Prosperous Favorite: Evil Prince, insist on teasing

Chapter 1101 The Ice Coffin in Memories

Chapter 1101 The Ice Coffin in Memories
Elder Chi on the side seemed to see something, his mouth was like a machine gun, and he kept talking.

"You don't know, this guy, in order to break the formation for five days and five nights, he didn't eat or drink, and he stayed like this for so long."

Leng Haochen never expected that this old guy would expose his background like this.

He gritted his teeth: "Shut up."

The surrounding air pressure seems to be several degrees lower, and there is air-conditioning everywhere
Chi Lao seemed to be a little overwhelmed by this momentum, and his speaking speed dropped a little, but he didn't stop.

Until the end, the feeling of coldness was even worse, and he really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother!" Leng Ruoyun stared at him, now Leng Haochen was being honest, and his cold aura was restrained a bit.

He looked at her with some grievances, but she didn't buy it——

Old Chi took a breath.

It's so dangerous, I knew that this girl could restrain her brother, and now it seems that his choice was not wrong.
Leng Ruoyun wanted to know what happened these days, but she also knew that it was impossible for Leng Haochen to speak out by himself.

However, from Chi Lao's mouth, she learned the whole story.

Back then, Leng Haochen didn't go with them, not because he didn't want to, but because his master
His master summoned him back and passed on the identity of the master of Xuanming Palace to him.

Then, I told him a big news.

The news was nothing but a news about his mother.

Coincidentally, the place his master mentioned was exactly the mysterious place in the southeast direction.

His master helped him to open that barrier, and then he had to walk all the way inside——

He never thought that the inside would be so complicated, and he was trapped in it for a long time with all kinds of formations.
Leng Ruoyun was dragged to a place that she was very familiar with.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, she never expected that they would come here.

Following them all the way, the desolate prime minister's mansion was overgrown with weeds, which reminded Leng Ruoyun of the dilapidated yard she lived in when she traveled back then.

Also dilapidated and desolate—

"Mr. Chi!?" They followed Mr. Chi all the way to Mr. Chi's original courtyard.

A memory comes rushing in like a tidal wave.

Ice coffin!

Back then, after Chi Lao left, she and Xian Yu saw an ice room here.

Xianyu also analyzed at the time: There is likely to be an ice coffin placed here.

She suppressed the shock in her heart, and followed them step by step, getting closer to that place.

Leng Ruoyun became more and more horrified——

"Here, the aura is very powerful!" Zi Teng's voice sounded.

Leng Ruoyun nodded, she also found out.

There are many strong people around her, their auras are very strong, and, by visual inspection, she probably has surpassed the highest level of cultivation in this continent.

The girl followed Leng Ruoyun all the time, and she seemed to be looking at her unintentionally.

Like. Too much like.

Leng Ruoyun turned her head, the woman's emotions hadn't come back yet.

She smiled awkwardly: "Miss!"

Leng Ruoyun frowned, her guess was right.

Ever since she was in the inn, she felt that the way this woman looked at her was like looking at some memory through her.

At first she was not sure about the relationship between the woman in front of her and her own mother, but now she is sure! ?

"Do you know Lingxin!?" If she guessed correctly, then this woman probably knew Lingxin.

Sure enough, when she heard the name, the woman frowned.


(End of this chapter)

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