The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 347 Trouble will come to you

Chapter 347 Trouble will come to you (1)
On the other side, Lan Zhilin was found to have unfaithful intentions towards Lin Lan. First, he was beaten up by Lin Lan's subordinates, and then he was ridiculed by everyone and kicked out of Bishui Villa. He returned to the Hou Mansion in a daze, and locked himself in the house No one was seen.

Lan Zhilin was injured all over, but his mind was still clear. Last time, he missed something because he was drinking too much. This time, he wanted to find an opportunity to approach Li Chaochao to ask about her big wedding that day, and why she wanted to kill him. It turned out that she entered Curtain, he chased after it and found that it was Lin Lan!
No matter how stupid he was, he suddenly came to his senses even after being hurt twice, Li Chaochao was hurting him!
Lan Zhilin hated to smash things in the house, and the servants did not dare to go in, and he was not allowed to inform even the Ni family.

Ning Qingyuan had been hiding in the dark and peeking for a long time, and when she saw Lan Zhilin driving away the servants, she quietly walked over and opened the door to enter.

When Lan Zhilin saw that it was her, she was furious, "Who allowed you to come in!"

"Hehe, look at your distraught appearance, could it be that you have been played like a monkey again!"

Ning Qingyuan is just trying her luck, she just needs to negotiate with Lan Zhilin, and it will definitely not be a problem for the two of them to join forces to deal with Li Chaochao!

Lan Zhilin picked up the thing at hand and threw it at Ning Qingyuan, Ning Qingyuan dodged in time, stepped forward to pat him with a smile, "Hey, I said it's not that I'm angry with you, what are you looking for to vent your anger on me?"

Ning Qingyuan tentatively asked: "Who hurt you like this? The two ribs on your body were injured before. Could it be Li Chaochao who did it this time?"

"Get out! Get out! It's not your turn to talk nonsense here!"

"Sure enough, it's that bitch. What's the use of you getting angry here! Go to them to settle the score if you have the ability!" Ning Qingyuan softened her voice and coaxed: "I know you and Lan Lingyu are not on good terms, but Lan Lingyu Lingyu's weakness is Li Chaochao. As long as the two of us join forces to deal with them, there is absolutely no problem. No matter how you want to deal with Li Chaochao, anyway, Lan Lingyu is wearing a green hat, and he will never even think about raising his head in this life... Hahaha……"

The more Ning Qingyuan thought about it, the more complacent she became, as long as Li Chaochao was raped, it would be the same as seeing Lan Lingyu as a treasure in the future!
Lan Zhilin stared at Ning Qingyuan with fire in her eyes, her words just now were revolving in her mind.

As long as Lan Lingyu wears a green hat, Lan Lingyu will lose face!

If Li Chaochao can't get it, there is a ready-made one in front of him!

As long as she is Lan Lingyu's woman, it's fine, not to mention that if he wants to get Li Chaochao, he will never treat him so harshly!
Lan Zhilin suddenly laughed triumphantly, grabbed Ning Qingyuan's neck, told her to press her tightly on the bed, and sneered, "You're right, let Lan Lingyu wear a green hat! Let's make him look good together !"

Ning Qingyuan was suddenly strangled by the neck, unable to even speak, and could only utter a single syllable sharply, "No——"

She kicked her legs wildly, trying to hide, but she didn't have the strength to resist Lan Zhilin, she could only be crushed by him.

After Lan Zhilin drank the wine, his stamina was strong, his body was covered with injuries, and he was burning with anger, and now he only had one thought in his mind, to make Lan Lingyu wear a cuckold.

Ning Qingyuan struggled in horror, her clothes were not torn, and Lan Zhilin directly pulled down her obscene pants, and she was bullied by her whole body, and she screamed again!
Lan Zhilin felt uncomfortable, and found that Ning Qingyuan was still a virgin, coldly grabbed her crying face, and slapped her, "Why are you crying! Aren't you going to deal with Lan Lingyu? He doesn't even want to Touching you, do you still want to keep chastity for him? You can’t be a chaste and strong woman! I slept with you today, and I agreed to deal with them and their husband and wife together with you! We each get what we need! What’s more, you are a woman It also needs to be relieved!"

Ning Qingyuan's eyes were dazed from the pain, she felt that humiliating voice was so far away, she was so confused that she couldn't see the edge.

The pain almost split her body in two... She must not forget who brought her these shames today!

Ning Qingyuan grabbed the brocade quilt under her body in pain, Li Chaochao, this should belong to you!

Let Lan Zhilin return it to you sooner or later!
After a few more days, Lan Zhilin's actions towards Lin Lan had already been spread all over the city, only the corner of Ziyuan seemed to be isolated from the rest of the world.

After noon, Li Chaochao was eating in the courtyard, and Ning Qingyuan was away for the past few days. She used red chrysanthemum to prepare several types of face powder, and ordered someone to bring two pots back to the south of the Yangtze River.

Chun Li suddenly hurried over from the door, bowed in front of Li Chaochao and said, "Grandma, someone from the Hou Mansion has sent a message saying that...the wife and children of the second room have arrived."

Li Chaochao shook his fan for a while, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Xiu Niang came.

When going to the Hou's Mansion, Li Chaochao took Chunli alone. She wanted to wait for Lan Lingyu to come back, but she couldn't bear it and the third lady Ni from the Hou's Mansion invited her two or three times. Come to invite me too.

Li Chaochao is not such an airy person, she is not afraid of what she will see if she meets anyone, but she just doesn't want Lan Lingyu to worry about it.

The master and the servant leisurely entered the Hanging Flower Gate of the Marquis Mansion through the side door, and went to the Jingxin Hall. Everyone was gathered there. Much like the second master when he was young."

Mrs. Ni followed with a smile and said, "Mother, we didn't see the second master when he was young, but we just looked at the little tiger with a blessed appearance."

I heard another familiar voice say: "Auntie said that, with you and Mrs. Tai protecting her, she must be loved and loved."

Chun Li suddenly turned her head and said in a low voice, "It's Miss San."

Standing at the door, Li Chaochao smiled and shook his head, "No, she is no longer the third lady, but the wife and concubine of the second room of the Marquis's Mansion in Wuxiang."

As for whether it is a wife or a concubine, she doesn't know yet, at least the one who can gain face in front of Mrs. Tai must be a noble concubine.

The expression on Chunli's face was a bit sober, she lowered her head and lifted the curtain for Li Chaochao, and the master and servant walked in one after the other.

As soon as he passed through the screen, he heard Ni's yin and yang yo yo two times, "Our concubine is here, I really invite you three times and four times."

Li Chaochao walked forward with a smile, and glanced across the room, except for Mrs. Ni at the head, this time Mrs. Ni and Mrs. Ni were sitting on one side, and Lan Duruo stood behind Mrs. Ni. Opposite was the second wife's wife—Mother of Lan Teng'an, There were also two young ladies from the Lan family, and Xiuniang was sitting on the round pier at Mrs. Tai's feet, holding a three-year-old boy in her arms.

Today Li Chaochao is wearing a gold thread-stitched gauze dress, with a pair of cloud silk embroidered shoes inlaid with vermilion satin and pearls on the soles of his feet, only a round bun on his head, and a lotus heart silk bead hairpin inserted obliquely. The gold-encrusted oriental pearl earrings on her ears dangled beside her, and a few strands of blue silk hung on her chest. Instead of her usual simple and simple dress, she moved the lotus ring lightly, showing nobility and elegance, and no one could look directly at her. Guanghua's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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