The daily life of the villain

Chapter 127 Return to the Ruins

Chapter 127 Return to the Ruins
Hearing what Qiao Youxue said, Elder Chun's eyes suddenly became vicissitudes, he smiled and said: "It's not a person, it's not a person, it's neither a human nor a ghost that came out of that place, and there's no trace to be found."

"Where is it?" Qiao Youxue asked hastily.

Hearing this, Elder Chun looked far away, as if remembering something from a long time ago, he fell silent.

Seeing Elder Chun's appearance, Qiao Youxue didn't urge him, but sat back in the place before, quietly waiting for Elder Chun's memories to end.

After an unknown amount of time, Elder Chun slowly said, "Return to the ruins."

Qiao Youxue frowned slightly, and did not speak. Elder Chun continued, "That's the place my master mentioned a long time ago. He said that this place is in the realm of cultivation, and it's not in the realm of cultivation. Souls, not souls, they are without a trace, no trace to be found, but they will appear at certain times, perhaps waiting for tens of millions of years without seeing a returner, or maybe within a day Hundreds of people can be seen inside, no one knows why they appeared, when they will disappear, and no one knows where Guixu is, but the ancestor said later that Guixu...maybe related to reincarnation."

"Reincarnation?!" Qiao Youxue's eyes flashed a light, and the brows frowned slightly.

If Guixu really appeared in the Yushang Secret Realm two years ago, would all the disciples who entered have arrived there? If it really has something to do with reincarnation, would these be able to explain her transmigrating here? !
Thinking of this, Qiao Youxue could already clearly feel her heart beating violently due to excitement, as if all the truth would appear in front of her in the next moment. This problem that had been entangled with her for two years was finally going to be in front of her. untied—

In the past two years, she seems to have been living with two hearts, one from her previous life, and the other from this life, existing as Qiao Youxue.

Qiao Youxue leaned back on the chair suddenly, raised her head, as if seeing the sky outside through the high roof, and there seemed to be a tiny light shining in her eyes.

Either way, she wants to know the truth.

"Guixu, maybe there is some kind of connection with reincarnation, but even today, no one knows what the connection is. The child has been away for two years, and he came back today. It is the same as before, unchanged." Elder Chun He looked in the direction of the door. Although the door was closed, he knew that the little drug boy was guarding the door.

It's just that his eyes are empty, as if he has lost all his memory, but he knows everything he should do.

Just as Qiao Youxue was thinking this way, her eyes suddenly tightened.

By the way... not 99 people came out of Naguixu, but 100 people!

Qiao Youxue sat up suddenly, and secretly glanced at Elder Chun.

If these people really came from Guixu, how should her identity be explained now?

Since the original owner, Qiao Youxue, has already entered the Guixu, she should not exist now. Originally, she was still wondering why she couldn't feel the breath of the original owner in this body after transmigrating. Now it seems that Her soul entered that place, and it took two full years before it came out again.

So... that girl is really the original owner!
If other people know about the existence of Guixu, it is not difficult to guess that Qiao Youxue is not the original owner of this body. In this cultivation world, no one will believe in the matter of crossing. I am afraid that more people will be able to guess that Take home...

If the members of the Qiao family knew that she was not the original owner of Qiao Youxue, how would they treat her...

Qiao Youxue's eyes drooped involuntarily, and the bottom of her eyes seemed to surge under the silence like a dark river.

Can't let them know!
For some reason, this was the first thing Qiao Youxue thought of.

She considers herself not a kind person, and all this is for herself to survive. Even though the original owner came back from the ruins, she who has studied "Thousand Silk Binding Spirit Art" can feel that the person who came out of it These things are not spirit bodies at all, they have a human breath on them, but they are very weird, which makes her have an intuition that they are not human...

Elder Chun said just now that the people who came out of Guixu are souls or not. Qiao Youxue can feel that the Thousand Threads Binding Spirit Art cannot control them. They are no longer spirit bodies. Drive the flesh.

A monk is a combination of spirit body and flesh body, one is indispensable. In the past, they were spirit bodies, and they were complete only when they had a flesh body, but now, they are already complete.

Therefore, she wanted to live, but she didn't want to owe the original owner anything. She took the original owner's body and practiced hard to protect her relatives.

Therefore, no one else should be allowed to know the existence of Guixu again, Qiao Youxue's eyes lightly swept Elder Chun's face around, and said suddenly: "That child used to be very sensible."

Hearing Qiao Youxue's words, Elder Chun's eyes moved, and then a kind smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Yes, Xiaoyi was picked up by me from a dilapidated village. The land has no parents, a dirty child, squatting on the street to beg, I saw him pitiful, and he was a bit weak, so I brought him back to the Qingyun sect... Xiaoyi has been sensible since he was a child, and in He is very talented in medical practice, and he knows how to work hard. Originally, if he didn't have the matter of Yushang Secret Realm back then, he should have been able to take charge of it alone."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue lightly hooked her lips, covered the complex light in her eyes, and continued: "But it's okay now, Xiaoyi is back, and the elder can still look at him twice."

The light in Elder Chun's eyes moved slightly, he looked at Qiao Youxue, and frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Qiao Youxue raised her eyes, looked directly into Elder Chun's gaze, slightly pursed her lips with a look of pity, and said, "The Yushang Secret Realm is of great importance, and the Law Enforcement Hall has already started investigating this matter. To be honest, the younger generation is also assisting in this matter, so they have some understanding of the situation. Presumably the elders have guessed that Xiaoyi is not the only one who came out of Yushang's secret environment, and the Law Enforcement Hall is also sending people to follow everyone. They came out, but in order not to make a big fuss about this matter, sooner or later these returnees will be arrested."

After Qiao Youxue's words fell, Elder Chun's face changed slightly: "Arrest them, they will also arrest Xiaoyi? Then what will they do, what will they want to do?"

Qiao Youxue lowered her eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "Does the elder really want to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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