Chapter 272 Car (1)
Lan Lingyu didn't give Lan Zhilin a chance to speak at all, and slapped him on top of the corpses on the ground. I don't know which corpse was too stiff and would bounce back to sit up when touched. Lan Zhilin backed away in fright. , "No, not me..."

"Who else is it if it's not you? Tell me!" Lan Lingyu asked loudly.

Lan Zhilin's family has the youngest teeth, and Mrs. Tai likes this grandson very much. Even though Mrs. Ni has strict discipline, she is still loved and loved at home. In addition, he is smart since he was a child, can read and is likable. He has never suffered such humiliation.

He jumped up angrily, ran to Mrs. Tai and Mrs. Third and cried, "Grandmother, mother, it's really not a child!"

"There is so much evidence here, you still want to quibble!"

Lan Lingyu seemed to be very angry, she took off her shoes, grabbed Lan Zhilin, and ran into the yard, "The slap just now was for the princess and mother, the princess is a royal family, if something happens to her But what to do, and your mother has educated you all these years, did you let you do these nasty things! You have broken the hearts of grandma and mother! As an elder brother, how can I see you wrong? It is grandma and mother who are angry with me , I have to teach you a lesson, otherwise how can I give the royal family an explanation!"

Lan Zhilin fled around with her head in her arms, thinking that her mother and grandmother would intercede for him, but with what Lan Lingyu said just now, even Mrs. Tai couldn't say it.

He wanted to fight back, but seeing Mrs. Ni winking at him, he knew that he had to endure it and wait for his father to come back to make the decision, otherwise he would be disrespectful to his brother!
Seeing Mrs. Tai's unbearable face, Mrs. Zhang comforted her with a smile, "Mother, don't worry, I think Yu'er is just letting Xiao Ba improve his memory. If he really teaches Xiao Ba, how can he use the soles of shoes? After all, he still I feel sorry for my younger brother, so I can give the princess an explanation."

Mrs. Tai thought about it, so she stopped talking.

Seeing her son's face covered in shoe prints, Mrs. Ni's heart ached. Mrs. Zhang actually had the face to say that they were brothers, and Lan Lingyu clearly did it on purpose!
She only hoped that Master Hou would come back soon!Look at what good his eldest son has done!
As long as Hou Ye ran into this scene, he would have to peel off a layer of Lan Lingyu's skin!

Ni's refraining from having an attack, Lan Lingyu over there forced Lan Zhilin to nowhere, and slapped him on the head with the sole of his shoe, sneering in his heart: His counterattack has just begun!
At this time, Master Hou hurried back from the outside, and as soon as he stepped into the yard, Mrs. Ni greeted him with tears in his eyes, and shouted: "Master, you are back."

Lan Lingyu heard the movement over there, hit Lan Zhilin again, and sighed: "Brother, my good brother, I am a brother for your own good, I can't bear it..."

After sighing, he managed to attract everyone's attention, but suddenly his whole body trembled, and he passed out as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhang screamed suddenly, "Oh, Yu'er has fallen ill again!"

When everyone heard Mrs. Zhang yelling like that, it not only broke Mrs. Tai's heart, but even Hou Ye, who had just entered the door, was taken aback for a moment.

"What happened?"

But no one answered him, a lot of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law rushed to help the frail and sick son, Lan Zhilin finally broke free from Lan Lingyu's clutches, and rushed to the Hou Ye to complain, "Father, third brother, he doesn't distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate." Hit me, you have to make the decision for me!"

Lan Zhengjin frowned when he saw the deep or shallow shoe prints on Lan Zhilin's face, his face was a little sullen, no matter what the reason was, it was wrong for Lan Lingyu to hit his younger brother!
When he saw Mrs. Ni who was sobbing softly beside him, his heart tightened even more, and he went up to Mrs. Tai and asked, "Mother, what's wrong with Yu'er? I'm embarrassing you!"

Mrs. Tai heard Lan Zhengjin's questioning, and waved the book impatiently, "Didn't you see that Yu'er passed out? Yu'er beat and scolded his own brother because he hurt him, let him have a better memory!"

Lan Zhilin's face flushed with anger, "Grandmother, my grandson has never done it!"

"Since you haven't done anything, why are you so angry!" Mrs. Tai still turned to her eldest grandson, "You see that you fainted your third brother! And did he beat you hard? If he was really cruel, wouldn't you be so angry?" It’s as simple as using a shoe sole!”

Lan Zhilin was speechless, Ni's teeth were itching with hatred, Mrs. Tai was too partial.

Lan Zhengjin was still at a loss, but the housekeeper in the yard before he came here had already briefed him a few times and he knew what he was thinking. Hearing that Lan Lingyu dared to hit his younger brother, could it be that Xiao Ba did it?
He looked at Lan Zhilin suspiciously, "You really did it?"

"It wasn't made by a child." Lan Zhilin held back his anger, wanting to bite off his teeth to prove his innocence, "There is no proof at all! The third brother just beat someone! He is slandering me!"

The eldest lady suddenly sneered nonchalantly, "Yu'er is also doing it for the family's reputation, so someone has to take care of it. Could it be that your sister or your mother should bear the charge? It’s not wrong that the five corpses came out of your yard, right? Yu’er beat you to protect you. If he didn’t beat you, he would send you to Dali Temple for investigation! It’s not something we can offend by accidentally injuring the princess up!"

Mrs. Ni gave the eldest lady a dark look, sobbing tears, "Let's forget about today's matter, since Yu'er insists on bringing out a murderer, let Xiao Ba bear it, whoever calls him the youngest, anyway, it's impossible to beat him." Fighting, what's the use of talking about it now! Could it be possible to turn their brothers against each other! Little Ba, you have to remember that a loss is a blessing."

The eldest lady sneered and looked at Ni's put on airs. What she said clearly meant that Lan Lingyu had wronged Xiao Ba and let him bear the disadvantage.

If Lan Zhilin hadn't done this, it would have been her Ni's.

Others don't know, if she still can't see through her little tricks, it won't work!
Mrs. Zhang sneered, "What are you crying about, brother and sister? I don't feel pain seeing Xiao Ba being beaten, otherwise how could he have the energy to shout here, this Yu'er just passed out, and you are crying here?"

She spoke in a very low voice, and Mrs. Tai asked everyone to carry Lan Lingyu back to Ziyuan first, but she didn't hear her two muttering there. When Lan Zhengjin was so close, he heard the irony of the two people. Wishing to let the servants see the disharmony between the eldest room and the third room, secretly winked at Mrs. Ni to tell her not to speak.

The Ni family was obedient and obedient, but he had already greeted the eighteen generations of the Zhang family's ancestors in his heart.

Lan Lingyu was sent back to Ziyuan, and the scene was considered to have come to an end. The five servants who died in the courtyard also found an excuse to bury them. Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Ni left the Jingxin Hall at the same time. Lan Zhengjin stayed to speak.

Mrs. Tai looked at Lan Zhengjin and said coldly: "No matter who did this today, don't mention it again. Fortunately, Yu'er's daughter-in-law rescued the princess. This mistake has never been repaired, and asking your wife to send something to the princess and the Ning family is considered an apology. At this time, when the wind is turbulent, no one can afford it."

(End of this chapter)

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