Chapter 177 Request
Mao Jiuyan's figure suddenly disappeared in place, Qiao Youxue's shot missed, and only a big hole appeared in place.

She stopped, her eyes moved slightly, and then a spiritual energy moved towards the other bank behind her. Before the other bank was ready, Qiao Youxue's whole body was absorbed into Futu Sanyi.

It took only a short while for Master Ji to land firmly on the ground. Not long after, Gu Qingshui and Liao Keyou who followed behind also appeared here, and the three of them looked at Qiao Youxue.

"Junior Sister Youxue, are you okay!" Gu Qingshui asked first, his eyes full of worry.

Qiao Youxue could feel their arrival, she turned around slowly, raised her eyes to glance at Gu Qingshui, and then looked at Sect Master Ji.

Master Ji's eyes moved slightly, and then he said, "Just now you sent a letter to run the guardian array, did the monster get caught?"

Qiao Youxue blinked her eyes lightly, shook her head and said, "I didn't expect that he had the Thousand Miles Evasion Talisman in his hand, so I didn't catch him."

"Fortunately, Junior Sister is fine," Liao Keyou breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "What kind of monster is that?"

Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then she said, "Half demon, Mao Jiuyan."

After her words fell, Master Ji's eyes darkened, and his face changed suddenly.

Liao Keyou rubbed his chin and said, "I didn't expect the half-demon to dare to come to the Central Plains, but I heard that something happened to the Qiao family recently, and it seems to be related to the half-demon. Could it be..."

Qiao Youxue's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said, "That's right, it's this half-demon."

As soon as she finished speaking, Liao Keyou was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed and said, "That's a pity, this time it actually got into Qingyun Sect, and I haven't been able to catch it yet."

It is indeed a pity...

Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and a ray of light flashed across her eyes, and then she asked, "By the way, how did that half-demon get into Qingyun Sect? Please ask the head of the Law Enforcement Hall to find out if any disciples are missing." .”

After Qiao Youxue's words fell, Gu Qingshui's eyes moved slightly, and he pursed his lips and said, "It is true that a disciple of Qingyun Sect was killed, and now...he has fallen."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue looked at him, only to see that her eyes were completely cold and covered with anger.

Hearing all kinds of things that Mao Jiuyan committed, Qiao Youxue's anger accumulated more and more, but it was a pity that he let him escape this time. If it happened again next time, she would definitely kill him with her own hands.

Seeing the indifference on Qiao Youxue's face, Gu Qingshui couldn't help pursing the corners of his lips. He had heard from Liao Keyou when he came earlier, if he hadn't suddenly sent Qiao Youxue a sound-transmitting paper crane, she wouldn't have come Yun Yifeng's, if she hadn't come, wouldn't have encountered these dangers...

Thinking of this, Gu Qingshui's heart was full of self-blame. If Qiao Youxue did that thing, he wouldn't feel so much guilt at this time, but he just went to ask the Zongwu Hall, and finally found out The person is Fang Xiuxiu...

After a moment of silence in the air, Master Ji said lightly: "Qing Yunzong will investigate the matter of the half-demon. He failed to assassinate this time, and he will definitely kill you again. In the next two days, you will either Just stay on Lunxin Peak, or stay in Xinghan Peak, and make plans after Mao Jiuyan is caught."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, then she looked eagerly at Master Ji, and said, "Master Ji, I don't want to leave this matter alone!"

Meeting Qiao Youxue's scorching gaze, Head Master Ji's heart twitched slightly.

Qiao Youxue's eyes flickered, and she continued: "This half-demon has already killed many disciples of my Qiao family, and now he is planning to attack me again. I will not stand by idly anyway, and the outer sect competition is about to begin. , There are also people from my Qiao family in this outer sect competition, and the disciple wants to catch that cat Jiuyan as soon as possible, so as to prevent him from killing more people."

Headmaster Ji looked at Qiao Youxue, and his eyebrows moved slightly. That Mao Jiuyan's cultivation base was not low. In the past, he was in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, and he was one step away from reaching the stage of transformation. After this incident, her cultivation base plummeted, to what extent it is unknown now, but this scourge cannot be left in the realm of comprehension to cause harm to the world. It seems that he has to do it himself, but Qiao Youxue only has a cultivation base of the late foundation establishment stage. When I met that cat Jiuyan, I couldn't protect myself at all. Today, if she hadn't been witty and released the sound transmission paper crane to inform him to open the sect protection formation, she would have saved her life, but if she was outside the sect, she would have what should i do
In fact, in Sect Leader Ji's heart, Qiao Youxue's cultivation is no less than that of Gu Qingshui, because all the inheritance in Xinghan Peak is given to Qiao Youxue alone, and in the entire sect, she is the only one who is the same as Elder Li The mutated ice spirit root, and at the Tianjianzong Sword Discussion Conference, Qiao Youxue won the top spot on the ranking list, which directly won Qingyunzong's round, and won the attention of the second elder in the sect. She has already reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, if you look into it carefully, Sect Leader Ji probably values ​​her even more than Gu Qingshui.

Moreover, he could feel that Gu Qingshui had a knot in his heart and was slowly going downhill, but this kind of practice can only be truly overcome after he understands it himself.

Qiao Youxue saw that Sect Leader Ji hadn't spoken for a long time, her eyes moved slightly, and she said, "Sect Leader, I promise that I will never hit a stone with an egg and act impulsively."

Qiao Youxue also had calculations in her heart.

The reason why she asked herself to participate in this matter was because Mao Jiuyan had already seen the existence of the other bank, but after all, the other bank was born with a demon body and was not tolerated by monks, so Mao Jiuyan had to die. Come on, Mao Jiuyan was released by her own hands, but now he has brutally killed so many disciples of the Qiao family, and there are countless innocent people, so she must personally kill the curse that she planted.

After listening to Qiao Youxue's words, the head of Ji gradually came back to his senses, but his attitude did not loosen, and he said slowly: "This matter is still not good, that Mao Jiuyan is not a kind person, he is a desperado, you have never been in the world. Deep, it is easy to encounter danger."

"Sect Leader," seeing that Sect Leader Ji still maintained an opposing attitude, Qiao Youxue's brows frowned even tighter, her eyes flickered, she half-kneeled in the direction of Sect Leader Ji, and said firmly: " The disciple has been on the verge of death many times along the way, and the dangers he has encountered are countless, but the disciple only regards these as his own experiences. How to grow into the mainstay of Qingyun Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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