The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 294 Marriage

Chapter 294 Marriage (6)
"What does the princess think?" Li Chaochao asked Mu Biyun with a smile.

Looking at Li Chaochao's deep gaze, Mu Biyun shivered for no reason, this woman's eyes are so alluring...she almost missed her foot.

Then, he nodded inexplicably, "That's the decision, set up the incense table!"

Including Li Chaochao and Ning Qingyuan, a total of seven noble ladies competed, and the other four competed in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Mu Biyun told them that no matter they win or lose, they will be rewarded.

It's just that one of the seven people who try the incense powder will be punished.

As for who it is, everyone expects it to be Li Chaochao!

As long as Li Chaochao loses face, then no matter what kind of county lord she is, at least she won't be able to secure her position as Concubine Marquis of Wuxiang.

Everyone had their own ghosts, and even Mu Biyun looked at the noble girls with slightly different eyes. She quietly ordered a few words to the maid beside her, and then looked into the opposite pavilion across the sea of ​​flowers, and appeared in a short while Two tall and straight figures.

In the Huating, someone suddenly sighed: "You don't seem to be worried at all?"

"Is it you who should be worried?"

Having said that, Lan Lingyu, who was dressed in purple, never left Li Chaochao's eyes.

The man next to Lan Lingyu craned his neck to look, "Actually, the one you married is quite attractive... No wonder Mu Xueyi is also thinking about it."

Only then did Lan Lingyu react, she turned her head and looked at him, "The king of the county knows a lot."

Mu Chen hooked Lan Lingyu's shoulders in a rage, "Don't look at me like that, I also found out about this when I was investigating Mu Xueyi, and I didn't tell my sister, otherwise you thought Mu Biyun would still treat you The daughter-in-law is so kind?"

Lan Lingyu looked at Mu Chentian standing upright, shoulders crossed, if he didn't know that his ass was going to sit on the throne in the future, he would have wanted to kick him.

"I won't tell Mu Biyun that you don't even look at your wife right now, but at other people's daughters-in-law." Lan Lingyu said expressionlessly.

Mu Chentian curled his lips, "You're so stingy, but you're jealous just by looking at your daughter-in-law twice. If I talk to her, will you gouge out my eyes?"

"Don't dare." Lan Lingyu didn't mean it.

"There are still things you don't dare to do, only if you think about it. Mu Xueyi covets your wife, and your daughter-in-law doesn't know what you did to him. Otherwise, with Mu Xueyi's temper, she would have killed your daughter-in-law in the middle of the night. ..."

Lan Lingyu's eyes were dark and terrifying, Mu Chentian pursed his lips, "Okay, I won't say anything."

Mu Chentian went to see Li Chaochao again. In fact, Huating was not far from the temporary sheds that the ladies had built in the sea of ​​flowers, but their sight was blocked by the sea of ​​flowers, while Huating could see each of them clearly.

He was indeed looking at Li Chaochao. That woman's eyes were very focused when she was mixing the fragrance. That kind of concentration even made people feel that she was completely immersed in another world, which was very different.

Mu Chentian seems to understand Lan Lingyu and Mu Xueyi's obsession, but fortunately, this kind of woman is not his type.

"Your woman is very special." Mu Chentian praised a rare person, she is still a woman.

Lan Lingyu corrected him, "It's my wife, the only one."

"You two are indeed a match. There is something in her eyes like yours. She is very firm, even determined." Mu Chentian smiled and turned his head, "Can you tell me why this happened? I remember when you came to me I also have such eyes, so I trust you."

Lan Lingyu raised her eyebrows, "Actually, is it too late for me to say I regret it?"

Just like Mu Chentian, a ruffian, he was really worried that the Great Yuan would be destroyed in his hands in the future.

Lan Lingyu doesn't respect the history of the previous life, but anyone can be emperor, but definitely not Mu Xueyi.

Mu Chentian said: "Sure, I didn't like that position either."

Lan Lingyu's face darkened, "Mu Chentian, but if you have something you want, you must sit in that position,"

He, and the staff of the East Palace... so many people's wealth and lives are on Mu Chentian's body, and he still talks like this.

"Okay, okay." Mu Chentian spread his hands, "Then let's exchange news."

"No change."

Lan Lingyu knew what he wanted to ask.

Mu Chentian turned his head to block Lan Lingyu's view of Li Chaochao, "If you don't tempt me, I can elope with my beloved at any time!"

Lan Lingyu smiled, "She won't go with you."

"Why are you so sure?"

"She has a heavy responsibility on her body, just as you have to shoulder your own mission."

Mu Chentian cursed, "Fuck her mother's mission! Shit's life!"

Lan Lingyu has long been used to Mu Chentian being so unprincipled, but in fact, Lan Lingyu is also unprincipled, and his indecency is only for Li Chaochao to see.

And Mu Chentian was so angry because of a woman.

It is said that a confidante is a disaster, but in fact, a confidante can also become a generation of emperors.

Mu Chentian didn't even bother to look at the colorfully dressed lady across from him. He knew what his sister was thinking, but he already had someone in his heart, and he had already entered into his heart, waiting to become one with that person.

His heart was unwavering.

Mu Chentian's gaze also changed suddenly, the lazy expression disappeared, and it was replaced by an unprecedented seriousness, "I think you can tell fortunes."

"No, just know what to do."

Lan Lingyu said in her heart: Do you want him to admit that he was reborn and know who will be the emperor in the future!
court death!

Mu Chentian stretched out his hand, "Let me figure it out, if I can be with her, I'll tell you who Mrs. Ni wants you to marry."

Lan Lingyu raised her eyebrows, "Do you believe in fate?"

"Believe me, fate is not up to you."

Lan Lingyu slapped his paw away, "When you become the emperor, all women will follow you under the imperial decree."

Mu Chentian pursed his lips, "I don't want to force her, I want her to be willing."

Lan Lingyu gave him a blank look, and didn't even bother to talk to him.

If Mu Chentian hadn't been serious, he would have had the urge to strangle him to death.

Mu Chentian silently looked at the lines on his palm, he couldn't help himself, he knew that he could get everything if he became an emperor, but he was afraid that he would not get that person even if he became an emperor.

He touched Lan Lingyu's shoulder, "You don't want to know whose idea Mrs. Ni is playing?"

"There is no difference between knowing and not knowing."

Lan Lingyu said patiently, "Sometimes everyone knows the result, but the process is different, and it may change the result."

He suddenly sighed, "Prince Anle, she is 21 years old now, she would have married a long time ago, why she hasn't, actually you should understand."

Many complicated emotions appeared in Mu Chentian's eyes, "Let her come back, I miss her and need her."

(End of this chapter)

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