Chapter 72
The sound of the three corpses falling to the ground awakened the sleeping Rakshasa disciple in the wooden house.

And almost instantly, three Luocha elders with the highest cultivation level broke through the door. Seeing this scene, they glared at Ji Tiancheng, separated the triangle, and surrounded Ji Tiancheng in the center.

Among the three, one wields a whip, one holds a knife, and one uses a sword, and they hit Ji Tiancheng from different directions.

The explosive sound made by breaking the air made people have no doubt that if any one of these three people attacked, if it fell on an ordinary person, it would be enough to crush him into a meat paste.

Even so, Ji Tiancheng wasn't worried at all.

If he still stays at the state of Great Consummation of Inner Qi and encounters such a fierce attack, he can only avoid the edge temporarily, otherwise he will be injured if he is a little careless.

But now that he has broken through to the Realm of True Qi, even if he has just been promoted, his strength is several times stronger than before.If you use a bit of sword intent, it will be more than ten times stronger. These three people are not Ji Tiancheng's opponents at all at this time.

With a slight movement of footsteps, Ji Tiancheng escaped from the encirclement of the three with a seemingly random movement. The hidden edge sword in his hand was injected with true energy, and a sword chant suddenly came from the sword.

A sword swung towards the three of them, and unexpectedly drew a crescent-shaped sword aura. The speed of the sword aura was like thunder and lightning. Originally, Ji Tiancheng was less than ten meters away from the three of them. The speed of the sword aura was so fast that the three of them Naturally, he couldn't dodge in time, and was hit directly by the sword energy.


The sword energy pierced through the body and actually split the three of them into two. Ji Tiancheng's heart jumped. Although he had been killed for a long time, it was the first time he had seen such a cruel scene, especially when all of this was done by his own hands. It made him even more confused.

Is it good or bad to do it yourself?
Should the Demon Cult allow itself to be killed?

If so, then who is the demon?

Ji Tiancheng felt boundless panic at this moment, and various negative emotions suddenly flashed in his heart, disturbing his mind.


Ji Tiancheng's eyes were blank, and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of scarlet blood, and the sword intent on the Lingtai also began to dim.

Raksha disciples kept rushing out from the door of the wooden house, and gathered at the door. The torches in front of the door emitted fiery light, illuminating everything. They all looked at Ji Tiancheng in the Shura field vigilantly, and couldn't help but feel... chills.

But when they saw Ji Tiancheng spitting blood out of his mouth and their eyes blank, their eyes suddenly flashed fiercely, and they rushed towards Ji Tiancheng brandishing long knives, wanting to take the opportunity to kill Ji Tiancheng.

At this moment, the sword intent that had become somewhat dim suddenly burst into light in Ji Tiancheng's altar. Ji Tiancheng only felt that his mind became extremely clear at this moment, and all kinds of negative emotions disappeared one after another.

Then I saw eleven Rakshasa disciples rushing towards him with fierce eyes. The Rakshasa disciple who was closest to him had the blade of the long knife in his hand only a mere three feet away from his neck.

Such a short distance made him the fastest to die among the Rakshasa disciples rushing towards him.

Under the firelight, several black sword lights flashed among the disciples of the Rakshasa. These sword lights were like reminders for death. Each flash of sword light represented the death of another Rakshasa disciple.

Jian Guang stopped, because all the Rakshasa disciples present were already dead.

"Cough cough..."

Ji Tiancheng felt weak for a while, and couldn't help laughing wryly. Just now, he had inadvertently developed a demon. If it wasn't for his sword intent to protect the lord suddenly, he might have been eroded by the demon and his mind was eroded by Luo Luo who rushed over. Disciple Sha was torn to pieces.

"If one survives, there will be future fortunes!"

Ji Tiancheng didn't expect that such a big change would happen here.

The appearance of the inner demon almost caused Ji Tiancheng to capsize in the gutter, but fortunately, the sword will protect the Lord in time, otherwise the consequences would be incalculable.

However, the reason why the inner demon appeared at this time was because Ji Tiancheng was confused on the one hand, and another aspect was the existence of a sword intent.

When Ji Tiancheng comprehended the sword intent, did he directly produce the most perfect sword intent?

Although failing to pass the Sword Illusion caused the sword intent to become a defective sword intent, and its power was greatly reduced, but the hidden dangers had already been buried.

What are hidden dangers?

Most swordsmen comprehend the sword intent by themselves, and then slowly promote the growth of the sword intent, but Ji Tiancheng is not the case, he directly develops the complete sword intent.

The hidden danger was that the sword intent was too perfect, so perfect that Ji Tiancheng couldn't control it.

Generally speaking, this was caused by Ji Tiancheng's lack of experience, otherwise he would not have been a little bit harsher and would have demons in his heart.

"This is really a big loss!"

As Ji Tiancheng said that, he felt a little joy in his heart. After going through this incident, if he encounters such a thing in the future, at least he won't be disturbed by demons like he is now.

Ji Tiancheng didn't destroy the traces of fighting here, so it was naturally to demonstrate to Rakshasa and to sound the alarm for Rakshasa.

"Don't you want to arrest me? It's best not to disperse the arrests, otherwise I will kill the ordinary members of the Rakshasa one by one, and in the end there will be only one bare commander left. It depends on you!"

Ji Tiancheng sneered in his heart, jumped up, and disappeared on the hillside, quietly walking towards the guarding army.

When we returned to the garrison army, it was already midnight. At this time, most of the soldiers were still sleeping, and only a small number of soldiers were patrolling outside. Ji Tiancheng passed these patrolling soldiers and returned directly to his tent. In the middle, sit up cross-legged and meditate.

Since the previous injuries were caused by the demons in his heart, Ji Tiancheng's physical damage was not serious, and he had completed his cultivation in just three hours.


Ji Tiancheng let out a breath, opened his eyes, a little light flashed in his eyes, and occasionally revealed a cold light that was more terrifying than before, and there was also a look named perseverance in his eyes.

In the early morning, when the captain Liu Kui and two other captains in the barracks were training with some recruits, Li Xinyi also came to Ji Tiancheng who was practicing sword.

Perhaps because of sword practice, Li Xinyi put on a silver-white battle robe today, looking a little more heroic between her brows, and the long sword in her hand is also different from the standard long sword she used before. It was flushed red, and there was a cold glow on the blade, as if it had been cast by a skilled swordsmith.

"Brother Li Chen!"

Li Xinyi shouted excitedly as soon as she came behind Ji Tiancheng.

"Miss Xinyi, you are here."

Ji Tiancheng turned around, with a slight smile on his face. He did not forget to promise to teach Li Xinyi Xin swordsmanship, and then said to Li Xinyi: "In that case, let's start!"

(End of this chapter)

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