Chapter 1121 He Came to Find Her

You know, the stronger the cultivation, the stronger the suppression.

Rao, they are suppressed by the protection of heaven, which should not be underestimated.

The figure of the man was still as cool as ever: "Report everything about these days!"

Looking at this little girl who was about to become a mother, the first smile appeared on Jun Lingyu's face in so many years.

"You are the blessing of the people of Donglong Kingdom."

Leng Ruoyun felt a little embarrassed: "Originally, I was only doing it for the original agreement, but later."

But it turned into really wanting to be for them.

"No matter what the starting point is, the original intention is for the good of the people." He sighed: "I am not a good emperor, nor can I be called a good husband!"

She said that she wanted to live that simple life, and he hadn't been able to satisfy her before.

After she died, he could only accompany her in this way.

Although he shaved his hair, he still never wanted to forget the common things.

The original intention of shaving hair was to forget to abandon those tedious things and start from scratch.

Forget her, that will never be possible!

Leng Ruoyun was also very moved by their feelings: "You have done a good job."

The emperor in history, isn't that the Sannomiya Sixth Court?Since ancient times, affection can't be kept, she still knows this truth.

However, when she saw this scene today, she was still shocked.

For one person, he was willing to give up the whole country. It can be seen that in his heart, the weight of Concubine Lian can't be surpassed by ordinary people.

"I've already given them the elixir." He smiled suddenly as he spoke, and that smile was mixed with a hint of relief.

Leng Ruoyun told the truth: "He is a talented person. If it is said that he was not particularly sad for the Donglong royal family because of his brother before, but after this incident, he will definitely put his heart into it."

When a person really wants to do something, that attitude is definitely very different from being forced.

He nodded in agreement: "He is a very talented person. What happened back then was chilling, but now everything is back on track."

In this way, he can rest assured.

He told him when he left.

[This elixir is like a bone, the most important thing is to follow your heart. If you like it, go for it.

Don't leave any regrets in your life,

Remembering what he said at that time, he suppressed a smile.

At that time, he really felt like a long-winded monk.

After leaving him, Leng Ruoyun went up the back mountain by himself.

In the back mountain, plum blossoms are blooming all over the mountains and fields, and the unique scene in the cold snow gives rise to an inexplicable sense of desolation.

Looking at the words on the tombstone, she was silent for a long time.

It has to be said that Leng Ruoyun felt a sense of envy in her heart. As a woman, she had to say that Concubine Lian was lucky.

He met someone who loved her and was willing to give up everything for her.

However, at the same time as a woman, she is also sad, because no matter how much she is favored, the husband who once shared herself with others really exists.

After Jun Moming left from Jun Lingyu, he also found traces and came to the back mountain.

The woman standing in the cold snow immediately occupied all his sights.

He couldn't take his eyes off for a long time——

That was the person he had been thinking about day and night, and he finally saw her again.

that's nice!

This scorching gaze, even if she ignores it, she can't ignore it
(End of this chapter)

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