Chapter 285
Li Chaochao was wiping his mouth, and lazily raised his head to look at her, "Miss Biao really understands the rules. How come this accent is the same as that of the sisters in the kiln? I don't know where Miss Biao learned it from."

"Li Chaochao! You actually said that I am..."

The sister in the kiln!


Ni Meijia is also a daughter of a thousand gold, she is not used to being compared to the prostitutes in the brothel, she is the eldest daughter of the family, and most of the brothers and sisters below respect her, she has never been insulted like this before, she is full of anger His face flushed, but it wasn't stupid and didn't know how to retort, "Oh, it really came from a small door and a small household. I don't know the tone of Jingzhong Qianjin's speech, no wonder you heard it wrong, but I don't know how you know the tone of the daughter in the kiln. My sister talks like that, so maybe you came from there too!"

She glared at Li Chaochao viciously, and she spoke sarcastically, so don't blame her for turning her face.

Li Chaochao smiled, "I've never seen it before. Your cousin told me that those sisters talked like this. Maybe he would like your tone of voice."

" are talking nonsense!" Ni Meijia's eyes widened, "How could my cousin go somewhere!"

Li Chaochao shrugged, "Miss Biao, if you don't believe me, you can ask him next time."

Ni Meijia was angry at Li Chaochao's sarcasm at first, but when she heard Lan Lingyu went to a brothel, her impression of him was greatly reduced, her face was red and white, but she still insisted that she didn't believe it, "Cousin will never be That kind of person, don't think I won't leave angrily if you say that, I know what you're thinking too well, to tell you the truth, I just like my cousin, no matter what kind of person he is, I like him! Not only do I like him, but I also want to manage this yard for him..."

Li Chaochao murmured silently. To be honest, Ni Meijia was different from the previous Xiuniang, she was also brainless, but Xiuniang was reserved, silent, and cruel when she liked someone, while Ni Meijia was bold and mischievous.

In fact, maybe even Ni Meijia herself doesn't know what a real man and woman like.

Li Chaochao didn't want to point her out, so he beckoned Chunli to call Mrs. Chun in, and she ordered: "Miss Biao will stay in the courtyard for a few days, so I will clean up a room, and go if she has any orders." Cooperate with Miss Biao, do you understand?"

Seeing that Li Chaochao showed no sign of anger, Mrs. Chun complied politely.

Ni Meijia felt that her passionate confession was all on the cotton. In fact, it is shocking for a woman to say her love, especially when she said in front of the man's wife that even if she could marry in the future, Li Chaochao should have some reaction Instead of arranging a room for her like now.

Li Chaochao must be faking it!

Ni Meijia provocatively said: "You must be very angry with me, so stop pretending to be a good person!"

"Why should I annoy you?" Li Chaochao asked with a smile.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, Ni Meijia was really angry when she saw Li Chaochao's smiling face.

"I said I like my could you not respond!"

Li Chaochao sneered, "You like it as long as you like it. Is it meaningful for me to be angry? And Miss Biao, if you really like Lan Lingyu, you can tell him face to face. You don't have to tell me who you like is your freedom. Am I angry at you?" Don't like it?"

Ni Meijia was taken aback by what she said, and this was also the reason.

Li Chaochao said again: "But Miss Biao, you have to know that if you like someone, you have to like everything about him, so you don't have to worry too much about Lan Lingyu's visit to the brothel before, and whether he will have concubines in the future , at least he has two women now, you have to accept the same, and you have to love and take care of them like your wife..."

"You don't need to teach me this!" Ni Meijia stomped her feet angrily. She hated those concubines the most, especially her father who kept sending aunts to the house. Otherwise, she wouldn't live under the fence of Wuxianghou's mansion, what? All the concubines are going to die!
Ni Meijia glared at Li Chaochao, "Don't use these methods to deal with me, I won't admit defeat! Just wait and see!"

She's going to find bad luck now, and add trouble to Li Chaochao.

Ni Meijia thought she didn't believe that Li Chaochao wouldn't get angry!

Before Li Chaochao could say anything, Chunli shook her head, "This cousin is too..."

Li Chaochao raised his eyebrows, "Retarded?"

Chun Li thought for a while, and felt that this word was too accurate, so she laughed, "That's the truth."

"There is a way to use brain damage." Li Chaochao asked Chun Li to close the door, and the two whispered, "Mr. Ni is waiting for me to make trouble and catch me so that I can marry Lan Lingyu."

"But grandma just allows her to mess around here?" Chunli said, "I'm afraid Mrs. Ni will say that grandma is incapable of managing the house."

Li Chaochao glanced at the strict Chunli, "You are right, but don't forget, I am here now, and who really admits that I am the third young lady, not to mention that the servants do not admit it, just these few The master is like a mirror in his heart, knowing that I am not included in the genealogy, I put the question here without mentioning it, it is just a trick for me, Mrs. Tai is not confused, she wants to have it both ways, so I just pretend to be confused , When things get serious, I will have more excuses to get out, I am not the housewife's grandma."

Chun Li smiled submissively, "Grandma's move is good, I will tell the people below to bear it."

After Li Chaochao nodded, he remembered something, "I heard from my aunt that Li Manman wanted to make trouble again recently when I went back to Xiaodie Hutong. It has nothing to do with that family, but now it seems that we still have to be careful."

"Yes, grandma, don't worry, I will find the best sisters in the family to take good care of the fourth lady."

Chunli and Mrs. Chun are the only ones around Li Chaochao, and they are very valuable to them. Dongyue is also well-known after several competitions in Beijing Zhongpin Fragrance Master. Among them, Li Boxing took her out to meet a few important customers. , Tang Zongsi in Prince Jing's Mansion has also been promoted a lot, and everyone else is in the south of the Yangtze River. The shops in her hands are well taken care of, especially after the flower garden has entered summer, many new varieties have been cultivated, and it has experienced a deficit of nearly half a year. , also began to operate profitably.

Li Chaochao and Chunli sat in the room and read the ledger sent by Jiangnan, ignoring everything that was going on in the yard.

Ni Meijia started drastic rectification after leaving the main room, beating up almost all the servants, revealing inside and out that there will be a new mistress coming in the future, and this mistress is her. I'll be smarter.

The attitude of the servants was mediocre, and there was no big reaction, but in the eyes of Ni Meijia, she just refused to accept it, and she was so angry that she punished everyone to clean the entire Ziyuan from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

Since she is going to marry in, it is natural to have a new look.

(End of this chapter)

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