Chapter 109

As soon as the words fell, Ying Jue's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly shouted: "That's right! How could I have forgotten such an important thing, but Missy...she won't let me follow."

Wan Xingchi's eyes moved slightly, and then he smiled warmly and said: "Well, I will follow her for you, and you go back to the city lord's mansion first, and wait for the city lord's decision."

"Really, Mr. Du, thank you so much this time, I'll go back to my life right now!" Ying Jue's eyes lit up.

Wan Xingchi hooked the corners of his lips, and then said: "Well, which direction did Fat Xue go?"

"Miss is going to the west, I just left not long ago, it should be not far away." Ying Jue replied.

Wan Xingchi nodded slightly, and after Ying Jue left, he turned his eyes to the west.

Yunyan Building

"Wow—" Looking at the exquisite and gorgeous pavilions, the women in gorgeous clothes twisted their graceful waists on the stage, and the woman in red couldn't help but opened her eyes and opened her mouth wide in exclamation.

"Hey, girl, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. We only do men's business here. If the girl is lonely, go to the Xuanwei Pavilion opposite to find a young lady~" A fat waist Seeing the woman in red approaching, the old woman glanced at the woman's face, covered her mouth with a fan and said with a smile: "Could it be that the girl is here to prostitute herself?"

"You're the one selling yourself!" The woman in red glared at the woman, then turned around to look in the opposite direction, and asked, "You said that the Xuanwei Pavilion opposite is for women's business?"

The fat woman covered her mouth and laughed even more happily, and said, "They do business for men and women. Girls are interested. Why don't you go and have a look?"

Hearing this, a pair of beautiful eyes turned around, and then walked towards the door, not forgetting to take a look at the fat woman before leaving.

Outside the Yunyan Building, Wan Xingchi watched the woman in red with an unconcealable excitement come out, then walked in towards Xuanwei Pavilion, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned.

In Xuanwei Pavilion, a man in blue is holding his head half-supported in one hand, and lazily shaking a fan in the other hand. The man looks extremely handsome, but there is a trace of coldness between his brows and eyes. Why? He seemed indifferent to everything, but this aura did not lessen the man's beauty, on the contrary, it made people feel more sacred and inviolable.

Beside him, a middle-aged man smiled courteously and said, "Shili, today there are many nuns who are willing to pay a lot of money to drink tea and discuss the Tao with you. Is it still not a single one?"

Hearing this, the man gave the middle-aged man a cold sideways glance, and said, "No."

Hearing the young man in blue's answer, the expression on the middle-aged man's face froze slightly. Even though there was a lot of anger accumulated in his heart, he still didn't dare to express it to the young man in the middle stage of Jindan in front of him, so he could only force it The corner of his mouth continued to smile and said: "Master Shili, you can come to our Xuanwei Pavilion, and I have never thought of offending you to receive guests, but after all, you are our signature here, even if you don't like to be with those female nuns You should also show your face when we are talking, otherwise the people in Yunyan Tower opposite will always laugh at us, don’t we men in Xuanwei Pavilion also feel uncomfortable when they hear it?”

After the words fell, Yu Shili frowned slightly, and did not answer the middle-aged man's words, but his face was clearly displeased. Seeing this, the middle-aged man shut his mouth wisely.

"Boom—" A loud noise suddenly sounded from the outside, as if some large object had been smashed to pieces. The middle-aged man's face changed quickly, and he ran out the door and looked under the pavilion.

Yu Shili's eyes also moved slightly.

The middle-aged man hadn't seen clearly what was going on below when suddenly a man's figure slammed straight at him. He was startled, but there was no time to dodge the shock, so he had to yell loudly, and quickly closed his eyes. eyes.

However, the unexpected pain did not hit my face, I saw that the man who was thrown just now was shocked by a spirit energy that appeared behind him, and instantly changed direction and threw it to another place.

The middle-aged man heaved a sigh of relief, looked behind him and wanted to know who saved him, when he met the cold gaze of the young man in blue, the middle-aged man immediately said with a smile on his face: "Thank you Master Shili helped, thank you Master Shili!"

Yu Shili's eyes swept across his face, without saying a word, he walked up to him and looked in the direction of the first floor.

I saw a beautiful girl in a flame-like red dress grabbing the collar of a man in Xuanwei Pavilion, and shouting angrily: "What's the point! Seeing his mood, I'm going to decide on him today, so I'll ask him to come out to see me now, or I'll send someone to smash your Xuanwei Pavilion, and see if you dare to be so rampant!"

"Girl, please calm down, our top card is really big, and we are still a monk in the middle stage of Jindan, why don't you ask another young man to accompany you..." The woman in red was grabbing her collar, and she was about to become a monk. The man who was thrown out next had a look of fear on his face, and spoke to the woman in red in a friendly voice.

Hearing this, the woman in red raised her eyebrows, but her face turned cold, and she shouted: "I don't!"

After finishing the words, she raised her hand holding the man's collar, and was about to throw him out, when suddenly a powerful coercion came over her, severely suppressing her raised hand.

The face of the woman in red changed suddenly, and she saw that her hands were severely pressed down by a coercion from nowhere, and then her hands were loosened, and the man she was holding quickly ran away. Yes, the woman in red stared at her beautifully, and shouted: "Who is it, tell me your name!"

"Xuanwei Pavilion, Yu Shili." The man in blue on the pavilion looked at the woman in red with an arrogant face below, and his voice was extremely cold.

After the voice fell, the woman in red followed the voice and looked towards that side. She was dressed in blue at first, and looked up. After seeing that face, a pair of beautiful almond eyes suddenly widened, and she exclaimed: " You... are you the number one card in Xuanwei Pavilion, you really look alike!"

Seeing the sudden admiration in those eyes, a trace of disgust flashed across Yu Shili's eyes, he snorted coldly, then raised his right hand slightly, and a spirit energy from the middle stage of golden core struck towards the woman in red, He had obviously seen through the woman's cultivation at the early stage of foundation establishment, and she couldn't stop his attack at the middle stage of Golden Core, so this attack was determined to kill her.

Seeing the sudden appearance of spiritual energy in front of her eyes, the woman in red immediately turned pale with fright, it was clearly intended to put her to death!However, the aura was so fierce that she had no time to dodge it!

(End of this chapter)

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