Sword God Broken Kong

Chapter 166: Solar Attack

Chapter 166: Solar Attack
It has been three months since Ji Tiancheng pursued Li Huashang. During this time, earth-shaking changes have taken place in Kyushu.

As soon as Tengshan's agreement was over, the Demon Cult rose up like lightning, killing three first-class sects that were well-known in the Jianghu.

Then, there was no movement!
Even so, this made the major sects in Kyushu worry unceasingly, fearing that the Demon Cult would make trouble again, so they formed an alliance to monitor the Demon Cult's movements at all times and jointly resist the Demon Cult.

Hongchen Inn!

After Ji Tiancheng took action, Li Huashang, who frequently killed the single disciples of various sects, stopped moving. The reason for this is easy for anyone to see.

Because of this, Hongchen Inn's status in the Jianghu has become pivotal, no less than any top power, even the Demon Sect with many masters is still afraid of Hongchen Inn.

Others didn't know Li Hua Changde's specific strength, so how could they not know, and because of this, they became more and more afraid of Ji Tiancheng, and couldn't think of fighting back against Hongchen Inn.

However, the Red Dust Inn, which is extremely glamorous in the eyes of everyone, is not so relaxed at this moment, but full of heaviness.

Ji Tiancheng has been chasing Li Huashang for three months, but he still hasn't returned, which makes Luo Zhenlanshan and the others feel a little worried.

But what is even more worrying is that a fisherman once salvaged a sword from the bottom of the river. It was about three feet three inches long and two fingers wide. .

This sword was sold by a fisherman to the market, and finally Luo Zhen saw it by chance at the Hongchen Inn and bought it back.

Luo Zhen naturally knew that this sword was Ji Tiancheng's Zangfeng sword, and eagerly asked about the origin of Zangfeng sword.

In the end, Luo Zhen, Lan Shan and the others came to a conclusion - Ji Tiancheng was most likely in danger, and even died!
This made their hearts ache.

But Ji Tiancheng, who was far away in the wilderness, was practicing swordsmanship in the hospital alive and well at this moment.

As the sword was swung again and again, the true energy in Ji Tiancheng's body became more and more condensed. At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the courtyard.

"Master Ji!"

Ji Tiancheng stopped when he heard the sound, and saw Gu Yue running over in a panic.

"My Gu Yue Clan's great enemy has arrived, so I ask Mr. Ji to take action!"

Ji Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "Take me there!"

Gu Yue Yanyu stood quietly in front of the Gu Yue warrior, looking solemnly at the gunpowder outside the tribe. Not far behind her, three corpses were lying on the ground.

As soon as Ji Tiancheng came, he saw these three corpses, and immediately asked with interest: "Is this the spies from your Gu Yue tribe?"

Gu Yue Yanyu nodded, and remembered that these spies came in to attract Ji Tiancheng. Looking at Ji Tiancheng's figure, she couldn't help feeling a little resentful.

Ji Tiancheng was unmoved by the eyes of the ancient Yue Yanyu, and then asked: "Which tribe sent these spies?"

"In this Northwest Wilderness, only the Sunyao Clan and the Star Soul Clan can stand shoulder to shoulder with our clan. The Star Soul Clan has a good relationship with my Gu Yue Clan, and only the Riyao Clan has deep conflicts with my clan."

Ji Tiancheng nodded. Although Gu Yue Yanyu didn't specify which clan invaded, she had already made it very clear.

"How strong is the Riyao Clan?"

"There are more than a dozen top warriors in the clan, and the patriarch Riyao Changming is even a strong God of War!"

The division of strength in the wilderness is the same as that of the Kyushu Great Path, a general is equivalent to a master of internal energy, and a god of war is naturally equivalent to a strong person of true energy.

"Ha ha!"

A cold light flashed in Ji Tiancheng's eyes, and he had a plan in mind.

While speaking, the enemy barbarian warriors had already appeared in front of the Gu Yue clan.

"Sure enough, it's the Riyao clan!"

Gu Yue Yanyu's face was full of solemnity.

Thousands of people gathered together with spears in their hands. Even Ji Tiancheng didn't dare to resist the momentum. He bypassed the wild warriors and looked directly at Riyao Changming who was behind him.

There are less than [-] barbarian warriors in the Gu Yue clan, and some of them are old or young fighters. It is simply impossible for these fighters to resist the menacing Riyao clan.

"Master Ji, please help me!"

Gu Yue Yanyu looked at the warriors of the Riyao Clan, but felt bitter in her heart. The strength of the Riyao Clan was much stronger than she imagined!
Ji Tiancheng nodded, and then he pushed his feet hard, and the zhenqi on the soles of his feet was spontaneously generated, drawing a long arc in the air, and rushed towards the thousands of warriors of the Riyao Clan as if flying.

Ji Tiancheng's figure as swift as a ghost made the soldiers of the Riyao clan feel dignified. Even Riyao Changming, who had already felt that the victory was in his hands, felt a headache at this moment.

However, although Riyao Changming was surprised, he didn't realize that only one person could resist thousands of elite fighters of the Riyao clan, so although his expression was slightly dignified, he was not panicked.

"Pass down the order, the whole army will attack!"

Riyao Changming focused his eyes and issued an order, and following Riyao Changming's order, thousands of elite fighters also began to attack the Gu Yue clan!


The two armies are at war, and gold and iron are at war.

The warriors of the Riyao clan were as imposing as a rainbow piercing the sun, as if no one could stop them from moving forward. Although the Gu Yue clan was weak, they had the spirit to die generously.

For a time, despite the huge difference in strength between the two armies, they miraculously reached a balance, and neither side seemed to be defeated.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yue Yanyu knew that this battle situation would not last long at all. The soldiers of the Riyao clan are all elite and have long physical strength, so they can fight for a long time.

But the warriors of the Gu Yue clan are different. They are one against ten, their potential explodes, and they will soon become weak and exhausted, and it will be dangerous at that time.

Now Gu Yue Yanyu can only hope that Ji Tiancheng can break the majestic aura of the Riyao Clan, but thinking about the strength that the Riyao Clan has shown now, she suddenly smiles helplessly, how can one person be able to resist this kind of strength and aura.

The Gu Yue clan is doomed!

Gu Yue Yanyu couldn't help closing her eyes, but suddenly heard the terrified screams of the soldiers of the Riyao clan.

"Protect the patriarch!"

Gu Yue Yanyu opened her eyes in astonishment, only to find that Ji Tiancheng suddenly tore a hole in the battle formation of the Riyao Clan, and rushed straight at the leader of the Riyao Clan, Riyao Changming.

At this time, Gu Yue Misty Rain couldn't help being a little surprised. In her opinion, seeing the strength of the Riyao Clan, Ji Tiancheng should have fled directly.

But he didn't expect that Ji Tiancheng would break into the battle alone, trying to kill Riyao Changming.

But let's not say that Riyao Changming himself has the strength of God of War, the elite warriors around him alone are enough to keep Ji Tiancheng behind.

Such a dragon pool and a tiger's den, just Ji Tiancheng's intentions, moved her very much.

Of course, the reason for this was because Gu Yue Yanyu didn't know Ji Tiancheng's true strength, otherwise she wouldn't think there was anything wrong with Ji Tiancheng's doing so.

Wherever Ji Tiancheng passed, the sword energy shot out one after another, killing every enemy, the killing aura on his body also awakened, captivating the mind, the whole person was like a prehistoric beast, making people's legs weak when they saw it, Can't afford to resist.

After passing all the way, Ji Tiancheng finally arrived in front of Riyao Changming under the inconceivable gaze of everyone.

"how is this possible!"

Gu Yue Misty Rain looked surprised, she never expected Ji Tiancheng to be so powerful.

Riyao Changming's body trembled slightly, and Ji Tiancheng's killing aura from the abyss made him tremble.

"Your Excellency, I don't know what price the Gu Yue Clan paid? I am willing to double the price, and please honor your hand!"

Riyao Changming felt a little regretful in his heart. If he hadn't started spying on the Gu Yue clan, the Riyao clan would not have ended up like this. Their original strength had dropped by half, and their own lives were in danger.

He has already noticed that Ji Tiancheng's strength is comparable to that of the most powerful people in the wilderness, and he is not their opponent at all.

"Sorry, I don't need it."

Ji Tiancheng swung his sword lightly, like the scythe of the god of death harvesting souls, and without a sound, Ri Yao Changming's body fell to the ground.

"The patriarch of the Riyao Clan is dead, whoever dares to resist will be killed on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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