Sword God Broken Kong

Chapter 63 Sword Dance

Chapter 63 Sword Dance
Although the process was not smooth, Ji Tiancheng finally recruited two captains.

With Liu Kui at this time, a total of three veterans chose to become the captain of Ji Tiancheng's subordinates, which was enough.

Each captain can have dozens of soldiers under him. Ji Tiancheng, the three captains under the centurion, each went to the training camp to select forty recruits. It is worthy of the name.

After seeing the soldiers under his command, Ji Tiancheng smiled lightly, and walked to an open space of a training ground on his own.

At this time, it was the end of July, and the sacred scripture of elixir was about to start.

But Ji Tiancheng's strength at this time is not enough to resist the Demon Cult, so he can only take advantage of this period of time to step up his own strength and dare not relax in the slightest.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ji Tiancheng unguardedly practiced the sword technique that only the realm of true energy can control.Without the knack of luck, even if these sword moves are memorized, they cannot be used.

Every time he practices swordsmanship, it will make him take a step forward in swordsmanship. He learns swordsmanship, and what he learns is the meaning of swordsmanship.

Ji Tiancheng's deeds quickly attracted his soldiers over, and they stood quietly ten feet away from Ji Tiancheng, looking excitedly at the centurion's martial arts.

But they were quickly disappointed.

Ji Tiancheng's sword practice is more like a sword dance. In his hand, the Zangfeng sword stabs at every angle in the air inconceivably. It has a strange beauty. The steps under his feet are light, like a swimming snake. The footwork is matched with the swordsmanship, which is even more beautiful. .

"This new centurion is really good at playing swords, but I don't know how strong he is!"

I don't know who it was, but after seeing Ji Tiancheng's wonderful swordsmanship, he whispered.

His words were like a drop of water dripping into the boiling oil pan. Although they had no other intentions, they moved the hearts of some other people who were already pretending to be small.

What is the strength of this new centurion?
It seems that this problem has nothing to do with them, but in fact it is closely related. If Ji Tiancheng is strong, it's fine, if he is weak...

Then they will be lazy and even use some incidents that challenge the centurion's bottom line to benefit themselves.

Especially the captain under Ji Tiancheng, except for Liu Kui who knew that Ji Tiancheng's strength was unfathomable, the other two didn't know.

This caused these soldiers to have doubts about Ji Tiancheng's ability to serve as a centurion. At this time, seeing Ji Tiancheng's beauty in dancing a sword, he was guided by a sentence from a soldier.

Everyone tried their best to see Ji Tiancheng's martial arts skills and strength from Ji Tiancheng's sword dance.

But the exquisite swordsmanship at the level of true qi can be understood by these ordinary soldiers whose strength is beyond the sky, but not in the realm of energy transformation!

Their vision, at most, is nothing more than seeing Li Xin, who has just entered the realm of inner energy, smashing a wall with a punch with all his strength.

As for the sword technique Ji Tiancheng wielded, he couldn't figure it out at all, he could only stare blankly, and couldn't find any information related to Ji Tiancheng's strength.

What can such a sword technique do?
Kill the enemy?

All the soldiers secretly laughed in their hearts. In the end, the centurion might only become an empty shelf without any real power.

Just when many soldiers were about to leave, a middle-aged man in iron armor walked over to where Ji Tiancheng and the others were.

"Centurion Wang Ping!"

The leader, Liu Kui, and the other two captains clapped their hands at Wang Ping who was walking towards him.

Although the three of them were not the captains under Wang Ping, their positions were lower than Wang Ping's, and they had just assumed the captaincy position, so naturally they dared not show any disrespect to Wang Ping.

Wang Ping glanced at the three of them, smiled lightly on his face, and continued to walk towards Ji Tiancheng who was practicing sword without any response.

"Brother Li Chen is so elegant, he actually dances a sword here."

Ever since Ji Tiancheng defeated him, Wang Ping has been calling Ji Tiancheng his brother, which is to admit that his strength is not as good as Ji Tiancheng's.

However, this sentence fell into the ears of a hundred or so soldiers around, but it made them all stunned.

Li Chen... surnamed Li? !

Wang Ping, who has a good prestige in the city guard army, would call this newly promoted centurion, who doesn't seem to be strong, his brother?
Could it be because Li Chen's surname is Li?
The soldiers seemed to have an answer in their hearts, and they made up their minds not to be an enemy of the seemingly weak Centurion Li Chen.

As the commander of the city guard army, with his prestige in the city guard army, it was very easy for Li Xin to arrange a position of centurion for his relatives.

This Li Chen must be Li Xin's relative, otherwise he wouldn't have become a centurion right away. Although the soldiers felt unbalanced, they didn't dare to say anything.

But, doesn't Chief Li Xin only have a hot-tempered younger sister, Li Xinyi?

Where did this Li Chen come from?

Leaving aside the doubts in the hearts of the soldiers, Ji Tiancheng was still a little surprised by Wang Ping's arrival, so he hid his surprise and came to Wang Ping and said, "I'm not dancing a sword, but practicing a sword technique. "


Wang Ping said with a look of surprise: "Swordsmanship, but it looks like I'm dancing with a sword?"

"Sword dance." Ji Tiancheng was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed heartily: "It can also be said to be a sword dance, but I am indeed practicing sword skills!"

With such a graceful sword movement, he is not wrong to say that he is dancing the sword, the dance is pleasing to the eye, and the dance is murderous every step of the way.

The sword technique that Ji Tiancheng was practicing at this time was a sword technique called Wanyue Shengxian. The sword movement looked extremely graceful, and the sword intent of the Wanyue could make people dazzled with beauty, as if someone was dancing a sword.

But I don't know how much murderous intent is contained in the graceful sword moves.

Once you fall into the illusion created by the waning moon ascending to the immortal, and be bewitched by the beauty of the waning moon, that is the time for the recruiter to "ascend to the immortal".

Wang Ping didn't know what it meant, he thought that Ji Tiancheng didn't care because it was inconvenient to say it, and then he said to Ji Tiancheng: "Commander Li Xin just asked me to tell Brother Li Chen that I will take you with me tomorrow. People go on patrol."

Ji Tiancheng frowned, he didn't expect that he would be ordered to go out to do some work before he could stand still.

Wang Ping felt Ji Tiancheng's dissatisfaction, his heart moved, he lowered his eyebrows and pondered slightly, and said, "Brother Li Chen feels that it's a bit early, otherwise I'll go back and talk to Commander Li Xin, and ask him to give you some more money." Rest time."

"No need."

Ji Tiancheng said lightly, since he needs to stay in the city guard, it is impossible to do nothing, since he has to patrol in the morning and evening, it is better to get used to it earlier so that he can spare time to practice swords.

Wang Ping let out a breath, with a bright smile on his face, and said to Ji Tiancheng: "In this case, brother Li Chen will go to patrol Changping Street tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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