The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 296 Marriage

Chapter 296 Marriage (8)
Ning Qingyuan was shocked, "Why are you asking this?"

"You don't have to be nervous. It's not surprising that women like someone like Lan Shizi. It's just that a husband and wife must pay attention to fate and love each other. I'm worried that Miss Ning will shave her head and spoil her youth."

Li Chaochao didn't want to threaten anything, but wanted to tell Ning Qingyuan not to think about Lan Lingyu.

Ning Qingyuan felt that Li Chaochao was declaring war on her, so she snorted, "So what if I like it! You are not his wife, can you still dominate him for the rest of his life? Wives and concubines, even if he spoils you now, there will still be other women in the future! Let me tell you, you used this to threaten me to give up, and I will not give up! "

Li Chaochao smiled and shook his head, then folded the note in her hand and handed it to her, "I won't threaten you, I just agreed on the punishment, you just need to give this note to King Anle for me."

Ning Qingyuan wanted to open the note subconsciously, but Li Chaochao held her hand, "Don't worry, the content on the note has nothing to do with you. I just want to ask the county king for a favor, and I just let you do the best."

Ning Qingyuan had no choice but to bear it, and then walked to Prince Anle and handed the note to him, "Prince County, this is for you."

Li Chaochao said with a smile to Mu Biyun: "Princess, I have already finished my punishment."

Is that the end?
Just now everyone saw Li Chaochao and Ning Qingyuan whispering for a while, Li Chaochao was also writing, and he didn't know what he wrote, but seeing the two people's expressions were flat, it seemed that there was no fun.

And Mu Chentian over there looked at the note in his hand strangely, and suddenly smiled, Lan Lingyu's wife is really clever!

Everyone felt that it was boring, Mu Chentian suddenly said: "Lan Lingyu, in front of everyone, the king of this county wants to ask you a few questions, you must answer them truthfully!"

Lan Lingyu glanced at Li Chaochao, then looked at Mu Chentian deeply, "Excuse me, the king of the county!"

As long as it's not about Second Sister Lan, everything is easy to talk about.

Mu Chentian smiled and said: "I heard that your mother is going to find you a marriage, but you already have beauty in your arms, what will you do if you marry again?"

Hearing Mu Chentian's question, Ning Qingyuan suddenly understood that it was the content on the note!
This Li Chaochao is really a good trick, if she punishes herself to ask Lan Lingyu, Lan Lingyu may not be willing to tell the truth, but through Mu Chentian's mouth, the situation will be different.

Lan Lingyu sneered, "I only have one wife in this life."

He pulled Li Chaochao into his arms, declaring his ownership.

"But which man doesn't marry a concubine? As far as I know, you still have a concubine in your family, right? If someone else wants to marry their daughter to you in the future, what do you think of her as a concubine?"

Everyone held their breath and raised their ears to listen to Lan Lingyu's answer.

Not only Ning Qingyuan was eager to know, but also other women who wanted to make Lan Lingyu younger.

Lan Lingyu suddenly smiled coldly, "Either live to despair, or desperately want to die. I will only have one woman in my life. Since they know it and still fly to the flame, they are asking for their own death!"

Everyone shuddered when they heard Lan Lingyu's answer.

So shocking!

Is this to spoil his wife and destroy his concubine?

Besides, isn't Li Chaochao the official wife?

Ning Qingyuan was almost scared to the knees by Lan Lingyu's vicious smile, she couldn't believe it, it must be Lan Lingyu who didn't tell the truth in front of Li Chaochao!

"The head of the county is not the wife!"

"Are you a fool who can't understand people's language?" Lan Lingyu sneered unceremoniously, "I said there will only be one woman, no matter what her status is, I only want her! Even if she is not my regular wife now, she is still my wife. Feather woman!"

Ning Qingyuan was so angry at this confession that she always dreamed that she was Lan Lingyu's wife in her dreams, why did this happen!Why is reality different from dreams?
Her heart hurts so much, she is so unwilling!
Li Chaochao said nothing, she is not the Holy Mother, but if Ning Qingyuan can give up her heart, she will save her, don't waste youth and time in vain!

If she could figure it out.

But Li Chaochao's intentions are kind, and no one may appreciate it.

When the other ladies heard Lan Lingyu's ruthlessness, they felt that this man was too ruthless, and couldn't help but retreat in their hearts. Let alone being a concubine, even marrying Lan Lingyu as his wife, this man only had Li Chaochao was alone.

When Lan Lingyu looked at Li Chaochao, anyone who wasn't blind could see the pampering in his eyes clearly.

Only Ning Qingyuan was blinded by unwillingness.

Ning Qingyuan yelled: "The son dotes on his wife and destroys his concubines for a woman, isn't the county master afraid of being called a jealous wife?"

She didn't believe that Li Chaochao would let Lan Lingyu dote on her so much and bear the infamy.

Li Chaochao couldn't help laughing, "Is it sad to be called jealous by a woman? Or is it sad for a husband to marry more than a dozen concubines and come back to make trouble? Lan Shizi is capable of only marrying me, then he must also make me like this I will not be disturbed by bad reputation in my life, I believe him. What's more, a man can treat me like this, so what if he bears a bad name? It won't lose a piece of meat, what does Miss Ning think?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ning Qingyuan felt that Li Chaochao's words had stabbed a hole in her heart.

Everyone could see the blood on her face.

Lan Lingyu lowered her eyes and clicked her tongue inwardly, the daughter-in-law's scheming trick is really amazing!

Kill without blood.

Even Mu Chentian, who understood it, burst out laughing, it's amazing!
From the banquet recently, to the competition just now, and the previous punishment, every step Li Chaochao made was delicate. She just wanted to use this trick to let the noble ladies know how deeply their husband and wife are. Don't blame them for not reminding them in advance. This ugly talk has already been said before. If they still go to the fire with moths, that is self-destruction. Don't blame them for being a husband and wife with two swords, and they are ruthless together!
Especially Li Chaochao's every word of punishment just now, the strike is really quick and ruthless!

Quite a number of noble ladies bowed their heads and took a small step back, wishing to distance themselves from Lan Lingyu, let's stay away, these two people cannot be provoked.

Even Ning Qingyuan's face lost its color.

Why, why must she break her heart in such an embarrassing way.

Li Chaochao is so vicious, she clearly did this on purpose to show her!

So she doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it!

Lan Lingyu must not be telling the truth!

all fake!

Ning Qingyuan stared at Lan Lingyu with the eyes of a heartless person, and shouted: "I will not give up!"

She turned around and left angrily!

Mu Biyun winked at the people around her to make them chase after her, fearing that Ning Qingyuan would do something stupid by trying to do something stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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