The daily life of the villain

Chapter 159 Slaughter Village

Chapter 159 Slaughter Village
Bai Yi also nodded slightly to Qiao Youxue.

The Second Elder looked at Qiao Youxue, and said lightly, "You are here because of the upcoming monster disturbance in Shangmi Realm?"

Qiao Youxue nodded and said: "I also saw the situation of the monsters hidden in the ground that day, and those monsters will probably wake up soon, so I came to the Law Enforcement Hall to see if I can help .”

The eyes of the second elder moved for a second, and he said immediately: "This turmoil is within the controllable range of Qingyun Sect. Several elders in the sect will rush to the front line, and then those with lower cultivation levels, What do you think about the foundation-building stage only picking up some easy-to-handle monsters?"

"The disciple wants to go to the front with the elders." Qiao Youxue said.

The second elder seemed to have known that Qiao Youxue would say this for a long time, the expression on his face did not change, he nodded lightly and agreed. From the very beginning, Qiao Youxue and Yushang Secret Realm have been inextricably linked. Although the elder also intended to let her go to the front line, it was too dangerous after all, and it still depended on Qiao Youxue's own opinion. Seeing her answer now, the second elder also had some approval in his heart.

Bai Yi looked at the second elder, then at Qiao Youxue, and frowned slightly.

Speaking of which, he felt that it was a little inappropriate to let Qiao Youxue go forward to fight against the mutant monsters together, because after all, she only had a cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and once she encountered any danger, the other elders would have to separate their minds Protect her, but looking at the appearance of the second elder, it seems that he doesn't take this point to heart.

Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, she turned her eyes to look at Bai Yi, smiled and said: "Master Bai, it seems that we will still meet often in the future."

Bai Yi smiled and nodded lightly.

In Dayi Village, the white stone steles at the entrance of the village were stained red with blood, and the twilight reflected on this dead village, casting a layer of dim yellow light on this small village full of corpses.

The village is full of stumped limbs and broken arms, blood converging like a river, the air is filled with the smell of blood and corpses, and the sky is filled with mournful cries, and the whole village is shrouded in a breath of death. In the breath, it is like an underground Shura field.

And who would have imagined that during the day, this village was still full of laughter and laughter, and the neighbors looked harmonious, but after more than half a day, the village was brutally massacred.

The instigator of all this stood in a pool of blood with a strong figure, his green pupils glowed with excitement, and his two golden cat ears shone under the setting sun. He took his hand, licking the bright red blood on his hand with great enjoyment, and let out a satisfied hum from his nasal cavity.

Suddenly a sobbing cry burst out from in front of him, the light in the man's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he raised his steps and walked forward, his five fingers suddenly turned into extremely sharp claws.

In front was the corpse of a woman, and the cry of the girl came from under the corpse.

It turned out that the fish that slipped through the net was a little girl, so it must be delicious...

The cat demon thought so.

However, before he could reach the corpse, a figure in a black cloak took a step ahead of him, stepped on the corpses all over the ground, walked over, bent over and lifted the trembling girl from the cold corpse of the woman. The following hugged out.

There was a flash of light in the green eyes of the cat demon, and his whole body was suddenly wrapped in murderous aura. He looked at the boy in black and said coldly, "Put down my prey!"

The boy in black stood quietly on top of a pile of corpses. His figure was tall and straight, and his exposed fingers were well-knitted, which was very beautiful. A cold voice came from below.

"Uncle Jiu, stop."

As soon as the voice fell, Mao Jiuyan's face changed immediately, his eyes moved, and he said, "Xiao Chi, why are you here?!"

"I won't watch you continue killing, Uncle Jiu, it's time to turn around." Wan Xingchi said calmly without moving.

Hearing this, Mao Jiuyan first had a flash of surprise on his face, then he laughed as if he had heard something interesting, and said, "Xiao Chi, are you joking with Uncle Jiu? "

The little girl hid in Wan Xingchi's arms and sobbed softly, her small body trembling in his arms.

Wan Xingchi lowered his eyes slightly, glanced lightly at the little girl in his arms, pursed his thin lips lightly, and then said: "No."

"What did your father teach you back then? Look at your worthless appearance now, do you want Uncle Jiu to repeat what he said back then?!" Mao Jiuyan frowned.

A trace of indifference flashed in the bottom of the phoenix eyes, and then said: "I have already forgotten those words!"

"You can't forget!" Mao Jiuyan's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted, "You still bear the revenge of killing your father, and you want to chop up all the enemies from back then into minced meat one by one!"

"Shut up!" Wan Xingchi growled in a cold voice, her beautiful phoenix eyes were also slightly reddened at this moment.

Mao Jiuyan fell silent, looked the boy up and down with his eyes, hooked the corners of his lips with great interest, and said, "Xiao Chi, look down at the things under your feet, don't they look very familiar? Really? It's very similar to the road we walked in the past..."

Wan Xingchi didn't lower his head, because he knew that he was standing on top of the horrific pile of corpses, he didn't move, and he didn't speak.

Seeing this, Mao Jiuyan frowned even more, with an expression of hating iron for nothing. Seeing that Wan Xing hadn't spoken for a long time, the long and tall figure stood quietly on the pile of corpses, Mao Jiuyan Yan sighed heavily, then took two steps forward, stretched out both hands towards Wan Xingchi, and said, "Give me the prey."

After Mao Jiuyan's voice fell, Wan Xingchi obviously felt the girl in his arms trembling more violently. His figure didn't move. Although he didn't open his mouth to answer Mao Jiuyan's words, his motionless state already showed that everything.

Mao Jiuyan narrowed his eyes, looked at him and said, "Why, don't you even listen to your uncle Jiu?"

Mao Jiuyan continued to look at the boy in front of him. He still didn't say a word, but he didn't hand over the girl in his arms either.

"I don't have to worry about you for everything you're doing now, but don't forget that you still bear the blood feud of killing your father, as long as you want to come back, Uncle Jiu will be here waiting for you! Mao Jiuyan looked at the boy, frowned tightly, and said with a long sigh.

Hearing what Mao Jiuyan said, Wan Xingchi just slightly pursed the corners of his lips, and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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