Prosperous Favorite: Evil Prince, insist on teasing

Chapter 1187 Departure to the Demon Race

Chapter 1187 Departure to the Demon Race

Thinking of this, her eyes darkened a few degrees, but when she raised her head again, all her emotions were restrained very cleanly.

Afraid that Leng Ruoyun would see something.

Seeing Leng Ruoyun eating happily, Lingyue was filled with happiness.

This is the first time she feels like she's a mother and hooks up a bit with passing!

This meal is only made by Lingyue specially for Leng Ruoyun, she has something to do for dinner, so there are only Lingyue and Leng Ruoyun for this meal.

The dinner should be relatively big, there are Leng Haochen and Mingyue, this is also their first meeting.

Of course, this meal is also extremely enjoyable.

Mingyue picked up the wine glass and drank recklessly: "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Leng Haochen's handsome face was also slightly sad: "Yes."

If he wants to know the Demon Race, the sooner the better.

He always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he didn't know why. Besides, now that his father's life and death were uncertain, he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Every day, his mother didn't say it out, but he could feel that his mother was missing his father, but for some unknown reason, she didn't go to him.

Even Leng Haochen was puzzled by this point, but he didn't want to ask.

Because my mother loves my father and is more eager to find him than anyone else, so he can't rub salt on the wound.
After eating a meal, it was quite enjoyable, and at the end, Mingyue patted Leng Haochen on the shoulder.

"Be careful with everything, yourself is the most important thing, and everything else must be left behind."

Leng Haochen thought that Mingyue wanted to persuade him, but it wasn't.

He nodded lightly: "Everything that belongs to us, I will not let it fall into the hands of others."

At this moment, his ruthlessness was completely released without reservation.

Mingyue was shocked for just that second: "Since this is the case, then I won't say anything more."

How could his son be a coward.

Now she only hopes that her sister's family will be fine and there will be no more twists and turns, but she knows that this is only her wish.

In fact, it is much crueler than it is now.


After the small family banquet was over, Lingyue called Mingyue into her room.

"He came to you today, what exactly is it?"

What they said was good, but the patriarch of the spirit clan sent someone here suddenly, and she didn't have time all the time. Now that she finally found some free time, she must ask carefully.

Mingyue's eyes were calm, and she licked her lower lip: "It's nothing."

"Your answer is wrong!" Lingyue kept staring at her movements: "You are not good at lying, but every time you make this lip licking movement, something must be wrong. Tell me, what is it?"

The more Mingyue didn't want to talk about it, the more Lingyue wanted to know.

Because, this afternoon, she already knew that since she left for so long, there has been no spiritual girl in charge.

Her life card should have been gray that day, and it was even likely to be broken.

Her guess was indeed good, the fate card in the hand of the patriarch of the Spirit Race belonged to her, and the things that should have been broken long ago were pieced together at this moment.
Even if it is put together completely, the life card cannot re-exude the light it should have.

"Nothing really happened"

"Did he let you inherit the spirit girl?" Before Mingyue finished speaking, Lingyue spoke out first.

Mingyue's eyes widened: "Why are you, that's all, I knew this matter would not be hidden from you for long, but I never thought you would find out so soon."

Lingyue sneered: "The spirit race has been around for so long, but few candidates are qualified. At the beginning, we were chosen in one fell swoop. Who do you think his next target will be?"

(End of this chapter)

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