finally had greater contact with the people in this tribe, and gained a deeper understanding of this Ling tribe.

Ling Shanqi is the only doctor in this tribe, and he is deeply respected by these young people, so even though they are displeased, they dare not act presumptuously towards Ji Tiancheng, who was rescued by Ling Mo Duo. Take it to heart.

Just when all the young people were provoking Ji Tiancheng with their eyes, Ling Mo suddenly squeezed out from the crowd, and shouted happily to Ji Tiancheng: "Ah Cheng, this is the medicinal material I just picked today, I will boil it for you later !"

Ji Tiancheng nodded and hummed, then turned and left gracefully, leaving only those young people watching his back enviously.

"Hmph, what's the big deal, he should have healed from his injuries, let him go hunting tomorrow! Just sitting in the tribe and not doing anything is against the rules!"

Ling Mo Duo defended him and said: "How can this be done, Ah Cheng has not recovered from his injury for a long time!"

"Let Ah Cheng go hunting with you tomorrow!"

Ling Shanqi's voice suddenly appeared here.

Ling Mo Duo said anxiously: "Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, Ah Duo! I just checked, and Ah Cheng's injuries have healed!"

"Huh, really?"

Ling Mo Duo was a little disbelieving.

"How could grandpa lie to you? I think he recovered so quickly from his injuries. He should be a martial artist in Kyushu, and as long as his strength is not low, it is not a problem to deal with ordinary beasts at all."

Ling Mo Duo nodded when he heard this, and said, "Brother Ji is indeed a warrior from Kyushu!"

"That's it!"

Ling Shanqi patted Ling Mo Duo's head kindly and said.

Except for the broken meridians, Ji Tiancheng's body injuries have almost recovered, and with the blessing of the wooden sword, he can still display strength second only to the realm of true energy.

If Lingshan Qi knew about this, I don't know how he would feel.

In any case, it was a foregone conclusion that Ji Tiancheng would go hunting tomorrow. Ling Mo Duo specially talked with Ji Tiancheng about hunting for this reason, which really moved Ji Tiancheng.

This barren land is not as peaceful as Kyushu. Ferocious beasts can be seen everywhere in the mountains and fields, and some of the most powerful beasts will perish even if a master of true energy is careless for a moment!

But this kind of ferocious beast stays in the deep mountains and old forests, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see them.Therefore, the biggest threat to people in the wilderness is actually hordes of beasts.

Facing the sea of ​​beasts, no tribe can resist.

"Ah Cheng, you must remember that when you encounter a group of wild beasts, don't look back and run away!"

Ji Tiancheng was deep in thought at this moment, but didn't respond for a while.

Seeing Ji Tiancheng's thoughtful look, Ling Moduo thought he didn't take what she said to heart, so he said to Ji Tiancheng in a panic: "My father, the number one warrior of the Ling clan, came to save my mother's life. Trapped in a pack of wolves, even if you haven't escaped, don't try to be brave!"

Talking about this sad matter, Ling Mo Duo couldn't help but shed tears, slid down his white cheeks, hugged his body tightly and squatted on the ground.

"I will avenge your parents!"

Ji Tiancheng was startled awake by Ling Mo Duo's slight weeping, and didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only lean over and let her lean on his shoulder to comfort him.

Ling Mo Duo cried for a long time before falling asleep sweetly, Ji Tiancheng felt a faint pain in his heart, sighed, carried her back to the room, and then left alone.

It was not until the next morning that Ling Mo Duo woke up. When she saw Ji Tiancheng, her thin-skinned face turned red with embarrassment.

After shedding so many tears yesterday, she was afraid that Ji Tiancheng would look down on her. She didn't feel relieved until she saw Ji Tiancheng's encouraging eyes.

The day's plan is in the morning, and the men, women and children in the tribe also quickly wake up from their sleep.

Soon, under Ling Shanqi's arrangement, Ji Tiancheng successfully joined a hunting team and officially started his first hunting trip in the wilderness.

(End of this chapter)

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