Sword God Broken Kong

Chapter 52 Fighting

Chapter 52 Fighting

In the distance, there were bursts of mournful and low-pitched barks from wild dogs, as if weeping for this dead companion.

Ji Tiancheng didn't care about howling jackals, no matter how close the sound was, he stared straight at the blood-stained tree next to the jackal's head, looking at the blood-stained trees under the knife on the bark. handwriting.

The grooves of the handwriting have been filled with blood, and the strokes are intertwined, like the meridians of a person's palm.

With Ji Tiancheng's keen eyes, he could vaguely see that the veins were words carved on the tree trunk.


Who carved the handwriting on this big tree?

Ji Tiancheng walked over slowly, and the handwriting on the tree trunk gradually appeared clearly before his eyes.

The sentences were intermittent and of different sizes, as if drawn hastily, Ji Tian's pupils shrank involuntarily when he saw it.

"The Rakshasa is the devil, and the elixir scripture is its goal."

"I see!"

Ji Tiancheng's thoughts were suddenly cleared up by this passage. If this passage is true, it would explain why Luo Sha wanted to help the City Lord's Mansion manage the elixir scriptures!

It's not for huge rewards, but purely to take advantage of the convenience of his duties, first help the City Lord's Mansion manage the Holy Medicine Book, and then look for opportunities to poach or destroy the Holy Medicine, so that the Holy Medicine Book can't be held normally.

The purpose is naturally to destroy the few opportunities in Kyushu to enhance the strength of the younger generation.

"It seems that the time for the birth of the Demon Cult is not far away."

Ji Tiancheng stood in front of the big tree, thinking silently in his heart, with a firm light shining in his eyes.

"We must stop Rakshasa's move!"


Pairs of greedy and treacherous eyes, shining with dazzling brilliance, appeared not far behind Ji Tiancheng. Under their thin body, there was a bloated belly hidden.

There were bloodstains all over the ground in front of the big tree, such a tragic environment, coupled with the uniqueness of these jackals, and the artificial handwriting here, already made Ji Tiancheng understand the reason why these jackals were abnormal.

Therefore, he has already sentenced these beasts to death in his heart.

The Zangfeng sword was unsheathed again, and Ji Tiancheng stomped in the direction of the jackal, his robe flying and blood splashing everywhere.

Just when these dirty blood stains were about to stain Ji Tiancheng's clothes.

But Ji Tiancheng suddenly dodged, and only formed an afterimage that remained in place, without any dirt, until the jackals lifted their corpses, his blue shirt was still clean and tidy.

After shaking off the jackal's blood, he put away his sword.

Ji Tiancheng walked out of the woods slowly. At this time, it didn't matter whether he could find the Luosha organization or not, because he was already familiar with Luosha's next move, and he only needed to stop it when the time came.

As for notifying the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Tiancheng always felt that it would not work. After all, the City Lord's Mansion was only an organization managed by Yun Zong, and no one could be sure whether Luo Cha had arranged traitors in the City Lord's Mansion.

In case there are traitors, not only will they not be able to stop Rakshasa's actions successfully, but they will be exposed to Rakshasa's eyes.

It's easy to dodge the open gun, but it's hard to defend against the dark arrow!
At that time, Luo Sha would have two true qi warriors and a hundred or so internal qi warriors. If Ji Tiancheng ran into him, the probability of his death would exceed [-]%.

The remaining [-]% was caught by him.

So it can be said that there are ten deaths and no life.

Ji Tiancheng didn't dare to gamble with his life.

He must proceed with caution.

After thinking through all this, Ji Tiancheng walked along the trail towards Yanyu Lake where Master Wuyouzi was.

His junior brother, Feng Qing, was still waiting for his saber to be reforged into a sword.

Ji Tiancheng was also very curious about what it would look like if a sharp knife was cast into a long sword.

At the same time, I also want to know how long it takes for a swordsman to become a swordsman.

In the silent valley.

The small lake in the center is still calm and undisturbed, the wooden house over there is as simple as ever, and the surrounding woods are very lush. In a clearing beside the woods, a man and a woman are practicing fighting. It is Li Qingshui's second brother and sister. people.

Ji Tiancheng kept silent, seeing that the two didn't find him, he didn't make a sound to disturb him, and stood directly beside the valley entrance in the thick vines and grass, watching their competition with a smile.

Li Qingshui held a Lingbai long sword in his hand, the tip of the sword stabbed straight at Zhao Lingmeng's shoulder, the speed was as fast as lightning, and the pale light was seen.

Zhao Lingmeng did not show any weakness either, a silver whip made of delicate iron chains responded to Li Qingshui's long sword.

Looking at this silver whip, Ji Tiancheng suddenly remembered that strange old man with a hideous face, Tu Sheng. The weapon chain used by Tu Sheng was five meters long, not the one in Zhao Lingmeng's hand, which was only two meters long. The silver whip can not be compared.

Seeing this, Li Qingshui withdrew his sword, and the tip of the sword rushed towards the top of the silver whip.

"Ding ding..."

There was a sound of crisp iron colliding, Li Qingshui's sword, even Zhao Lingmeng's silver whip was knocked flying, and hit herself.

Zhao Lingmeng was startled, and with a flick of strength in his hand, he shook off the silver whip, and then ruthlessly wrapped it around Li Qingshui's waist again.

"Good come!"

Li Qingshui applauded, but ignored the whip. At the same time, he stabbed Zhao Lingmeng's white neck with a sword.

Flying in a red dress, her long silver whip made several small circles in the air, and the silver whip quickly wrapped the long sword tightly after touching the sword.

Li Qingshui was in a hurry, he was about to draw out the long sword due to the strength in his hand, but Zhao Lingmeng didn't give Li Qingshui the slightest chance to draw out the long sword.

After wrapping around Li Qingshui's long sword, he pulled hard with his hand, and the long sword that Li Qingshui was holding tightly flew towards a big tree next to Zhao Lingmeng, and nailed it fiercely to the tree.

"It's amazing, I admit defeat!"

Li Qingshui sighed in admiration, and said to Zhao Lingmeng that in the past few days, he could clearly feel the growth of Zhao Lingmeng's strength. Originally, it was difficult for Zhao Lingmeng to defeat him when he had [-]% of his strength, but now he would fail when he fought with [-]% of his strength.

"Junior Sister's talent is really terrifying."

Li Qingshui looked at his junior sister with a smile in his eyes. He knew that Zhao Lingmeng had made such great progress because of his frequent practice of whipping recently.

Moreover, this silver whip is also extraordinary. It was made by Wuyouzi for Zhao Lingmeng, and it can display [-]% of his strength in Zhao Lingmeng's hands. Using this silver whip to defeat him who only uses [-]% of his strength can be regarded as a As he expected.

Li Qingshui sighed in his heart. If it wasn't for Zhao Lingmeng's late start, he might be better than him in other areas even if he was not as good at internal energy.

Zhao Lingmeng was very excited, his face flushed with joy, and he said to Li Qingshui: "Brother Qingshui, next time you will fight with me with all your strength, and I will see if I can beat you."


"it is good!"

Li Qingshui said helplessly when he heard the words.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind him, which made him vigilant, and he suddenly turned around, only to see Ji Tiancheng walking towards them both with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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