Chapter 1147
The ice valley is hundreds of feet deep and thousands of feet long.

From a distance, the people inside are as big as ants.

People from the Xue clan and people from the Ji clan are here, and the two people work together to plant these.

"The phantom fox family is really powerful!" Xian Yu sighed straight away.

Planting these can only rely on personal power piously, even the master of this space cannot do whatever he wants.

With a flick of the phantom fox's tail, one fox can hit several people.

Even Ji's father and Xuehao are all involved in the planting work.

Seeing them standing on the rock wall of the ice valley, they just said hello and continued immediately.

"How far away?" Leng Ruoyun asked.

Xian Yu pointed to the land next to it, which was about one-tenth of the land left, "There's only so much left, I guess it will be over in one day."

Leng Ruoyun's heart moved, and he smiled lightly: "Let me try it too."

A cyan lotus rose out of the sky, and the surrounding cyan silk soared instantly.

The lotus moved with her, and when she landed at the bottom of the valley, the lotus instantly seemed to grow vines, extending towards the surroundings
The cultivated seedlings were entwined by ivy in this way, and then planted in the dug earth pit.

Her speed is very fast, one is enough to hold thousands of troops.

The people around were stunned, the speed was incredible.

Many people stopped what they were doing and just looked at her like this.

Father Ji looked at her with more and more fiery eyes.

Xue Hao repeatedly praised: "Young people nowadays are really getting tougher and tougher, we are really old."

After Leng Ruoyun sacrificed Qinglian, he discovered a phenomenon.

That Qinglian is not only within this snow area, not only will it not be disturbed by the power of the wind and snow, but on the contrary, it will become more and more violent.

Under the nourishment of this piece of ice spiritual power, the ivy became thicker.

"Come out!" Leng Ruoyun crossed his legs in the air and called out all the other four lotus.

Even Huolian is no exception.

"Is that woman crazy, wanting to practice fire attribute spiritual power in this snowy area!" Someone in the crowd said this.

"Look, there are not only fire attributes that are repulsive to ice attributes, but also thunder attributes."

"I see, that woman must have just heard what we said, her heart was inflated, and she wanted to satisfy her own vanity, so she made it for us."

"Look, the lotus-shaped spiritual power technique is just an illusion of spiritual power. It's ridiculous to want to absorb other spiritual power in this snowy area."

Those who were applauding her originally echoed that person's words.

They respect the strong, but they don't need the kind of people who don't have a brain.

Especially, from their point of view, such a female doll, whose cultivation level is not as good as theirs, may just have a good skill, which will cause this——

After all, they have never seen someone who can transform spiritual power into such a strange shape.

Father Ji heard those people's voices, but did not refute.

Xuehao was secretly surprised: "Could it be that Patriarch Ji thinks so too?"

Father Ji snorted coldly: "Do you think this old man is such a superficial person, that a high-ranking Lingxian can transform spiritual power to such a stage, do you think that this is something that ordinary people can do?"

"People in the Illusory Continent have been at the level of spirit immortals since they were born, but most of them can only reach the level of spirit saints throughout their lives, and very few people can reach the level of spirit sects. However, many people can't even reach the level of spirit saints. In this step, spiritual energy is realized, which some people dare not even think about."

(End of this chapter)

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