The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 316 Vicious

Chapter 316 Vicious (1)
On this day, Lan Lingyu came back from the outside, and just stepped into Ziyuan, she saw Ning Qingyuan wearing a purple tulle dress with her shoulders bare, and only an embroidered peony tube top dress standing in front of the full moon gate. Then, when he saw him coming, he didn't come forward, but knelt down obediently, "My lord, I made your favorite food with a spoon, please go over and taste it."

Lan Lingyu walked forward without looking back, "I don't like what you do."

Ning Qingyuan was not in a hurry or annoyed, "It's just a dinner, why does the son treat my family like a scourge?"

Lan Lingyu was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and thought in her heart that she might as well seal the Yuanyue Gate!
Ning Qingyuan suddenly raised her head provocatively, and looked straight at Lan Lingyu, "Could it be that the son is afraid of slaves?"

Lan Lingyu paused for a moment, then turned her head to look at Ning Qingyuan. It's been a few days since she's improved a lot in her stanzas, presumably it was Ni who taught her this!
He raised the corners of his cold mouth and sneered: "Yes, I'm afraid that you will infect me with a disease!"

Ning Qingyuan on the ground lowered her head, her eyes dimmed, and she felt a icy cold pass through her heart, but it quickly healed. What she had to do was endure, be ruthless, and use all means to get this man.

One day, she will get him, and then abandon him like a piece of paper!
Let him taste the bruises all over his body!

There is no worse word in the world than this.

Ning Qingyuan couldn't figure out why Lan Lingyu hated herself so much, she was like a snake and scorpion, she could do what Li Chaochao could do, even if Li Chaochao couldn't, she could do it!
Isn't it gentle and considerate, plus a warm quilt?
Ning Qingyuan felt that she could see clearly, but she couldn't believe that she was no match for a concubine from a small family!

These days, she has also figured out that she must endure, be gentle, and do her best. No matter how vicious or hurtful things they did, she must bear it.

Those who do great things must first work hard on their will and muscles.

Seeing Lan Lingyu's leaving back, Ning Qingyuan stood up little by little while leaning on the wall, turned back to Hongxianglou gracefully with a smile.

Li Chaochao saw this scene in the room early, but when he saw Lan Lingyu came back, he didn't ask anything. He wiped his face and washed his hands with a smile. They also talked about the arrangement of flowers and plants in the yard.

"After a few days for the autumn chrysanthemums to come down, I'll have someone bring some over from the south of the Yangtze River. I plan to buy the yard behind the hut, otherwise our place is too small. Plant some flowers and plants, open it up as a garden, and then build a garden." A pavilion and a swing can be considered poetic.”

Lan Lingyu held Li Chaochao's hand and sat at the table, while the servants came in and out to set up dinner, he said with a smile: "I just listen to you, if you think Ziyuan is too small, let's move to the big one in a few days. It’s okay to live in the yard.”

Li Chaochao leaned on Lan Lingyu's shoulder mysteriously and said, "You think that leaving the mansion means completely cutting off contact with that side. Just wait, there will be more excitement."

Lan Lingyu hugged Li Chaochao with a smile, and kissed her forehead as if no one else was there, "You are the one who worked hard."

"Fortunately, I enjoy one thing and another, otherwise it would be really hard to pass the day."

The two of them smiled knowingly, and the servants were not used to seeing it. Anyway, it has almost become an open fact in the whole city that the eldest son dotes on the imperial concubine.

I don't know how many women in the boudoir have been envied, and I don't know how many people have found out that Li Chaochao is domineering and domineering, but these two people never mind.

Lan Lingyu looked at Ziyuan's new look, and the servants were in good order. This is the comfortable life he wanted, and he understood that it was Li Chaochao who let him mediate with the emperor's grandson in the previous dynasty without any worries.

"Don't work too hard. If you don't have enough servants, go buy it and write it back."

Just as Li Chaochao was about to nod his head, he saw a small golden lotus stepping into the doorway. The man stepped forward with slim waist and slender steps, placed the dishes in his hand on the table, and then saluted respectfully: "If your son doesn't If you don't like it, you can let the maidservant and Qing Yao serve in Ziyuan."

Lan Lingyu frowned almost invisibly, and looked at the newly added dish on the table without raising her eyelids, sweet soup with bird's nest and barley.

He raised his hand and threw the soup out, and the porcelain pot spit on the ground and shattered into pieces, with a bang that made people's hearts tremble.

Ning Qingyuan was refuted by Lan Lingyu in public, gritted her teeth to suppress her anger, and said plaintively: "My son doesn't like this soup? I won't make it next time."

"I don't know that barley is a cold thing, but you dare to serve this kind of thing on the table. There is a special person in charge of taking care of the meals for the imperial concubine, so you don't need to worry about it!"

Lan Lingyu lost her appetite when she saw Ning Qingyuan, "Why don't you stay here in Hongxianglou?"

"The servant is now the son of the crown prince, and also Ziyuan's servant, so naturally he has to serve the crown prince."

As Ning Qingyuan said, she and Qingyao stood behind Lan Lingyu on the left and right, keeping Li Chaochao aside, without ordering, she picked up a pair of clean chopsticks and served Lan Lingyu with vegetables, "I just listened to the prince. The Lord said that he would invite a few people to come back to serve the concubine. How can those servants who have not been trained to serve the concubine? Although the servants and Qingyao have never served anyone, they used to be well-clothed and well-fed, and they know how rich people should behave. , let the slaves and Qingyao serve the son and concubine from now on."

She glanced at Qingyao, and Qingyao also said in a low voice: "The servant will definitely do her duty in Ziyuan."

The two of them put vegetables in Lan Lingyu's bowl, as if the unhappiness just now hadn't happened at all.

Li Chaochao sat and watched with a slight smile all the time, Ning Qingyuan glanced at Li Chaochao's expression from the corner of his eye, and sneered in his heart, but it was not visible on his face, "Don't talk when you eat or sleep, please eat your master."

She blocked Li Chaochao with her body, preventing Li Chaochao from making any eye contact with Lan Lingyu at all.

Lan Lingyu couldn't see what Ning Qingyuan was up to, and now he dragged Qingyao into the water together. He couldn't eat when he saw them. To be precise, he couldn't see Li Chaochao, let alone eat.

Li Chaochao bowed his head to pick up the food as usual, he would be hungry if he didn't eat, not to mention she was tired all day, since someone was serving Lan Lingyu, she was happy to be at leisure.

The most important thing is that she wants to see how long Lan Lingyu can endure.

Also let this guy know that forbearance with a knife on his head is not something everyone can do!
It was very hard when she endured the Ni family back then!
Now everyone is aware of Ning Qingyuan's little tricks, and it depends on who is the first to get mad.

Ning Qingyuan is also forbearing, but Li Chaochao is playing the remaining tricks.

Lan Lingyu held the chopsticks in her hand, and watched Ning Qingyuan rubbing her face in a gauze dress and tube top, seemingly nonchalantly. He didn't eat a mouthful of food, and slapped the chopsticks on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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