The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 312 Drunken Murder

Chapter 312 Drunken Murder (5)
Lan Zhengjin was so mocked by Lan Lingyu that he didn't dare to look at Ni's face, let alone that Ni's heart was so stimulated by Lan Lingyu that he couldn't hide the anger in his eyes at all.

The peaceful appearance of these years was finally broken, she didn't want to pretend anymore, and she didn't want to endure the provocations of Li Chaochao and Lan Lingyu anymore!

Lan Zhengjin glared at Lan Lingyu angrily. Before everyone could react, he stepped forward and slapped Lan Lingyu's face with a big mouth, "Unfilial son! Who allows you to talk nonsense here!"

In fact, Lan Lingyu could dodge, but since he and Ni's face was torn apart, it was not bad for Lan Zhengjin.

Li Chaochao was slapped on the face by Lan Lingyu, and all his drowsiness disappeared.

She squinted slightly at Lan Zhengjin, feeling that her father was shameless in his role.

"Master Hou... Is this from embarrassment?"

Li Chaochao's cold voice suddenly resounded in the hall.

Her voice was not loud, but it carried an icy coldness.

Lan Zhengjin looked at Li Chaochao following the voice, and found that her eyes were full of icy coldness.

He was startled, what does this woman want to do!
Li Chaochao smiled coldly, stepped forward and slapped Ning Qingyuan on the face without saying a word.

There was a crisp sound!
He's even more ruthless than Lan Zhengjin!

Ning Qingyuan was stunned, her eyes widened and she questioned Li Chaochao: "Why did you hit me!"

"Then you go and ask Lord Hou, what is the reason for beating the prince?"

"That's none of my business!"

Li Chaochao sneered, raised his hand and slapped again, "It was none of your business just now, but it's none of your business if you talk back!"

Ning Qingyuan covered her cheeks, saying no, no saying no.

Lan Zhengjin felt that the slap on Ning Qingyuan's face was no different from the slap on his own face!
He couldn't bear to look at Li Chaochao, "What do you want to do, you shrew!"

"The little concubine who taught the prince a lesson for Lord Hou!"

Lan Zhengjin jumped up angrily, "When did I say I was going to beat Ning Qingyuan!"

Li Chaochao didn't answer, but pointed at Ning Qingyuan and raised his hand, "Go, ask Lord Hou, why did you beat the prince, and you will know that I did not wrong you!"

Ning Qingyuan came out of everyone's young ladies. She has been gentle and obedient since she was a child. Even if she plays with her temper, she will not be too cruel.

She was really afraid of Li Chaochao's ruthlessness, so she covered her face and knelt in front of Lan Zhengjin, "Master Hou, you...why did you beat the prince."

When Lan Zhengjin was asked this question, he was dumbfounded.

Yeah, why did he beat his own son.

He thought about it, Lan Lingyu used himself as a cover in order not to have sex with his concubine.

After all, it really has something to do with Ning Qingyuan.

Ning Qingyuan also thought of the reason, and could only secretly hate the bad luck.

Lan Zhengjin didn't agree with Li Chaochao's aggressive methods, "Even if I teach my son a lesson, you still don't have to take Ning Qingyuan out."

Li Chaochao sneered, "Master Hou, you have misunderstood. It is only right for you to beat your son, and it is only right for me to beat my concubine."

"You are not afraid of outsiders calling you a shrew!"

It's too spicy!How could he have such a daughter-in-law!

Li Chaochao's smile deepened, "Master Hou is not afraid of outsiders saying that you are not a loving father, and that if a son has a stepmother, he becomes a stepfather. What am I afraid of?"

She looked at Mrs. Ni meaningfully. She had been an audience for a long time. Didn't she feel very happy seeing Lord Hou beat her son?

Li Chaochao was sleepy just now and didn't want to talk nonsense with Mrs. Ni, since she's tearing her face apart, don't be shameless!
Lan Zhengjin shouted: "You are too presumptuous!"

"Chaochao is also telling what he has seen and heard!" Li Chaochao smiled and rubbed Lan Lingyu's face, and said coldly: "What's wrong with the son's words of using Lord Hou as an example just now? As a wife When taking into account the relationship between husband and wife, father and son, instead of false compassion, the son respects Lord Hou, and I also respect Lord Hou, but this happened because of Ning Qingyuan. Not only did she fail to do her duty as a concubine, but she let Her existence has hurt the father-son relationship between you and your son, so she should be beaten and punished!"

Li Chaochao's words clearly refer to Ning Qingyuan, but in fact every sentence points to Ni's.

The eldest lady wanted to interrupt a long time ago, and suddenly said: "Oh, sister, you should stop the third brother, don't you love Yu'er the most? Why did you see Yu'er being beaten and remained indifferent? The third brother recently His temper is really too irritable, how could he hit Yu'er at every turn, this brother and sister stopped him before, but now they don't stop him anymore! I'm afraid outsiders will really say that the third brother has a wife and forgot to have a son."

Mrs. Tai looked at everyone calmly, feeling that the family really broke up.

Ning Qingyuan was beaten innocently twice, feeling aggrieved, when she heard Li Chaochao's sarcasm about Mrs. Ni, in order to show her loyalty and doglegs, she hurriedly said: "The imperial concubine beat me..."

"You? What do you call yourself?" Li Chaochao smiled sarcastically.

"Slave!" Ning Qingyuan gritted her teeth, "The concubine beat the slave, and the slave will admit it, but you can't blame me for beating the prince because the Marquis beat the son. This is not a slap in the face of the elders!"

Li Chaochao smiled, "Then are you reminding me to use the family law? The family law just now is not over yet!"

Ning Qingyuan looked at her with tears in her eyes, "Slaves don't mean that! It's just that the princess should be respectful to her elders."

Lan Lingyu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Since you respect your elders so much, you can stay with Madam and Lord Hou..."

He suddenly looked at his father with a self-deprecating look. The hit just now didn't hurt him at all, and his heart didn't hurt, so he didn't care, and he was unscrupulous when he said vicious words.

"Anyway, my father has accepted me as more than one concubine. In the future, you can serve Lord Hou. It's just that you may become a concubine, but if you have children in the future, maybe you can still be a concubine."

When Ning Qingyuan heard this, she fell to the ground, tears finally streaming down her cheeks.

Ni couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted, "Lan Lingyu! What are you talking about!"

"Mother, I am filial to you, why don't you feel the filial piety of your son?"

Lan Lingyu secretly pulled Li Chaochao's hand, which meant: See if you don't have any shame!
Li Chaochao also looked at Ni Shi indifferently, wanting to see what kind of face she had torn.

Everyone also looked at Mrs. Ni. Although they understood her anger, they had never seen her so angry.

Lan Xinyao couldn't stand it for a long time. The reason why she didn't speak was because Mrs. Ni taught their elders not to interrupt when they were talking. But seeing Mrs. Ni getting angry again and again, she finally couldn't help but patted Mrs. Ni on the back. , "Third brother, you are too much, look how angry you are with your mother."

Lan Lingyu looked at Lan Xinyao coldly, "When my mother was alive, I've never seen you talking to my brother like this, but you've improved even more in the past few years."

(End of this chapter)

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