The Prince's Humen's Wife

Chapter 355: Xiu Niang’s Visit

Chapter 355: Xiu Niang’s Visit (4)
Li Chaochao smiled, "Then congratulations."

Xiao Fan pouted, "Congratulations to me!"

Xiao Shan was also born as an official girl, and knowing the open and secret fighting in the back house, she knew that she would never be able to defeat Li Chaochao. Although she hated Li Chaochao for letting her follow a man who could be her father, it was better than selling out. And knowing that the goals of the two are the same, as long as there is an alliance, they can stand up and become masters.

It's just that when Li Chaochao said that he would not cooperate with her and rely on her own ability in everything, she felt that this was unrealistic, so she had to visit her.

As the saying goes, do not go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, Li Chaochao knows this truth.

Xiao Shan didn't talk about it, and Li Chaochao would never take the initiative to ask.

Xiao Fan said: "Guess who I saw when I came in just now?"

Li Chaochao raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, "My third sister just left my place."

"Wow!" Xiao Fan snorted, "I saw Ning Qingyuan came to look for Qing Yao."

Li Chaochao glanced at Chunli quite unexpectedly, and Chunli hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law Chun said that Ning Qingyuan has something to do with Qingyao, so she didn't let her in, and only let Qingyao go out to meet her."

Li Chaochao frowned almost imperceptibly, Xiaofan smiled and said, "You just let them both mess around?"

"Maybe they're just sisters reminiscing about old times."

Xiaoshan didn't treat herself as an outsider, and spat, "Fuck her sisters, that bitch Qingyao! Never let her and Ning Qingyuan harm you again!"

Sure enough, everyone's identities have changed, and their positions have also changed. Li Chaochao smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that Li Chaochao didn't speak, Xiaofan became a little anxious. If Li Chaochao didn't let go, it would be difficult for her to say what to say next.

"Why don't I help you solve Qingyao and Ning Qingyuan?"

Li Chaochao squinted at her, "No need, just let them fend for themselves. You have a lot of things to do yourself, and I have nothing to help you."

Xiaofan understood that Li Chaochao was being sloppy on purpose, and couldn't help grinding his teeth, "Li Chaochao, you are really bad, and I won't go around with you anymore. To tell you the truth, I just wanted to ask you for a favor these days. of."

Only then did Li Chaochao raise his eyebrows, but Xiaoshan couldn't hold back and spoke first.

"Although we agreed not to be allies before, we have a common enemy, the Ni family. As long as you help me, I will never stand idly by."

"Little fan... the third lady loves the prince very much, how could she be my enemy?" Li Chaochao smiled, "I don't need any help, I appreciate your kindness."

"Li Chaochao!" Xiaoshan stomped anxiously, "I know it's okay if you don't confess to me, but I really ask you to help me this time."

Li Chaochao looked at her with a smile, "I'm afraid I can't do anything."

Xiao Shan gritted her teeth, "If you are willing to help me, I will tell you a secret!"

She didn't care whether Li Chaochao listened or not, she grabbed her shoulder and leaned over to mutter a few words, Li Chaochao's hand paused slightly, and the expression on his face changed again and again.

Chun Li didn't know what Xiao Shan said, but she had never seen Li Chao Chao show such an expression.

But it was only a momentary change. When Xiao Shan raised his head, Li Chaochao calmed down and said with a smile, "How do you know?"

"Hmph, why do you suddenly help me when you are Aunt Dou?" Xiaoshan sneered, "She was so restricted by the Ni family before, she must have some reason, and when she saw me disturbing, she suddenly joined forces with me. If she really hated Mrs. Ni resisted a long time ago, so I thought something was wrong and sent someone to investigate. Although there is no real evidence, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this matter."

Xiao Shan said again: "Actually, as long as Mrs. Ni is pulled off the horse, Aunt Dou has nothing to fear."

Li Chaochao looked at Xiaofan fixedly, "What do you want me to do?"

Seeing Li Chaochao let go, Xiaofan said coldly, "I want a child!"

Li Chaochao was quite surprised by this, Xiaofan lowered her eyes, "Ni asked Aunt Dou to pour me safflower water, in fact, I know why Aunt Dou cooperated with me, I can't have children, and I don't pose any threat to her. As long as I kill Mrs. Ni, I won't pose any threat, but she doesn't know that I also know her weakness, hehehehe..."

Xiao Shan kept laughing coldly, "If the Crown Princess lets me have a man, I am willing to serve you allegiance."

Li Chaochao smiled, everyone has a selfish side, and no one will be punished for himself.

At night, after rolling the sheets, Lan Lingyu held Li Chaochao in his arms. When he came back, he learned that Xiuniang and Xiaoshan had both been here before, and he squeezed Li Chaochao's chin with a cold face, "Why are you being so polite to them?"

"Naturally it is useful." Li Chaochao smiled and bit his finger. "The reason why wicked people do evil is a double-edged sword. If Mrs. Ni wants to use them against me, I will use them to cut off Mrs. Ni's tail."

She suddenly turned around and sat on Lan Lingyu's waist, "Today Xiaoshan told me something."

"Huh?" Lan Lingyu caressed the inside of Li Chaochao's legs absently, "Let's hear it."

Li Chaochao leaned down and said in a low voice, "Xiaoshan suspects that Aunt Dou killed your mother."

Lan Lingyu's fingers paused, her eyes darkened, "Did she find the evidence?"

"You also have doubts?" Li Chaochao was surprised, he had never heard Lan Lingyu mention it.

Lan Lingyu nodded, "It's just that there's no evidence. I think Mrs. Ni should have destroyed something. If she hadn't caught Aunt Dou's tricks, how could she have listened so obediently to Mrs. Ni's words all these years."

"It's difficult without evidence, but Aunt Dou is easy to deal with, but Ni is very cunning." Li Chaochao smiled slyly, "Actually, we can use Aunt Dou to convict Ni of murder."

"Well, this plan is feasible." Lan Lingyu nodded, "But the current situation is a bit delicate. There must be no mistakes in the location of any mansion, even the elderly in the family must not die. Otherwise, it will easily cause an uproar."

Li Chaochao said: "I understand that it is not time for Ni to die, and it is easy to kill her. Now I can let Chen Fan take her head. But this is too cheap for her. I have already thought about it. Her life has been turned upside down, she doesn't want to live anymore, but she can't die, she will definitely not let her have a good life for half a day!"

Lan Lingyu nodded her nose, "Are you determined to let Lin Lan marry in? It's just that I received news that Mrs. Ni's going to the Prime Minister's Mansion today doesn't seem to want to form this marriage."

Li Chaochao sneered, "Is it because she doesn't want to?"

She leaned into Lan Lingyu's ear and whispered a few words, Lan Lingyu smiled and said, "Why do I like your bad manners? In this way, Mrs. Ni can just wait for her son to marry a wife."

The two rolled into a ball with a smile, and Lan Lingyu smiled and said, "I'm still worried that Mrs. Ni's letting those people from the second room come in is to cause trouble for you. It seems that she is shooting herself in the foot. But how are you going to deal with it?" Your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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